Yeah this is a much better schedule for me since I'd be cutting it close with my work schedule on Tuesday lol. So yeah thank you for the extra session, you all are great!Will be joining today's session as well. Tuesday could have possibly worked for me, but I'm also going to be working that day, so eh...
Thank you so much, Mar and Mistreil, for the added sessions!
adding to try to get in for the newly added Saturday, July 29 @ 6:30 PM EDT session of smashoh wow, I can't believe mistreil's gonna be streaming master duel
TBT username: LambdaDelta
In-game name: MUGI
Switch code: SW-4250-5574-0434
Super Smash Brothers Ultimate * Friday, July 28 @ 1:00 PM EDT Mairmalade
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe * Sunday, July 30 @ 10:00 AM EDT Mairmalade
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Sunday, July 30th @ 2:00 PM EDT Mistreil
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Monday, July 31st @ 6:00 PM EDT Mistreil
Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Tuesday, August 1 @ 5:00 PM EDT Mairmalade
I actually probably won't be in for all of these, but I'm just putting all ones I have the game for down to be safe. ofc, if I hit the quota, I'll just more likely not join in, unless maybe if the session pool at the time ends up open enough to not interfere with someone else that needs to get in more
Super Smash Brothers Ultimate | Saturday, July 29 @ 6:30 PM EDT | Mairmalade |
Super Smash Brothers Ultimate | Sunday, July 30th @ 4:00 PM EDT (might start a bit late) | Mistreil |
I.... actually forgot about this whoopsPlease remember to take a screenshot that shows your in-game name to be eligible for participation.
Splatoon 3 | Monday, July 31st @ 4:00 PM EDT | Mistreil |
Apology not accepted.Thank you Mar for hosting and Mistreil for streaming that SSBU session!
and my apologies for sending spiked ball after spiked ball your way
Your Little Mac always makes up for it! Thank you for playing!Just submitted my entries! Seems I'm rustier with my Dark Pit than Little Mac.
Would love to join all the sessions if it were possible, but I don't want to hog space from other players.
Thanks as always for hosting, Mar and Mistreil!
TBT Username: FraudulentDimetrodon
In-Game Name: Zia
Switch Code: 4385-6048-3900
Game Session Host Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Sunday, July 30th @ 2:00 PM EDT Mistreil Splatoon 3 Sunday, July 30th @ 6:00 PM EDT Mistreil Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Monday, July 31st @ 6:00 PM EDT Mistreil
Is it okay to add another game? I realized I'm free later and I wanted to duty schedule sucks but I will do anything for splatoon 3
TBT username: skarmoury
In-game name: skar (da) (skar ? on splatoon 3)
Switch code: SW-8528-2451-8409
Splatoon 3 Sunday, July 30th @ 6:00 PM EDT Mistreil
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe | * Sunday, July 30 @ 10:00 AM EDT | Mairmalade |