• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

The Official "Rank My Villagers!" Thread

Hope this is okay to bring back, but seeing the tier list threads come back and also a couple other recent threads made me remember this thread. When I first started participating in this forum I was very nervous and for some reason this was a fun and low pressure way for me to start sharing some opinions. Maybe it will be that for someone else too.

here are my villagers right now (in the order they moved in):


1. Genji
2. Maggie
3. Agnes
4. Pashmina
5. Bangle
6. Flurry
7. Cole
8. Ike
9. Tabby
10. Graham

1. Cole - been interested in him the longest. He would go so well with my island not just cuz in Dragon Age there is a character named Cole, but also because of how he looks. He is so adorable 🥰.
2. Tabby - I used to not like her, but thanks to your screenshots and dream address and other people talking about how much they loved her, I am now extremely interested in her in spite of not clicking a lot with peppies in NH.
3. Bangle - I really disliked the big cats for the size of their heads and their eyes. Bangle grew on me again, thanks to all of your screenshots and enthusiasm for her ^.^. a few other big cats are growing on me as well lol.
4. Agnes - I would actually giving Tabby to Genji the same rating since my interest is the same. I just love the cute things I heard about them (like Agnes and her ears flopping) and the screenshots.
5. Genji - Design wise, Genji’s interests me the most though I am embarrassed to say that I didn’t know what he represented aside from bunny until recently.
6. Graham - I have him on my island again and he is adorable with the reading glasses on and when he smiles. I feel bad for how I treated him when I saw he was my forced camper, so that is part of the reason why i used his amiibo card to kick dom (along with wanting his pic and to give him another chance).
7. Pashmina - some of the conversations she had that I’ve seen screenshots of has helped me develop some interest in her in spite not liking a lot of the goat designs.
8. Flurry - never been interested in flurry but I can see how they’re cute
9. Ike - not a fan of bears designs but Ike is okay. Nate has been growing on me so I can see maybe liking Ike eventually.
10. Maggie - don’t like a lot of pigs but I think I might like her if I gave her a chance. I do like her design better than some of the other pigs.
Post automatically merged:

My villagers are: Punchy, Kiki, Rudy, Raymond, Rosie, Merry, Sherb, Roscoe, Judy, and Graham (Judy and Graham are temporaries; subject to change since I may end up liking Judy and she has no amiibo card).

1. Merry
2. Rudy
3. Judy
4. Sherb
5. Kiki
6. Raymond
7. Roscoe
8. Rosie
9. Punchy
10. Graham

First off, I love your villager line-up! It was hard to rank these babies, hehe.

1. Rosie - she is super adorable! I'm definitely biased because I talk with her every time I visit my S/O's island (hearing the peppy voice never fails to make me smile) and I share birthdays with her. :3
2. Punchy - I love the cat designs in general, and Punchy is no exception. I love the lazy eyes look.
3. Rudy - the cutest jock villager in my books (can you tell I love cute villagers?!) I would love to pair him with Erik one day because his cute little red nose makes me think of Rudolph. XD
4. Judy - I'm so glad my S/O convinced me that I would like Judy! Her colours are so much more aesthetic in-game, and her eyes are so expressive. She's also very fun to dress up!
5. Merry - I love her large eyes and :3 mouth. From her picture on the fan wiki, her facial expression makes me think of a child who reached into the cookie jar when they weren't supposed to, hehe.
6. Graham - former resident of mine. Makes me think of the developers I work with. Looks even more adorable in glasses. I felt bad when I judged him initially (he was my forced campsite visitor).
7. Kiki - black cats are fascinating in real life. I just wish the developers gave her a bit more details in her facial design.
8. Sherb - probably one of my favourite (if not top) goat villagers. I'm not the biggest fan of the species due to their flat faces, but Sherb is basically a baby.
9. Raymond - my S/O's dream villager. Interesting design but reminds me a bit too much of the 9-5 life. XD Finding him is equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack.
10. Roscoe - very cool looking villager. 10/10 would not mess with if I ran into him on the streets. Deviates immensely from the usual cutesy villager that I gravitate towards. However, I would definitely cycle him onto my island if given the chance.

