Stories in the Shadows (Melon Ballers and Crystal Ballers Cabins)

Nobody told me there would be bears in the mountains! 😱


I chose to do a bear because it's the first animal I think of when I think "camping." 😅 I made this little guy using a dish scrubber, 2 spoons, a Gatorade bottle cap, toothpicks, a pen, a tissue, earrings, and some tape!



Made a foil Grim Reaper~ This would go well with telling scary stories around a campfire. I enjoyed making the arm part of the shadow, it looks pretty creepy. Propping up the foil is a glass bottle of matches, whilst the whole thing is made of foil, matchsticks, and some tape!



This is Bubbles, the fairy goblin! He tries to stay away from humans as much as possible despite being a friendly guy and has a lot of friends among the other creatures that inhabit the mountains. His ears are perfect for locating hikers and his wings are the right tool to avoid them. He eats fruits up in the trees all day, which has given him a little chonk. He uses his magic to eliminate all the litter that hikers leave in the mountains.

I used a round container, a charger, another little roundish container, a purse and black tape
Alright, here goes mine! Before anything, I will NOT be held responsible for your nightmares, people :ROFLMAO:

I made a penguin. Yes, a terrorific penguin, in case you can tell! I used a big ugly vase (sorry, Mum) for the main body, a lamp with the needed shape to imitate the arc of the wings, and a cloth for them. Then the head is a mud plate and the beak is a plastic funnel. The feet are some comfortable shoes.


If you're curious about why a penguin, well... everything has a reason! ;)


scary penguin.png
Phineas: Imagine it shows up some terrorific being, like a ghost or a penguin!
Those that crawl at night.

I decided to make my shadow figure as a nod to all the creepy crawlers that come out at night. I once was in a cabin that had these tiny worms that would pour out of the old cabin walls when it got dark enough. I always went to bed thinking 'Yeah they're going to crawl over me tonight.'

My cabin-mates were rather squeamish about it, but I kind of just went with the flow. I feel like some of my cabin-mates in TBT would rather not meet any of these creepy crawlers at night, let alone in a brightly lit alleyway.

Watch out campers! They're out to get you!


I know it's not as clean as others, but I had a surplus of painters tape that I am never going to use in such quantity. And the stuff doesn't really stick all that great, so I had to use a good bit to keep the limbs, tail, head, and ect attached. So I used painters tape, and an empty bottle as the vessel. (I know it may look rushed, but I actually spent somewhere between 45mins to an hour on it lol. Kind of sad to admit to be honest...)

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here is my slenderman-type guy that took me much longer than i’d care to admit.
i used chopsticks wrapped in foil for his arms, and chopsticks wrapped in paper and foil for his legs. the rest is constructed completely out of foil and tape.
i shoved his legs into an old candle to keep him upright, and then put the whole thing on top of my art box for height.
Let me tell you a Campfire Story…….

There Once was a man who had scissors for hands. His name was Edward.

What I used:
My hand, Tape, scissors, my dog’s cat toy.

Description: The movie Edward Scissorhands was told as a bedtime story, so I imagine it could be told as a campfire story as well. They never see Edward again in the ending….maybe he went to live here in the mountains.

can we ask you to ignore our hand/arm shadows if we had to hold our creations up lol 😭 i don't have a great setup
can we ask you to ignore our hand/arm shadows if we had to hold our creations up lol 😭 i don't have a great setup

You could try the tactic of hiding your hand mostly out of frame as above, but if that doesn't work for you, it will not be a problem!

What is this creature ? You ask ? Oh my you have really never heard of the stumpy moose??

Well the stumpy moose is an urban legend creature with the top half moose and bottom half tree stumps. It blends into the trees during the day with its tree-like appearance.
Only for it to come out at night looking for unsuspecting campers to eat.

The stumpy moose moves too fast you won't be able to see it in time as it uses its tree-like appearance to hide amongst the forest trees all you will hear before it's too late is Stump….. Stump…… Stump…….

Behind The Scenes.jpg
spongebab me boy...


my creature is a very greedy crab who will sacrifice pretty much anyone in order to climb his way to the top of the money food chain. stay clear of his big meaty claws or else you'll be sleeping with the fishes


hes made out of my wirecutters (which are what gave me the inspiration lol), pliers, clamps, and an eyeshadow palette. held together by tape and a rubber band
spongebab me boy...


my creature is a very greedy crab who will sacrifice pretty much anyone in order to climb his way to the top of the money food chain. stay clear of his big meaty claws or else you'll be sleeping with the fishes


hes made out of my wirecutters (which are what gave me the inspiration lol), pliers, clamps, and an eyeshadow palette. held together by tape and a rubber band

... My dear mate seliph, please tell me you didn't bring this creature into our whirpool :eek:

(It's actually awesome, the shape is so clear and sharp!)


Warning: The story can be a little scary.

They say that when you go camping, watch out for a toy bunny, and you have reason to be concerned.

One day a little girl named Maddie went to summer camp with her a ton of other kids and with her, she brought a little toy bunny. This toy bunny was her favorite thing in the world and she brought it everywhere.

On the third day of camp she made a friend named Emily who gave her a cat plushie and the cat plushie she loved. The kids went hiking and as she carried the bunny and cat, she dropped the bunny into a river. Upset at first, she cried, but soon didn't care as she had a cat plush she loved even more.

That night as the kids went to sleep, Emily went missing. Searching desperately the next morning for her new friend, she finds her toy bunny that was thought to be lost forever.

Unable to find her new friend, the kids went to sleep once again, until Maddie wakes up to a rustling noise coming from under her bed.

Scared she was, but you know the saying "curiousity killed the cat" and as soon as Maddie looked under the bed, she noticed her new toy cat, was nothing but cotton that was torn by the toy bunny.

The next morning Maddie and Emily where missing and all that remains is a little toy rabbit that when squeezed says "I love you".

here's my tree! it's not an ordinary tree though--be sure to not make any noise when walking past it or its huge ears will pick up the sound and it'll attack you. i made it using an empty paper towel roll, two tokens, two pencils, a keyboard duster, and tape!
AAAAHHHh!!! Is that the... the... BRRAINY DUCKLING ...
Legend has it that the Brainy Duckling visits certain campgrounds' ponds, creating broods of hyper-intelligent ducks that track campers to their homes and manipulate them out of their food using highly classified and impossibly-difficult-to-pull-off endearment tactics. Their quacks can make a hardened war vet throw a whole baguette, complete with lettuce, arugula, brie, and apple slices their way. Beware the Brainy Duckling, lest you be cheated out of a meal and left with a full heart... but an empty stomach... 🐣

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jk it's just these cuties

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apologies for my weirdly high moulding. I tried to cover it with a flat sheet of paper 'cuz it was disturbing the shadow (I did not write kikotoot on the wall in permanent marker, that would be bad 👀)