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Mafia TBT Newbie Mini Mafia III: Captain Flint's Gold (Game Over/Town Wins)

I really think we should go for 8floor. He hasn't been very active and when he is he's defending himself and accusing random people. The MK8 thing was a joke, so why did he jump on it?

That happened in a different game and shouldn't be used as evidence here.
hi guys. using 3g atm but i may shed few hours of sleeping time to make up for it, just gimme a few minutes to find a proper computer..
Berrypop I want to believe that you are a townie, but answer me this: In portal you role-claim veteran and you are calm when being asked or called out over there, but on here you claimed townie and you were dramatic/panic. I want to understand why did you panic if you are a townie as you have claimed to be?
Oops, sorry!
I'm worried that what happened day 1 will happen to me. I was asleep and everyone was asking me questions and were going to vote for me.
If I was mafia I wouldn't have roleclaimed. Plus I can use my moms phone to do this
Not exactly, if put on the spot mafia could also claim.

Well for starters 8floor missed their vote yesterday in Portal and hasn't been online since Thursday. There's a good chance they won't vote today and will get modkilled.Also , I looked at 8floor's former games and they tend to have problems understanding jokes.

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Tinytaylor, hi. Who are you voting for and why?
Hi Mantis, I'm thinking pickle or berry right now. I need to get on the computer so I can actually go back and read all of the posts thus far.

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Also congrats to the new mod Tina!
ok. the computer thing won't work because it can't connect to the internet.. and it's a pain and I'm tired from being gone nearly the whole day today (I'm gmt+8).

@ in-a-pickle - the problem with that quote I highlighted is that a town player wouldn't claim to have killed a blue role - as we simply have just lynched a green townie by that time. Town players, unless you're perhaps a vigilante, would know that we had no contributors to the death of VD and Saylor. I still think you're suspicious, and I'm going to vote for you as I don't have much else at mind + I'm heading to sleep right now, and to avoid modkill and yeah.

prayingmantis also doesn't seem scummy to me. he seems to be the most pro-town / leaderish-type here atm. if perhaps someone else finds him suspicious by his posts, then say so in here. to me, this to me looks like scum trying to divert attention though.
I'll be changing my vote to pickle now. I also believe that mantis is very pro town. Also I think one of these pages someone asked if anyone believed that pickles and someone else (can't recall) were the mason pair and I somewhat believe it's Sid and 8floor.
I'm in food shopping/errand mode now and I'm going to vote for pickle now as a place holder but I'll be back later.
in-a-picklehas been in Newbie Mafia 2. In-a-pickle had been posting fluff (complaining about having to read and bandwagoning onto inactive players) until they mounted a long defense of BerryPop. I think I was called scummy because I was not nice to BerryPop. But I was not nice to 8floor and Capella and In-a-pickle didn't defend them. So what is it In- A-Pickle? Do you want to claim scum or mason pair?

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So I would like feedback.. do you all think In-a-pickle and BerryPop are the green mason pair or scum?

The reason why I voted for Capella last night was because they're obviously online, but they refuse to defend themselves and they're obviously keeping up with the thread to answer any random questions. (and I think they're like this in Portal too).

I totally looked past in-a-pickle not defending 8floor and Capella. (I didn't think it was a big deal) If in-a-pickle and BerryPop were the mason pair, they should be able to contribute a lot more (other than spam) on Day 1 and 2. And other than one defending the other, they should be bringing things up to discuss together. It also bothers me that they didn't start posting until they're name was brought up. I'll change my vote to in-a-pickle.
Something inconvenient popped up IRL so I apologize for being quiet. This won't happen again. I'm on mobile so this post will be very brief.

I'm voting Capella for lynch. Reason will be explained tomorrow.
I can't decide who to vote for either Berry or pickle

but Its seem the case the puppy has made against pickles does make some good point, but this what caught my eyes

first time you have tried to defend Berrypop for whatever reason which makes me believe you are scum trying to bail fellow scum out.