My villagers are, in alphabetical order:
  • Agnes
  • Bones
  • Daisy
  • Elvis
  • Flora
  • Judy
  • Phoebe
  • Olive
  • Poncho
  • Zell

1. Judy
2. Poncho
3. Zell
4. Bones
5. Flora
6. Agnes
7. Phoebe
8. Olive
9. Daisy
10. Elvis

I currently have:

Mathilda. :)

1. Fang
2. Raymond
3. Vivian
4. Mathilda
5. Lucky
6. Wolfgang
7. Daisy
8. Teddy
9. Cherry
10. Maddie


Here are my villagers:
- Diva
- Cobb
- Apple
- Bruce
- Judy
- Broccolo
- Dora
- Walker
- Keaton
- Filbert
- Apple
- Bruce
- Judy
- Broccolo
- Dora
- Walker
- Keaton
- Filbert

My current lineup on Evwirt


The last 3 will be replaced by the remaining deer so my lineup will be a deer tier list eventually lol

My current lineup on Evwirt


The last 3 will be replaced by the remaining deer so my lineup will be a deer tier list eventually lol

1. Erik - I had him in NL and I really enjoyed him. He really is adorable ^.^
2. Diana - I initially had no interest in her, but now she has become one of my favorite deer :) thanks to seeing her on a friend’s island and all the screenshots
3. Audie - I’m not big on any of the wolves but I am actually interested in her; initially I had no interest in her.
4. Tex - not a favorite but I did enjoy him when he was on my island. He looked so cute in a top hat and tail coat/vampire costume
5. Zell - i like his design :). He looks like one classy or fashionable guy
6. Bam - he’s cute. :)
7. Fauna - she’s really cute. not sure what else to say :)
8. Bruce
9. Deirdre
10. Pierce - not a fan of the eagle villagers’ design
Annalisa- she was one of my starter villagers in NL but she moved away unexpectedly one day. At first it didn't affect me much but after receiving her photo in the mail (in that game villagers can send you their photo if your friendship with them was high enough and they move away) and placing it in my living room, looking at it every time I would go inside, made me miss her a lot. I wished I had tried to stop her from moving. I was then really sad about it. But imagine my complete surprise and happiness when I go island hopping for the very first time in NH and she's literally the very first villager I found. It was fate we were brought together after 7 long years 🥰 Seeing her again after so long made me fully fall in love with her. She is my queen and therefore has her own palace in Magicant.

Ken- I never did pay too much heed to him back in NL because I never got to meet him. I only knew him by his official art. He looked real cool, but after seeing him roaming around Bamboo Island I realized "wow, his colors are so nice!" That black and blue, plus his bright red blush, really looked appealing to me, so I decided to invite him, and have not regret my decision at all.

Tucker- the very first lazy villager I came across during island hopping. He's perfect in every way. Love his expressions and the fact he has tusks.

Sprinkle- I remember seeing her in NL but I never really thought about her much. She was all right, but after seeing how plump and small she is in NH, plus that vibrant blue color, she's the cutest thing ever. She's my very own Piplup.

Gonzo- I kept bumping into him while island hopping and realized he looks just like a plushie to me, which I absolutely love because I'm obsessed with plushies.

Boots- what can I say? He's a reptile and I LOOOVE reptiles, plus he's silly and so cute when he opens his big wide mouth.

