Yes I'm able to come in about 10 mins. It is extremely nice of you to host so many groups in a day!!
Alright, you'll be in group 11 then. I'm just going to go make some rice before I start up sales again.
I still need to grab more turnips, but I'm waiting for someone else to get into my town to do a trade :I
My gate has almost been open for 20 minutes D:
Let me know when you're ready. c:
oh sorry i forgot to write in a color but im still up c:
Better. :3 I'll add you to group 12, unless someone in group 11 doesn't reply.
Good lard! You are still doing this?
You go girl!
Gotta help people get some hella sales before bedtime. :v
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Hi, is this still going on, I would really love to sell my turnips
It's still going on. I'll add you to group 12.
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--- Will be back in 10 minutes ---