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Mafia TBT Mafia: Renaissance - Game Thread [ENDGAME - Town Wins]

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This game is starting to make me really sour and not want to play here again. Scum is probably leading because there's so much negativity (mine included) in this game.

I'm probably too tired to give a proper response to a lot of things in this thread but

this post is bad. Really bad.
Like Geoni, are you trying to imply that your read on harbour is being hidden due to my push on Tae? And that the ~scum strategy~ is to put up bad reads that distract that town? I'm not sure I've even talked about or read 3-4 people in this game. Also, to clarify, a lot of the people voting Tae are voting Tae because they agree with me, not because I'm the only one who's calling Tae scum. There's a huge difference between me being the only person calling Tae mafia and voting them, and people reading the posts I make and agreeing with me and voting them.

The difference between your posts and my posts is that people agree with mine and not yours? And because of that I'm Disenfranchising your read. What? That's... a lot of confidence in my ability to play the game if anything.

I guess I'd end it like this. Your post looks like you're trying so hard to switch the focus from Tae onto harbour.

You're so dead-set on tea that of course it looks really bad for you. What is your read on the Harbour stuff again? Because right now? I would love to switch the focus from tae onto Harbour. Vote me for it if you don't like it I could care less.
maybe bc i dont feel like theres a lot of town play happening??? where the **** are your reads? lmao.
This quote has me conflicted because on one hand what equates to ‘town play’.

But also why would you say that as mafia. As mafia you KNOW who all the townies are, bar 3rd party. You also know your scummates, so to lump your scummates under ‘not town play’ is just idk? It just reads more of a townie POV if that makes sense.
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IDK this game has been so weird for me, I feel like I can’t formulate a proper definitive thought. I find myself going back on forth based on what others say and am kind of just sheeping shawo/Geoni because I instinctively gut town read them.

That being said I’ve read through Panda/Tae/Harbour’s post filters more times than I can count to try and get my own ideas, but literally can’t make a case/ISO.

I realise that I’m trying to convince myself Harbour is town, maybe because I initially defended them, once you start you can’t really stop?? Tae/Panda I feel like is the opposite, I’m trying to tunnel them but some posts just scream town.

IDK I’m ranting lmao, I think I’ll vote Harbour but idk, I’ve just never felt this unconfident in a game. I look at the playerlist and genuinely can’t pick out 4 people that could be scum, so props to scum honestly bc I’m absolutely lost.

Anyway /rant over :lemon: Think I’ll just vote Harbour, sorry.
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Actually I’m so sorry Geoni, I think you’re right
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That was some very out of character ATE Geoni ngl, but I still TR you I think
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I’ve been so blinded by Panda splitting her vote and voting Harbour, and not even realising Harbour did the same thing, heehee :3333

Only qualm with Harbour is no one has interacted with her really, but then again I think scumteam is mostly lurky so.
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This is just a diary of me posting and merging for the past 90 minutes I’m sorry.

Goodnight, don’t vote tae (I think).
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Also where’s Locket.
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I'm not buying this "tae is mafia" thing because I think that's just...

I have no clue where it came from. And I'm not sure I buy it now.

I do have to sus Geoni a bit. I realized why exactly I've felt weird and felt like I can coast. And you know why? He's not pushing me. I don't feel stressed, I'm not yelling at anyone. Geoni's been half-assed sussing me all game so far. It's resulted in everyone kind of parrotting the same thing. And usually he's been one of the bigger pushes on me when I don't contribute much.

Yeah, I know this is a weird case. "He doesn't sus you enough therefore he's scum?" The answer is yes. He pushes me to contribute. He knows he can't now because his usual push to get me to contribute or get lynched would result in me flipping green. And it'd look bad for him. Because he's scum.

@Geona response pls
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I'm not buying this "tae is mafia" thing because I think that's just...

I have no clue where it came from. And I'm not sure I buy it now.

I do have to sus Geoni a bit. I realized why exactly I've felt weird and felt like I can coast. And you know why? He's not pushing me. I don't feel stressed, I'm not yelling at anyone. Geoni's been half-assed sussing me all game so far. It's resulted in everyone kind of parrotting the same thing. And usually he's been one of the bigger pushes on me when I don't contribute much.

Yeah, I know this is a weird case. "He doesn't sus you enough therefore he's scum?" The answer is yes. He pushes me to contribute. He knows he can't now because his usual push to get me to contribute or get lynched would result in me flipping green. And it'd look bad for him. Because he's scum.

