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Mafia TBT Mafia: Renaissance - Game Thread [ENDGAME - Town Wins]

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Heyden - I mean, did you see the reaction for when I stated that Shawo wasn't my partner. I understand if you think my claim is stupid but why didn't he quote my actual claim and why wasn't he mad when I actually claimed. Same applies to punchy.
i think that punchy and heyden didn't want you to go on and give hints about your partner because that would narrow the bluepool even more. additionally, if shawo were to claim to be your partner, you could easily just deny the claim and everybody would believe you since you claimed mason first. if you thought you were going to die on n1, you should've said it a few minutes before the phase ended.
but i believe that it is best that we don't hold onto this mistake, and instead focus on the situation now.
also @ whoever was saying using meta from 2 years ago was bad

that was the last time many people played

its the most recent meta
it's also unreliable meta. do you think that people would play the same as they played two years ago? :unsure:
i agree that meta is a form of sorting out a difficult read, but it shouldn't be something almost always referred to.
we can secure up to 4 confirmed townies making the list smaller on who is scum.
it also makes the list smaller on who isn't blue.

i'm not comfortable with lynching tae.
I don't understand WHY someone (tae) would have that reaction as town.
i believe that tae's reaction could be genuine. as town, you could get really frustrated that people are sussing you and not going onto other people who really are mafia. i'm not saying that tae is 100% mafia or town, but i'm saying that it wouldn't be abnormal to have that reaction as a town player.
I kinda agree with the tae points but I feel like there could be more discussion on other people atm. For instance, Heyden's explanation on tae was posted 16 minutes after he voted.
i agree with this post a lot.
heyden's really been confusing me, he barely even explained his vote and it was extremely early. i don't see why one would want to bandwagon that early in the phase but heyden definitely needed to explain it earlier. if it was a reaction test, heyden should've taken the vote away by now?

punchy, the fact that you say this (even though i put you in null, half townlean!):
Harbour - scumreads me for ??? reasons,
then this:
honestly don’t feel like they’ve done anything much this game
shows that you didn't read the thread (or at least my posts) properly.
I think they're ****.... pulls quotes to back up who she knows is town.... and then slightly sus's people for no good reason at all.

and then the second half of the reads is yet to be seen... ?

so yeah I feel like they are newbie mafia trying to hang in there....
i pulled quotes on daniel who yes, i did have a townlean, but also evan, who i put as a null. i didn't use quotes to only support who i wanted to townlean.
if you want quotes on oath (one of my slight susses) then here you go:
It's absolutely "post-filler".
I'm legit trying lol
Dude you're channelling me old games; it ain't a good look
PLEASE stop saying voted for, it's very confusing
Care to elaborate why it's sad
I don't think anyone thought that
all of these above quotes are irrelevant and unneeded to the current discussion. you can see in some posts that he tries starting interactions but they're either 1) very filler (like the "why is it sad" one) or 2) insignificant and giving no information, even if the question was answered ("i don't think anyone thought that").
i was in a rush to put out my reads before eod and didn't actually finish which is why i posted part one. i have a lot on my plate too so i'll do my best to continue writing them.
@Harbour why was Emolga your only fully green name on the readslist alongside Dan? Yikes.
for daniel, i explained it in the post itself.
for emolga, i said it before night one too.
emolga39 and dino seem the most towny to me.
in response to your iso, geoni:
Shawo just joked in response so idk why Harbour wanted my take about it.
Such a reachy point against shawo if anything.
you see, at this time i didn't understand that what shawo said was a joke. that's why i asked you about it. and i continued on with it as well.
Criticizes Punchy for making a contradiction I don't see?
he attacked trundle for overthinking then went on to overthink himself, doubting his skills of reading mog. i, however, have a different view on punchy now.
Still a tad bit overcritical of Punchy not reading enough people, feels like a means to hold onto a Punchy sus.
it wasn't overcritical, i requested punchy to make reads on people that he wasn't familiar with. also keep in mind that i barely knew that punchy's normal playstyle was like this (until i was told of it), i assumed he was a fairly experienced player and that's why i held onto his sus, because his play looked wrong to me.
Disagrees with no lynch but is considerate about it.
what i meant to shawo was that his logic wasn't bad but i didn't want to vote no lynch. i explained this all earlier with the 'wasting time on a whole phase' part of my post.
And I say that because of how she followed up here.
i'm not implying the tone "i was right not to be on the wagon", i was moreover asking "how are we going to collect information from this lynch in midst of all the cfds?"
Teammate might have been on Panda?
to me, there really is nothing else to justify the panda wagon but her popping in and people getting shocked and wanting to vote her.
Valid excuse but an excuse nevertheless considering that she was escaping looking bad and calls the Jacob wagon bad.
i didn't call the jacob wagon bad at all. i agreed with where it came from, but i went onto somebody who i sussed more.
talks about bluesniping already and that's a TBT exclusive term. Emolga looked like a snipe.
i read the mafia encyclopedia on these forums, and i've also been using the word cfd because i'd learnt it from what you all were saying. specifically for the word bluesnipe, evan mentioned it like 5 posts earlier than me and i assumed its meaning (it's fairly obvious).
that's all i have to say. it was nothing but coincidental that emolga and daniel both being killed were also my two green reads. i DID explain emolga even before the night happened though.
if i were to be scum and snipe those two, why would i even point out that they were both on my reads list?
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Her response to me speculating 4/5 mafia/SK was interesting, bringing up kill power. I've been trying to figure out a stance on this sentence for 10 minutes but I literally can't. KP is mentioned in the host's introduction in scum chat, so the fact that she's talking about a varying KP rather than the amount of mafia members, maybe I'm overthinking it but something isn't right about this sentence?
i explained this to you before, with my werewolf experience. i'll try look for the quote.
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oh it was actually in response to jacob.
my experience with werewolf has actually included some terms that are similar to mafia here. kp is certainly one, when there's a larger amount of players we have to guess how many kills the wolves would have in the night. i always recalled it being really unbalanced towards the town's side, which is why i asked in response to heyden talking about the sole number of mafia.
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On the topic of Harbour, the thing that immediately struck out to me and I remember clearly was [I put names in an RNG and got these 3 people], like ??? I perceive as pretending to contribute, but she actually contributed nothing, using RNG as an excuse to drive the idea that her guess had no substance.
i did not intend to contribute anything at all. in fact, there's nothing at all to contribute with that question. all that question asks is for three random people and i picked them out of rng, as i had no gut feelings.
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Her reads list though she seems to be working from top to bottom since she started from Daniel and ended at sheabea, did she ever end up posting the latter half? I do think it's awkward that her strong townreads both died, as if she was trying to get brownie points when they flipped, and she made sure to bring it up at the beginning of D2 post which is rather weird and forceful.