Pecan- she's smol and she's a squirrel. Squirrels are my second fave villager species, frogs being my first 💖🐸

Agnes- I've always, ALWAYS wanted her since I first saw her official art. I did the villager plot resetting exploit over and over in NL until I would get her but RNG was not kind, and I instead ended up with Muffy, which is completely okay because Muffy is so precious and I love sheepies~ but now I finally have Agnes, and omg I love pigs, both in-game and IRL. She's basically a pot-belly piggy <3

Carrie- one of the first NMT villagers I found. The only female kangaroo I really really like because she's so much more a mom than the others. She captures the look so nicely, and she reminds me of Moominmamma <3

Dom- of course there is Dom, the one and only. He's too perfect. He's a sheepie and so floofy~
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1. Cole - been interested in him the longest. He would go so well with my island not just cuz in Dragon Age there is a character named Cole, but also because of how he looks. He is so adorable 🥰.
2. Tabby - I used to not like her, but thanks to your screenshots and dream address and other people talking about how much they loved her, I am now extremely interested in her in spite of not clicking a lot with peppies in NH.
3. Bangle - I really disliked the big cats for the size of their heads and their eyes. Bangle grew on me again, thanks to all of your screenshots and enthusiasm for her ^.^. a few other big cats are growing on me as well lol.
4. Agnes - I would actually giving Tabby to Genji the same rating since my interest is the same. I just love the cute things I heard about them (like Agnes and her ears flopping) and the screenshots.
5. Genji - Design wise, Genji’s interests me the most though I am embarrassed to say that I didn’t know what he represented aside from bunny until recently.
6. Graham - I have him on my island again and he is adorable with the reading glasses on and when he smiles. I feel bad for how I treated him when I saw he was my forced camper, so that is part of the reason why i used his amiibo card to kick dom (along with wanting his pic and to give him another chance).
7. Pashmina - some of the conversations she had that I’ve seen screenshots of has helped me develop some interest in her in spite not liking a lot of the goat designs.
8. Flurry - never been interested in flurry but I can see how they’re cute
9. Ike - not a fan of bears designs but Ike is okay. Nate has been growing on me so I can see maybe liking Ike eventually.
10. Maggie - don’t like a lot of pigs but I think I might like her if I gave her a chance. I do like her design better than some of the other pigs.
Post automatically merged:

My villagers are: Punchy, Kiki, Rudy, Raymond, Rosie, Merry, Sherb, Roscoe, Judy, and Graham (Judy and Graham are temporaries; subject to change since I may end up liking Judy and she has no amiibo card).

1. Kiki - I had her until recently, when I gave her to a friend who really loves cats irl and never found any cats while island hopping (Aww, she just texted me to say she gave Kiki a spiny lobster and Kiki complimented her makeup). Kiki is so so cute, I love her subtle details like he stripped tail and big eyes. I put her first just on a whim. Honestly so many of your villagers are so great. In general though I also just like normal type villagers more than smugs
2. Graham- obviously he’s my little pig nose baby. He made me give smugs a second chance, and I love him.
3. Merry - love her, her little face is so funny and cute to me, I would love to have her on my island at some point.
4. Punchy - I had a very silly ‘grudge’ against punchy for a while. When I was island hopping early on and still cared about resource harvesting a lot he can to close while I was hitting a rock and made me miss getting everything out of it! Plus then I had to choose to not invite him, which made me feel a bit guilty. Anyway, luckily I have gotten over that and seeing how much you love him, as well as some other notable forum members made me give him a second chance. Also have this weird preoccupation lately with having him and Sally, because for some reason they look like they should be friends (maybe just their sleepy eyes?)
5. Judy - I love her crazy eyes and pastel colors. She’s the right kind of over the top to me.
6. Rosie - it gets very tough for me at this point. Basically chose Rosie because she is a cute peppy and I love the peppies. Dream big, girls!
7. Rudy - he’s cute and I’ve come across him a few time in my island hopping and he’s grown on me a lot
8. Raymond - I’m really not a Raymond hater, I swear. I don’t have much experience with him in game. He’s not that bad, though I don’t really love his house (so sad to make him live in an office)
9. Sherb - Ditto the above. Not as much a dislike of sherb as that I have stronger opinions on the others. He came to my campsite once and I thought he was cute.
10. Roscoe - I’m the least familiar with him, I feel bad ranking him here, because he has a pretty cool design. I haven’t ever had a horse villager and haven’t been too much of a fan of them, but I’ve been growing to like them more. Roscoe makes me think of ‘Bad Horse’ from ‘Dr. Horrible’s Sing-along blog’ (the thoroughbred of sin). It’s a very old reference, sorry, but it makes me really like him. Loved visiting islands with him on them.

what a great bunch of villagers. A good reminder I should do more dreaming so I can vicariously experience more villagers.
First off, I love your villager line-up! It was hard to rank these babies, hehe.

