Bread Kennedys
A lot of the reasons you cited are why I wound up dropping RWBY. I watched the first episode of V5 and just realized I couldn’t do it anymore. It really hadn’t felt the same to me since Monty passed, and I don’t know if that’s just because the show was moving in a new direction regardless or if it’s more something he brought to it.
Yeah, that's fair. I thought what they were trying to do after Volume 3 was a great idea and I was really excited to see where it could go, but to put something into perspective, it took two full Volumes for Team RWBY to reunite. And we have to wait several months just to see what happens next after the season ends. So basically, the cycle is that we get around 12 (not always 12 but that seems to be the average) episodes in a series with bad pacing, and then we have to wait months for another set of episodes. It's dumb. RT, pls fix.
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