There was no previous read on Daniel/Emolga too, even questioning Trundle's townread on Emolga..? It's so mildly convenient.
i initally planned to go from top to bottom, but then i decided to do whoever came to mind because time was running out until the phase ended. i will continue writing the latter half but i've been too busy replying to all this.
i quoted my previous read on emolga in my response to dad's iso.
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at this point i'm just spamming, sorry.
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i think that punchy and heyden didn't want you to go on and give hints about your partner because that would narrow the bluepool even more. additionally, if shawo were to claim to be your partner, you could easily just deny the claim and everybody would believe you since you claimed mason first. if you thought you were going to die on n1, you should've said it a few minutes before the phase ended.
but i believe that it is best that we don't hold onto this mistake, and instead focus on the situation now.

it's also unreliable meta. do you think that people would play the same as they played two years ago? :unsure:
i agree that meta is a form of sorting out a difficult read, but it shouldn't be something almost always referred to.

it also makes the list smaller on who isn't blue.

i'm not comfortable with lynching tae.

i believe that tae's reaction could be genuine. as town, you could get really frustrated that people are sussing you and not going onto other people who really are mafia. i'm not saying that tae is 100% mafia or town, but i'm saying that it wouldn't be abnormal to have that reaction as a town player.

i agree with this post a lot.
heyden's really been confusing me, he barely even explained his vote and it was extremely early. i don't see why one would want to bandwagon that early in the phase but heyden definitely needed to explain it earlier. if it was a reaction test, heyden should've taken the vote away by now?

punchy, the fact that you say this (even though i put you in null, half townlean!):

then this:

shows that you didn't read the thread (or at least my posts) properly.

i pulled quotes on daniel who yes, i did have a townlean, but also evan, who i put as a null. i didn't use quotes to only support who i wanted to townlean.
if you want quotes on oath (one of my slight susses) then here you go:
all of these above quotes are irrelevant and unneeded to the current discussion. you can see in some posts that he tries starting interactions but they're either 1) very filler (like the "why is it sad" one) or 2) insignificant and giving no information, even if the question was answered ("i don't think anyone thought that").
i was in a rush to put out my reads before eod and didn't actually finish which is why i posted part one. i have a lot on my plate too so i'll do my best to continue writing them.

for daniel, i explained it in the post itself.
for emolga, i said it before night one too.

in response to your iso, geoni:
you see, at this time i didn't understand that what shawo said was a joke. that's why i asked you about it. and i continued on with it as well.