1. Rosie - she is super adorable! I'm definitely biased because I talk with her every time I visit my S/O's island (hearing the peppy voice never fails to make me smile) and I share birthdays with her. :3
2. Punchy - I love the cat designs in general, and Punchy is no exception. I love the lazy eyes look.
3. Rudy - the cutest jock villager in my books (can you tell I love cute villagers?!) I would love to pair him with Erik one day because his cute little red nose makes me think of Rudolph. XD
4. Judy - I'm so glad my S/O convinced me that I would like Judy! Her colours are so much more aesthetic in-game, and her eyes are so expressive. She's also very fun to dress up!
5. Merry - I love her large eyes and :3 mouth. From her picture on the fan wiki, her facial expression makes me think of a child who reached into the cookie jar when they weren't supposed to, hehe.
6. Graham - former resident of mine. Makes me think of the developers I work with. Looks even more adorable in glasses. I felt bad when I judged him initially (he was my forced campsite visitor).
7. Kiki - black cats are fascinating in real life. I just wish the developers gave her a bit more details in her facial design.
8. Sherb - probably one of my favourite (if not top) goat villagers. I'm not the biggest fan of the species due to their flat faces, but Sherb is basically a baby.
9. Raymond - my S/O's dream villager. Interesting design but reminds me a bit too much of the 9-5 life. XD Finding him is equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack.
10. Roscoe - very cool looking villager. 10/10 would not mess with if I ran into him on the streets. Deviates immensely from the usual cutesy villager that I gravitate towards. However, I would definitely cycle him onto my island if given the chance.

My villagers are, in alphabetical order:
  • Agnes
  • Bones
  • Daisy
  • Elvis
  • Flora
  • Judy
  • Phoebe
  • Olive
  • Poncho
  • Zell

1. Agnes - one of my favorites, just recently got her on my island. I love her, she’s amazing.
2. Daisy - super cute and sweet looking!
3. Judy - see above but I really like her. Her house is very cute too.
4. Bones - he seems like a cute, good boy 🥰
5. Phoebe - I love that she lives in literal hell.

the next 5 are really hard!

6. Poncho
6. Olive - Olive and Poncho are both so cute! they also actually kind of look similar.
8. Zell - he’s got a cool and unique look
9. Flora - cute!
10. Elvis - nothing against him, I’m just the most picky about crankies. He’s got a good design though! The lions are very underrated.
Honestly do not care for what people think of my villagers, but I'm bored so whatever, shoot:

1. Skye
2. Wolfgang
3. Freya
4. Audie
5. Del
6. Zucker (not perm)
7. Phoebe
8. Gwen (not perm)
9. Dom (semi not perm)
10. Quillson (gross. he refuses to leave.)
Honestly do not care for what people think of my villagers, but I'm bored so whatever, shoot:

1. Skye
2. Wolfgang
3. Freya
4. Audie
5. Del
6. Zucker (not perm)
7. Phoebe
8. Gwen (not perm)
9. Dom (semi not perm)
10. Quillson (gross. he refuses to leave.)

Skye and Wolfgang are literally my two wolves lol, you have great taste
Here's my list!
1) Paula
2) Genji
3) Dom
4) Bob
5) Wolfgang
6) Judy
7) Gayle
8) Sherb
9) Ruby
10) Keaton

1. Genji
2. Ruby
3. Judy
4. Dom
5. Paula
6. Bob
7. Sherb
8. Wolfgang
9. Keaton
10. Gayle

Great group of villagers! Ruby and Genji are particularly cute little buns! Thanks for sharing!
My villagers are: Punchy, Kiki, Rudy, Raymond, Rosie, Merry, Sherb, Roscoe, Judy, and Graham (Judy and Graham are temporaries; subject to change since I may end up liking Judy and she has no amiibo card).
SO many kitty cats!!!!

