Sad, Sad, Terrible Gruesome News (More so for NA)

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If there is just too much 3DS games that are just too awesome, I'll probably get those games instead of a Wii U.

I am using 3DS games to occupy me for the relase of AC:3DS and Wii U
There are only like three games for the 3DS I'd want that are confirmed for this year. All I want is AC3DS.
Nintendo should really start translating the game while Japan is working on it. Maybe NOA could bother trying to help Japan make it LOL.

But that would make problems...
The game is for the most part done, they are just translating, and bug squashing. They probably make sure each day goes smoothly.
The game is for the most part done, they are just translating, and bug squashing. They probably make sure each day goes smoothly.

If you wanna get literal, the game is technically already in the US. There is a section of NOA that does bug testing for US versions of their games before they're released.

But yeah, the last steps in every game should always be extra debugging and polishing.
If you wanna get literal, the game is technically already in the US. There is a section of NOA that does bug testing for US versions of their games before they're released.

But yeah, the last steps in every game should always be extra debugging and polishing.

oh okay, thank you, i figure it was.
Well, that's what NOA does. They annoy us most of the time by not releasing ______ and it's already done (besides the bug-squashing)

I want AC:3DS to be released RIGHT after they're done testing. I was expecting it to be released Oct.-Nov. considering the anniversary, but....
It is possible. But it just depends on where exactly they are in terms of readiness.
We don't really know how big this game is going to be so we can't possibly correctly assume how close they are to being finished with the last details. Japan still doesn't have an exact date, which is really confusing, you'd think that if they were ready they would have given an exact date.
It is possible. But it just depends on where exactly they are in terms of readiness.
We don't really know how big this game is going to be so we can't possibly correctly assume how close they are to being finished with the last details. Japan still doesn't have an exact date, which is really confusing, you'd think that if they were ready they would have given an exact date.

True, all Japan said was Fall 2012, which can mean anything. October 5th, November 23rd.... it's endless.
There is the chance for AC: 3DS to come to the states this year, but it is very small. If not, it should release very early next year. I have a hunch we will hear about it soon enough.
not too early though, cause if it's like the first week of january, they could've just pushed it out in december.
not too early though, cause if it's like the first week of january, they could've just pushed it out in december.

Dude, you got to stop deluding yourself. When they say partial, they mean other game companies. Not a partial list of NINTENDO games. That's all Nintendo's games through 2012, so we're not getting it this year. And if we were, it would be announced in the next month, in time for it to actually be released. Plus, they probably don't have any games released in December, because it would be too close to paper Mario. They space their releases by 2 or 3 months at least, and Animal Crossing is too big a title to release that close to Paper Mario. All signs point to 2013, and mid 2013 at that. (Because Luigi's Mansion will probably be the big release of early 2013.)

I'd had my hopes up that they'd announce it soon as well, but the release date for Paper Mario solidifies that it's not coming. It's too late for them to announce it's release before Paper Mario, and there's not enough time after for them to still get it out during the holidays.

You can hope for a 2012 release, but logic goes against it. (Know this bums me out as well, I just couldn't stand the flaws in your arguments.)
Dude, you got to stop deluding yourself. When they say partial, they mean other game companies. Not a partial list of NINTENDO games. That's all Nintendo's games through 2012, so we're not getting it this year. And if we were, it would be announced in the next month, in time for it to actually be released. Plus, they probably don't have any games released in December, because it would be too close to paper Mario. They space their releases by 2 or 3 months at least, and Animal Crossing is too big a title to release that close to Paper Mario. All signs point to 2013, and mid 2013 at that. (Because Luigi's Mansion will probably be the big release of early 2013.)

I'd had my hopes up that they'd announce it soon as well, but the release date for Paper Mario solidifies that it's not coming. It's too late for them to announce it's release before Paper Mario, and there's not enough time after for them to still get it out during the holidays.

You can hope for a 2012 release, but logic goes against it. (Know this bums me out as well, I just couldn't stand the flaws in your arguments.)

i'm with you on this one, all these people saying "it's coming out this year guys!" are getting annoying.
Yeah. You might wanna start losing some of that faith in it coming out this year. =/

We're already halfway through August. Next month Nintendo is going to start dumping out information since it'll be so close to the fall season.
On the very slight chance that the US does get a 2012 release, it won't be until December. I hadn't known about the Wii U coming out this year, or else I'd have never even thought of AC coming out this year.
I agree, basically no hope for you guys. I wish I could say Europe has the same slight chance, but Miyamoto already did a video saying it would be in the first half of 2013 for us.
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