So I would like feedback.. do you all think In-a-pickle and BerryPop are the green mason pair or scum?

If pickle flips scum it could be possible that both of them could be scum buddies

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I think I'll vote for pickles as a place holder in-case I don't come back or if something pops up
sorry. i read what i missed and leave. this will be my last day in myrtle beach and we will be heading home tomorrow. so i will be home in a couple of days. i dont know if i will be on when voting ends so i will vote pickle. puppy brings up some good points.
Ugh. If I'm getting lynched, I'm honestly disappointed in this town team. If you honestly think Puppy's claims against me actually stood up for anything, than that's really sad. Obviously, I posted some stuff that was just filler, but WE ALL HAVE.

Honestly, using 5 or 6 posts that were just filler is spiteful and doesn't actually contribute to your case. Unless you're desperate (I guess you are?). Whatever. Lynch me.

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And I was never defending BerryPop. If you're all so sure on that, I'll vote for her, since I'm already probably going to be lynched.

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tbh none of us suspecting puppy I don't see the problem with her post

dude, I never said I was suspecting puppy. I'm just arguing against that pathetic and weak case tbh.

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Oh, and guys please tell what points puppy made that "caught your eyes". I think he was just bandwagoning on gnoixaim and PrayingMantis but idk
To me it seemed like you were defending berry when she was being called out by prayingmantis

No, It was more about PrayingMantis jumping to conclusions, I know Berry was being weird and acting sus, but I felt like Mantis kinda leeched on without much explanation. Of course, that looks like I was defending Berry.
I'm glad you have time to vote Capella, but please tell us why we shouldn't be voting for you. Because at this rate, at least in-a-pickle is defending themselves and you're just hiding behind them.
I'm glad you have time to vote Capella, but please tell us why we shouldn't be voting for you. Because at this rate, at least in-a-pickle is defending themselves and you're just hiding behind them.

I'm on the run but could you please elaborate on why you wanted to vote for Capella. I definitely saw she was on earlier and didn't bother posting. I'm still disturbed that Tina voted to lynch her on Portal but wouldn't give the real reason why because it could impact this game. I feel like I'm missing a little clue trail she left behind in Portal. I told the players here that were in Portal to go check her out but they did not do so.( Sid, Berry and 8floor)
I'm glad you have time to vote Capella, but please tell us why we shouldn't be voting for you. Because at this rate, at least in-a-pickle is defending themselves and you're just hiding behind them.

I agree too this^^ if cap doesnt defend herself in an hour ill be changing my vote to her, seening how pickle defended himself
I'm on the run but could you please elaborate on why you wanted to vote for Capella. I definitely saw she was on earlier and didn't bother posting. I'm still disturbed that Tina voted to lynch her on Portal but wouldn't give the real reason why because it could impact this game. I feel like I'm missing a little clue trail she left behind in Portal. I told the players here that were in Portal to go check her out but they did not do so.( Sid, Berry and 8floor)

Here's what I've said before:
I will ask you the same thing, who do you plan on voting for then? Because as of now it seems like you're aiming for the "let's vote for the inactive" route. Your post is really wishy-washy/contradicting - you're saying Sid/Chibi are suspicious because they're inactive, but you're stating WHY Sid/Chibi aren't posting and you know the reason why they're being inactive. So....? It's like you're trying to call them out, but you're holding back in case they flip town.

I did originally vote for Capella, but the evidence for in-a-pickle is obviously more sufficient. I do think they're hiding behind all the commotion of Mahou, Sid, in-a-pickle, and 8floor. They still haven't defended themselves AT ALL (and how many times have we brought their name up???) or let alone post anything in the thread. They're play style seems to be the same whether they're scum or town.

And I'm pretty much annoyed with all the inactives in this game, don't join a game you're not going to actively play AND if you know you're going on vacation....DO. NOT. JOIN.