Mafia TBT Mafia: Renaissance - Game Thread [ENDGAME - Town Wins]

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My issue with the push on jacob is that it feels very nitpicky.

Like inherently there's nothing wrong with that. But in a situation where there's 20 people, scumreading someone for three not very scummy things they did feels kinda... bad?
It would be one thing if I agreed with your points but... I don't.
Then why didn't you clarify that the first time you read me?? What's the point of making a read if you're not going to back it up. I don't actually think you're mafia, but the entire ordeal is really "sus".
i was presenting my thoughts, and i did say that you and your posts really did confuse me. i'm not saying that you're definitely not mafia in that respect too. sussing is having a suspicion but not being too strong to be a scumlean.
I would be okay with lynching jacob / tae / panda like I mentioned earlier. anyone else agree/disagree???

Jacob yes, tae no, and Panda idk but I'm not super confident about but her stances don't feel towny
Okay I can’t read in time I miscalculated EOD and my exam is in 30 mins lol but look at the TRUNDLE VOTES. 5 NOOBS are on that wagon, this is obviously a town wagon on town lol
okay ill switch to jacob the evidence for him keeps piling up for me. ill work on trundle D2 but i admit im conflicted since i sus both but don't think both are on a team
IM SORRY, I THOUGHT YOU SAID COP. I don't think you are scum anymore and looking back. Why couldn't you have said this earlier?


Okay I can’t read in time I miscalculated EOD and my exam is in 30 mins lol but look at the TRUNDLE VOTES. 5 NOOBS are on that wagon, this is obviously a town wagon on town lol
Heyden are you scum be honest
Panda is splitting her vote for some reason so weird idk if I had the choice I’d vote her but rn definitely not Trundle
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Heyden are you scum be honest
i think jacob or panda, i'm not sure tae is scummy rly, altho i feel like usually he's more aggressive but i haven't played w him in approx 50 yeats
BTW this is for dan because it sounds like he missed my post where I said this before, but I did ISO Evan a few hours ago and nothing more substantial came from it like I thought it would. That's why I unvoted him. But I still trust my own thoughts for SR him that I trust for some reason.

"he failed to do the ISO on evan that he promised and even unvoted him which shows that he probably doesn't believe evan is scum"

this was just a complete and blatant lie and its kinda annoying lol
Can you source your ISO?
Dan is going to hate that we both simultaneously voted Jacob oof
Daniel I really want to townread you but the way you read the game rubs me the wrong way.

Also I guess I'll retract my push on Antonio. Him being willing to back off when he saw he messed up is actually. Not bad. If he kept pushing me I would've been pissed.
I'm still keeping my vote on Trundle. I still think he is more scummy then Jacob.
You know, I think I'd actually be more satisfied with a potential lynch on Geoni.

I find it interesting that Damniel was willing to go off of his "100% scumread" onto someone who he has a really weak case on. I think... that probably means damniel is mafia. Now that I keep wording it out.
Part 1

Why were you reading the newbie section? You ain’t a newb.

Stating how he behaves as a town, which is sus behavior in my book. Like, why do you need to state your ****ing meta besides taking pressure off ya. Acknowledging your self awareness regarding personal meta means you are being careful how you appear as scum.

None of this is ****ing relevant. It’s just filler. People criticizing punchy for producing filler which he has but if y’all don’t acknowledge how this is filler, y’all are hypocrites.

At least when I was spamming, it was for baiting.

Part 2

First of all, you don’t even address dad claims on jacob. You just added your own claim while adding a filler message about how he is “maybe” right about being suspicious about jacob.

Second of all, you claim jacob is pocketing but there are instances of you defending the people who were putting pressure on ya.

This dude has been putting pressure on ya all day but all you did is admit he’s been putting pressure on ya, downplaying it as “the usual”.

Here are some other quotes of him acknowledging the pressure:

This is ****ing downplaying daniel's pressure, like his pressure doesn't matter as much since he always does it. You also claim it's town vs town, indicating that you are town. Like this doesn't even feel like a town slip, you just hoping to mention town vs town so people might think you are town.

You also downplayed skamoursey pressure on you as "newb ".

So, this is what you've been doing:

1 - Downplaying the pressure on ya as "newb" or "the usual".
2 - Town read the people who were putting presure on you, hoping the people putting presure on ya would see you as more townie. This would be consider pocketing, i believe.
3. - profit??

I have literally done 1 and 2 as mafia to appear as townie before, usually #2.
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In conclusion, his behavior seems sus motivated. I also think punchy is scum due to his filler posts but I believe we should take out trundle who is also sus before we take out punchy.
I'm bringing this back, I feel like my points on trundle were possibly filtered out from all these posts.
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