1. KIKI!!! (My dreamy since furever! Finally got her a few months ago when I bought her - homemade - amiibo card)
2. Rosie (She's my island's most famous resident)
3. Sherb (he's baby)
4. Punchy (Love him so much. I was so sad to let him go, so I bought his amiibo just in case I wanna re-invite him)
5. Merry
6. Roscoe
7. Rudy
8. Judy
9. Raymond
10. Graham

here are my villagers right now (in the order they moved in):
Some really underrated villagers here!

1. Pashmina (One of the few sisterly villagers I actually like. I would have her on my island in a heartbeat!)
2. Flurry
3. Genji (Was my starter jock.)
4. Agnes (Another sisterly I love)
5. Tabby
6. Cole
7. Bangle
8. Ike
9. Maggie
10. Graham (Sorry Graham stans!)

My villagers are, in alphabetical order:
  • Agnes
  • Bones
  • Daisy
  • Elvis
  • Flora
  • Judy
  • Phoebe
  • Olive
  • Poncho
  • Zell
Arghh!! These are all so cute omg. This was really hard to rank ngl.

1. Flora
2. Agnes
3. Daisy
4. Bones
5. Phoebe
6. Olive
7. Poncho
8. Zell
9. Judy
10. Elvis
I currently have:

Mathilda. :)
Love all the wolves and dogs!

1. Wolfgang (I love all th cranky wolves though... I would have them all if I could stand the repeated dialogue)
2. Fang
3. Cherry
4. Daisy
5. Lucky
6. Maddie
7. Teddy
8. Vivian
9. Raymond
10. Mathilda

Here are my villagers:
- Diva
- Cobb
- Apple
- Bruce
- Judy
- Broccolo
- Dora
- Walker
- Keaton
- Filbert
So many cuties!!

1. Bruce
2. Filbert
3. Apple
4. Walker
5. Keaton
6. Judy
7. Dora
8. Broccolo
9. Diva
10. Cobb
My current lineup on Evwirt

Yesss! Deer island!!

1. Fauna
2. Diana
3. Bam
4. Erik (I WANT HIM SO BAD!)
5. Bruce
6. Zell
7. Audie
8. Deirdre
9. Tex
10. Pierce
Honestly do not care for what people think of my villagers, but I'm bored so whatever, shoot:
1. Skye
2. Wolfgang
3. Freya
4. Audie
5. Del
6. Zucker (not perm)
7. Phoebe
8. Gwen (not perm)
9. Dom (semi not perm)
10. Quillson (gross. he refuses to leave.)

1. Wolfgang
2. Skye
3. Phoebe
4. Freya
5. Audie
6. Zucker
7. Dom
8. Gwen
9. Quillson
10. Del

Here's my list!
1) Paula
2) Genji
3) Dom
4) Bob
5) Wolfgang
6) Judy
7) Gayle
8) Sherb
9) Ruby
10) Keaton

1. Wolfgang
2. Sherb
3. Bob
4. Genji
5. Gayle
6. Rudy
7. Judy
8. Dom
9. Keaton
10. Paula

here's mine (alphabetical order) :love:

- Bam
- Chief
- Diana
- Fauna
- Kiki
- Marshal
- Rosie
- Sherb
- Stella
- Wolfgang
- Bam
- Chief
- Diana
- Fauna
- Kiki
- Marshal
- Rosie
- Sherb
- Stella
- Wolfgang

Oh no I love them all 😭 I'll do it in reverse LOL
10. Rosie
9. Bam
8. Kiki
7. Fauna
6. Diana
5. Marshal
4. Chief
3. Wolfgang
2. Stella
1. Sherb ❤