he attacked trundle for overthinking then went on to overthink himself, doubting his skills of reading mog. i, however, have a different view on punchy now.

it wasn't overcritical, i requested punchy to make reads on people that he wasn't familiar with. also keep in mind that i barely knew that punchy's normal playstyle was like this (until i was told of it), i assumed he was a fairly experienced player and that's why i held onto his sus, because his play looked wrong to me.

what i meant to shawo was that his logic wasn't bad but i didn't want to vote no lynch. i explained this all earlier with the 'wasting time on a whole phase' part of my post.

i'm not implying the tone "i was right not to be on the wagon", i was moreover asking "how are we going to collect information from this lynch in midst of all the cfds?"

to me, there really is nothing else to justify the panda wagon but her popping in and people getting shocked and wanting to vote her.

i didn't call the jacob wagon bad at all. i agreed with where it came from, but i went onto somebody who i sussed more.

i read the mafia encyclopedia on these forums, and i've also been using the word cfd because i'd learnt it from what you all were saying. specifically for the word bluesnipe, evan mentioned it like 5 posts earlier than me and i assumed its meaning (it's fairly obvious).
that's all i have to say. it was nothing but coincidental that emolga and daniel both being killed were also my two green reads. i DID explain emolga even before the night happened though.
if i were to be scum and snipe those two, why would i even point out that they were both on my reads list?
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i explained this to you before, with my werewolf experience. i'll try look for the quote.
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oh it was actually in response to jacob.

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i did not intend to contribute anything at all. in fact, there's nothing at all to contribute with that question. all that question asks is for three random people and i picked them out of rng, as i had no gut feelings.
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i initally planned to go from top to bottom, but then i decided to do whoever came to mind because time was running out until the phase ended. i will continue writing the latter half but i've been too busy replying to all this.
i quoted my previous read on emolga in my response to dad's iso.
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at this point i'm just spamming, sorry.

You pointed your Dan and Emolga reads out for the subtle credit and to look like you are a towny who was correct and had to be like 'welp where do I go from here?' and you have felt like you townread Emolga really easily from early on.

I still think you held onto your Punchy sus because you are a mafia team member who has a rough schedule for making EoD and had a plan to stick to shawo had he not come in near EoD over really small and uncommitted reasons and when he came in strong you had to fall back on Punchy or take part in those top two wagons.

You didn't say you thought the Jacob wagon verbatum, you said it through your reaction to the flip and tone, that's why I called it low-key.
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I'm insulted that you think I'd ever let an Emolga kill happen.

Maybe if you had one kill but you had two, get rid of a voice that's widely townread and could come to the right conclusion eventually with one kill while trying to coo snipe with another.
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Why can't I access the lemon smiley along with anything else on the toolbar.

Life is not giving me lemons. :(
Actually I read your ISO again Geoni it's kinda nitpicky, even at times pointing out how some parts are towny.
The good points that I can extrapolate though were:
a) her use of bluesnipe
For which, she used that term 2 minutes after Evan used it. She's obviously picking up on terminology, not knowing it prehand via scum chat, which is what you're trying to convey I guess. But for me, it kind of indicates she's more sheeping thoughts possibly.
b) Her townreads of the two dead (Daniel/Emolga)
OK this point that I agree with, yeah it was wildly convenient for both her townreads to die, but to point it out with 'honestly yikes' I think you're correct in indicating she was looking for town credit for her accurate reads or something. That being said, we only saw the former half of her reads, she was obviously doing it chronologically, instead of going directly to read them... so IDK.
The bluesnipe thing is the only truly nitpicky thing but that's it. You probably told her to point that out in the quicktopic or discord group if y'all made one.
Maybe if you had one kill but you had two, get rid of a voice that's widely townread and could come to the right conclusion eventually with one kill while trying to coo snipe with another.
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Why can't I access the lemon smiley along with anything else on the toolbar.

Life is not giving me lemons. :(
Okay but EMOLGA??? Also type
glow what are your thoughts on Harbour ? and Geoni's read on her ?

gonna b real i haven't read them :0) but they were sitting in my leftover PoE pool. i generally prefer reading players i'm MOST familiar with first. during geoni's post i was reading geoni more than harbour

i have kinda been trying to read for the hyperactive scum because i think one exists and is likely being widely tr'd, but anyway.

there are a couple things that make me HATE reading long textposts in this new forum. in spoilers, the background of the poster is the same as the background for the quote box. this rly tricks my eyes when i read it and i kinda get lost in who's saying what

i don't know if it's my attention span, or what, but sometimes when i read ISOs i feel like i'm reading a book report and i just start skimming as fast as i can.

like i LOVE reading commentary filled ISOs but geoni's ISO was... rehashing what has happened and he emphasized/expanded on the wrong areas i believe.


