The Bell Tree Fair 2014: Closing Ceremony

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Grats to the winners! And, thank you to the mods/staff for making and running the fair!
It was my first TBT fair, and I had a lot of fun!
Still can't believe I was placed first in the art contest. It's really opened my eyes lately to my art.
Congrats to everyone, and BIG thank you to the staff for an amazing fair! THIS HAS BEEN A BLAST!
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Congratulations everyone and thanks everyone who helped organize the fair!
Congrats to all the winners! Great job, guys. : )

Got to admit, I'm really bummed that I literally missed placing in the art contest by just one single vote, but such is life.

The fair was overall very fun to take part in and thanks for hosting it! I can't even imagine how much work it took on your part. I appreciate all the efforts you made to make this successful and enjoyable for everyone~
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Had a great time this year for my first fair : D Used my remaining tickets on feathers and balloons xD Nice way to arrange by color I suppose<3 Regardless of not getting some entries in, I enjoyed the entire thing and congrats to all the deserving winners : )
Are all the winners names in purple?
That's freaking sweet
Aw I just noticed the winners names are in purple c: That's really cool.

Also Justin, is it possible to make the banner close once we've read it? ^^;
Just to say before any speculation pops up, the purple names are temporary! Just a nice bonus for the winners, it will be gone in a week or so. :)
A BIG MASSIVE THX to our badd @$$ mods for hosting this!!! You guys rock and deserve a well earned vacay after this is all over!!!

CONGRATS to all the winners, finalists, and entrants. You guys rock at creativity,and I thoroughly enjoyed everyone's masterpieces!

The fair was super fun, and though I am sad its over, I really enjoyed every single bit of it!!!
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