Finished season three of Naruto Shippuden!
Now for thoughts on the season! Erm… well, it begins with a mini Naruto training arc. Got to get that training montage going. Then these guys called the Guardian Shinobi Twelve invade, and man are they scary. Or not. Three of them are taken out, along with their plans. Asuma defeats their ringleader, Kazuma, and his last words are “That’s funny”. Bonk. Head hits ground and he’s dead. The nation weeps in pain. Not really. Naruto and Sora fight in Nine-Tails form in what is sure to go down as an even fiercer fight than that one from Family Guy where the old lady is taking on the big boxer guy, and somehow the big boxer guy runs out of steam and the old lady wins (the old lady being Naruto in this case). The power of friendship saves the day. Hooray. Everyone cheers. Then the season concludes with a message about what being the true “king” means. Alright, Asuma. We hear you. Next up is season four. What awaits us in season four? Two new Akatsuki members. Yeyyyyyyyyy (if you can’t tell I’m already getting bored of this show).
Now for thoughts on the season! Erm… well, it begins with a mini Naruto training arc. Got to get that training montage going. Then these guys called the Guardian Shinobi Twelve invade, and man are they scary. Or not. Three of them are taken out, along with their plans. Asuma defeats their ringleader, Kazuma, and his last words are “That’s funny”. Bonk. Head hits ground and he’s dead. The nation weeps in pain. Not really. Naruto and Sora fight in Nine-Tails form in what is sure to go down as an even fiercer fight than that one from Family Guy where the old lady is taking on the big boxer guy, and somehow the big boxer guy runs out of steam and the old lady wins (the old lady being Naruto in this case). The power of friendship saves the day. Hooray. Everyone cheers. Then the season concludes with a message about what being the true “king” means. Alright, Asuma. We hear you. Next up is season four. What awaits us in season four? Two new Akatsuki members. Yeyyyyyyyyy (if you can’t tell I’m already getting bored of this show).