Respond pls @Geoni
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****ing forum messed my ping
I honestly feel like there is a really good chance Geoni is mafia. glow’s post was really good at showing what I mentioned before (how Geoni’s posts mostly seem filler) and his AtE “never gonna play here again” seems fake to me. Between the inconsistent reads, lack of substantial content, and weird AtE, I would be willing to hop on a Geoni wagon today. He still hasn’t condensed his post on Harbour or done anything similarly substantial so I just don’t know what he is expecting if he is town. I almost think if he was mafia he would be trying harder lol
his AtE “never gonna play here again” seems fake to me.
I agree with this part - throwing it out there in a "omg I hate this game there's so much negativity here" pointing a finger at literally all of us for playing the game the way it's meant to be played is a bit. Hmm. I get that games like this can get stressful but you would think an experienced player would be aware of that and would know a) how to handle it and b) to drop/not join in the first place if they thought they were in a bad place where playing wouldn't be good for them.

Last Madness game I was in started before covid lockdown and persisted through, and the stress of not being able to go out and having uni suspended and everything put a lot of pressure on me so I just asked the host to let me drop, simple as. If it's that bad, you have no obligation to play and if Geoni needs to drop I respect that, but there's a difference between dropping and almost teasing a "ugh hate this this sucks I don't wanna play" thing.
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I would be willing to hop on a Geoni wagon today.
Agree with this bit too. A lot of people seem wary to vote because they don't know if tae or Geoni should be first target, but my instinct says Geoni should be first.
@Geona response pls
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Respond pls @Geoni
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****ing forum messed my ping

You suddenly suspect me because I don't tunnel you it's a really boring reason to sus me Oath.
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I honestly feel like there is a really good chance Geoni is mafia. glow’s post was really good at showing what I mentioned before (how Geoni’s posts mostly seem filler) and his AtE “never gonna play here again” seems fake to me. Between the inconsistent reads, lack of substantial content, and weird AtE, I would be willing to hop on a Geoni wagon today. He still hasn’t condensed his post on Harbour or done anything similarly substantial so I just don’t know what he is expecting if he is town. I almost think if he was mafia he would be trying harder lol

I have no energy or drive to do it because nobody has really been reading much of what I've had to say with much agreement and don't really express much about their disagreement except for maybe glow who actually acknowledged the slip but eh, she's voting me now because she's scum or terrible at reading me.

Go right ahead and hop on Trundle. Part of me honestly wants to re-evaluate you as omgusy as that's gonna come across.
You suddenly suspect me because I don't tunnel you it's a really boring reason to sus me Oath.
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I have no energy or drive to do it because nobody has really been reading much of what I've had to say with much agreement and don't really express much about their disagreement except for maybe glow who actually acknowledged the slip but eh, she's voting me now because she's scum or terrible at reading me.

Go right ahead and hop on Trundle. Part of me honestly wants to re-evaluate you as omgusy as that's gonna come across.
i'm working rn but the ate is kind of a bit off, geoni is usually pretty level headed. then again he sus'd me for town reading him, if he was mafia surely he'd appreciate someone on his side lol. hayden's content also seems slightly off to me, i feel like he's usually more direct and not so indecisive however i do completely appreciate what he's saying
i sense there is a little bit of a geony wagon going on rn : ( maybe it's all town tho and they're smart and not dumb like me. it must be said i should probably go with the opposite of my gut as i am consistently wrong
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dude u cant talk after day 1
I didn't say everyone was playing bad because they were reading me, I knew I was playing like an idiot. Geoni is just telling everybody that we are all playing bad lol
Oh my god, I just woke up and geoni literally went from productive town to scum persuader overnight.

should we ALSO talk about how geoni ISO'd oath n1 after multiple people were tossing out oaths name for a lynch on d1? then d1 doesn't pursue oath, and opts for a hard-push on a newbie despite an attempted bluesnipe happening n1? similarly he's pushed on panda, another player that was seeing a lot of EOD1 pressure:

Actually, it wouldn't have made any sense for mafia to bluesnipe emolga overnight unless mafia are idiots.

If they were attempting to bluesnipe my partner, it would've confirmed me anyways.

Dad was one of the first people to imply it was a blue snipe but maybe it was an attempt from scum to push the bluesnipe narrative and I was dumb enough to believe it because I had my head inside my ass...
if its ok with u can u quote it, i'm working and don't have time to other than a quick glance which i couldnt see, if he did say that tho that's v un-geony like i'd say
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if emolga wasnt a blue snipe what would it have even been tho? i'm confused lol
if its ok with u can u quote it, i'm working and don't have time to other than a quick glance which i couldnt see, if he did say that tho that's v un-geony like i'd say
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if emolga wasnt a blue snipe what would it have even been tho? i'm confused lol
It's not one post. All game he has been saying that people who read him as mafia are just bad town players. Obviously if he's town, he's just playing badly.
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It's not one post. All game he has been saying that people who read him as mafia are just bad town players. Obviously if he's town, he's just playing badly.
So what you are saying is he was downplaying all sus reads on him....
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