Here's mine!
- Bea
- Sherb
- Ruby
- Felicity
- Lily
- Genji
- Lobo
- Shep
- Fuchsia
- Vivian

My current lineup on Evwirt


The last 3 will be replaced by the remaining deer so my lineup will be a deer tier list eventually lol

1. Bam
2. Bruce
3. Zell
4. Diana
5. Pierce
6. Audie
7. Tex
8. Erik
9. Deirdre
10. Fauna

Annalisa- she was one of my starter villagers in NL but she moved away unexpectedly one day. At first it didn't affect me much but after receiving her photo in the mail (in that game villagers can send you their photo if your friendship with them was high enough and they move away) and placing it in my living room, looking at it every time I would go inside, made me miss her a lot. I wished I had tried to stop her from moving. I was then really sad about it. But imagine my complete surprise and happiness when I go island hopping for the very first time in NH and she's literally the very first villager I found. It was fate we were brought together after 7 long years 🥰 Seeing her again after so long made me fully fall in love with her. She is my queen and therefore has her own palace in Magicant.

Ken- I never did pay too much heed to him back in NL because I never got to meet him. I only knew him by his official art. He looked real cool, but after seeing him roaming around Bamboo Island I realized "wow, his colors are so nice!" That black and blue, plus his bright red blush, really looked appealing to me, so I decided to invite him, and have not regret my decision at all.

Tucker- the very first lazy villager I came across during island hopping. He's perfect in every way. Love his expressions and the fact he has tusks.

Sprinkle- I remember seeing her in NL but I never really thought about her much. She was all right, but after seeing how plump and small she is in NH, plus that vibrant blue color, she's the cutest thing ever. She's my very own Piplup.

Gonzo- I kept bumping into him while island hopping and realized he looks just like a plushie to me, which I absolutely love because I'm obsessed with plushies.

Boots- what can I say? He's a reptile and I LOOOVE reptiles, plus he's silly and so cute when he opens his big wide mouth.

Pecan- she's smol and she's a squirrel. Squirrels are my second fave villager species, frogs being my first 💖🐸

Agnes- I've always, ALWAYS wanted her since I first saw her official art. I did the villager plot resetting exploit over and over in NL until I would get her but RNG was not kind, and I instead ended up with Muffy, which is completely okay because Muffy is so precious and I love sheepies~ but now I finally have Agnes, and omg I love pigs, both in-game and IRL. She's basically a pot-belly piggy <3

Carrie- one of the first NMT villagers I found. The only female kangaroo I really really like because she's so much more a mom than the others. She captures the look so nicely, and she reminds me of Moominmamma <3

Dom- of course there is Dom, the one and only. He's too perfect. He's a sheepie and so floofy~

1. Pecan (One of my top five villagers!)
2. Sprinkle
3. Agnes
4. Annalisa
5. Dom
6. Ken
7. Tucker
8. Carrie
9. Boots
10. Gonzo

Honestly do not care for what people think of my villagers, but I'm bored so whatever, shoot:

1. Skye
2. Wolfgang
3. Freya
4. Audie
5. Del
6. Zucker (not perm)
7. Phoebe
8. Gwen (not perm)
9. Dom (semi not perm)
10. Quillson (gross. he refuses to leave.)

1. Audie
2. Skye
3. Freya
4. Del
5. Gwen
6. Quillson
7. Phoebe
8. Dom
9. Wolfgang
10. Zucker

Here's my list!
1) Paula
2) Genji
3) Dom
4) Bob
5) Wolfgang
6) Judy
7) Gayle
8) Sherb
9) Ruby
10) Keaton

1. Bob
2. Ruby
3. Judy
4. Sherb
5. Paula
6. Genji
7. Keaton
8. Gayle
9. Dom
10. Wolfgang

SO many kitty cats!!!!

1. KIKI!!! (My dreamy since furever! Finally got her a few months ago when I bought her - homemade - amiibo card)
2. Rosie (She's my island's most famous resident)
3. Sherb (he's baby)
4. Punchy (Love him so much. I was so sad to let him go, so I bought his amiibo just in case I wanna re-invite him)
5. Merry
6. Roscoe
7. Rudy
8. Judy
9. Raymond
10. Graham

Some really underrated villagers here!