My only note here is that I think Harbour and shaebae can still be teamed and the inclusion in the three could have been jokey distancing and the answer she gave about being careful about every word as mafia makes me wanna see what the tone is if that's a true concern.
Thought my toneread of f11 was a joke. It was a pretty quick read and easy to question I guess.

Didn't like shawo's reaction to Heyden's rqs joke answer of putting shawo in it. Shawo just joked in response so idk why Harbour wanted my take about it.

stuff like this. WHY.

example of geoni's good points are here:

Talks about bluesniping already and that's a TBT exclusive term. Emolga looked like a snipe.

this is interesting and actually a useful observation

She was talking to f11 about asking if shawo was blocked. That's the first thing said, not the following, which is the reaction to the kills. It should be reversed but it isn't and it feels like Harbour was lurking and knew who died before saying the following:

that's true and also interesting and something i missed

where geoni places his emphasis in his post does feel odd overall. it felt like he was forming conjecture as he was looking at locket post by post, instead of connecting them all and having a focus on his concerns.

my self meta is that when i'm mafia i've tried to make "good" case-reads by saying something about everything, because it can often overwhelm people and make them think that your argument is stronger than it actually is.

as for harbour i would have to look at them separately b/c geoni's ISO isn't doing it for me. i'm fully aware i didn't answer your first question but yeah that's where my minds at. wbu?
The bluesnipe thing is the only truly nitpicky thing but that's it. You probably told her to point that out in the quicktopic or discord group if y'all made one.
It's not. If she said it independently with no prehand mention of that word I'd jump, but it was 2 minutes after Evan. And point what out.
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Your other points were just storytelling and picking out weird things like 'she's overwhelmed' lmao
@glow why not stuff like that? Especially the shawo point.

If you want organization and better flow when I ISO you're not getting that from me honestly but if it's just my intensity then...like okay. But you should at least acknowledge that a good bit of that stuff in the ISO is alarming.
Actually I read your ISO again Geoni it's kinda nitpicky, even at times pointing out how some parts are towny.
The good points that I can extrapolate though were:
a) her use of bluesnipe
For which, she used that term 2 minutes after Evan used it. She's obviously picking up on terminology, not knowing it prehand via scum chat, which is what you're trying to convey I guess. But for me, it kind of indicates she's more sheeping thoughts possibly.
b) Her townreads of the two dead (Daniel/Emolga)
OK this point that I agree with, yeah it was wildly convenient for both her townreads to die, but to point it out with 'honestly yikes' I think you're correct in indicating she was looking for town credit for her accurate reads or something. That being said, we only saw the former half of her reads, she was obviously doing it chronologically, instead of going directly to read them... so IDK.

LMAOO i'm really entertained that we both extracted those two pieces of info as key. everything else was...??
It's not. If she said it independently with no prehand mention of that word I'd jump, but it was 2 minutes after Evan. And point what out.
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Your other points were just storytelling and picking out weird things like 'she's overwhelmed' lmao

You're defending her really hard, what were your reads on her again?
You're defending her really hard, what were your reads on her again?
Yeah I am lol. I was null on her and didn't really care to look into her for now bc she felt like Panda's ez push.
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The thing with Panda is though she clearly read your case on Harbour, didn't post any thoughts or appraisal, and immediately proceeded to ask GLOW on her thoughts on Harbour.
Yeah I am lol. I was null on her and didn't really care to look into her for now bc she felt like Panda's ez push.
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The thing with Panda is though she clearly read your case on Harbour, didn't post any thoughts or appraisal, and immediately proceeded to ask GLOW on her thoughts on Harbour.

It might just be that Harbour was, as a matter of fact, not an easy lunch as time went on and now that someone is finally addressing it she wants people to be discussing it.
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I do want her thoughts that being said, not just a sheep, but I'm not about to scumread her again just because she didn't.
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Wouldn't even call it a sheep given she noticed her first. But ykwim
Oh my good lord y'all are a bit of a mess when it gets close to EoDs/EoNs aren't you? I probably would be too if I was awake tho so hey ho.
I'm mostly just confused as to what the hell is going on but I feel like I have some newer reads so expect them soon. Keyword some. This thread has become such an insane mess since I went to sleep that a couple of you now fall under 'I don't know if you are t
DinoTown - I like his thoughts. I think that they come from a towny pov. Weak read.
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my anger over being called a he for the fifth time destroyed half of my previous thoughts it seems.
Was trying to say a couple of you fall under "I don't know if you are town or scum, I just know you are an idiot"
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