1. Pashmina (One of the few sisterly villagers I actually like. I would have her on my island in a heartbeat!)
2. Flurry
3. Genji (Was my starter jock.)
4. Agnes (Another sisterly I love)
5. Tabby
6. Cole
7. Bangle
8. Ike
9. Maggie
10. Graham (Sorry Graham stans!)

Arghh!! These are all so cute omg. This was really hard to rank ngl.

1. Flora
2. Agnes
3. Daisy
4. Bones
5. Phoebe
6. Olive
7. Poncho
8. Zell
9. Judy
10. Elvis

Love all the wolves and dogs!

1. Wolfgang (I love all th cranky wolves though... I would have them all if I could stand the repeated dialogue)
2. Fang
3. Cherry
4. Daisy
5. Lucky
6. Maddie
7. Teddy
8. Vivian
9. Raymond
10. Mathilda

So many cuties!!

1. Bruce
2. Filbert
3. Apple
4. Walker
5. Keaton
6. Judy
7. Dora
8. Broccolo
9. Diva
10. Cobb

Yesss! Deer island!!

1. Fauna
2. Diana
3. Bam
4. Erik (I WANT HIM SO BAD!)
5. Bruce
6. Zell
7. Audie
8. Deirdre
9. Tex
10. Pierce

1. Wolfgang
2. Skye
3. Phoebe
4. Freya
5. Audie
6. Zucker
7. Dom
8. Gwen
9. Quillson
10. Del

1. Wolfgang
2. Sherb
3. Bob
4. Genji
5. Gayle
6. Rudy
7. Judy
8. Dom
9. Keaton
10. Paula

here's mine (alphabetical order) :love:

- Bam
- Chief
- Diana
- Fauna
- Kiki
- Marshal
- Rosie
- Sherb
- Stella
- Wolfgang

I love Marshal and Bam so much!

1. Marshal
2. Bam
3. Sherb
4. Kiki
5. Diana
6. Rosie
7. Fauna
8. Stella
9. Wolfgang
10. Chief

Oh no I love them all 😭 I'll do it in reverse LOL
10. Rosie
9. Bam
8. Kiki
7. Fauna
6. Diana
5. Marshal
4. Chief
3. Wolfgang
2. Stella
1. Sherb ❤


Here's mine!
- Bea
- Sherb
- Ruby
- Felicity
- Lily
- Genji
- Lobo
- Shep
- Fuchsia
- Vivian

I love all of the first six about the same, it was torture to order them:

1. Ruby
2. Sherb
3. Felicity
4. Lobo
5. Lily
6. Fuchsia
7. Genji
8. Vivian
9. Bea
10. Shep
Mine is:
10. Marina (I don't dislike Marina by any means!!! I just never loved her to begin with! I'm generally not very fond of the normal personality anyway, and my s/o wants her so I'm definitely letting her go)

9. Sherb (I actually really loved sherb in the beginning! And I still like him, but I'm DEFINITELY letting him move out when I can. I don't want 3 lazies on my island. Plus I find that I have a tendency to not like more popular villagers because they feel less personal to me.)

8. Dom (I think his design is really good but I've had him for like 2 months and I still haven't fully clicked with him because again, I have a harder time liking those more popular villagers)

7. Beau (My newest addition, I haven't really gotten to know him yet. Love his design but idk if we'll click yet.)

6. Bunnie (I feel pretty neutral about her in general but she's one of the better peppy designs imo. She also definitely has a huge crush on Zell but she's playing a lot of games... )

5. Claudia (Bougie chain smoker vibes, also basically a mom to me)

4. Zell (Probably my second favorite overall design and I had his amiibo. also has a huge crush on Bunnie)

3. Flo (Dresses and talks like a real baddie and has NO chill. She even calls me the B word)

2. Drago (Such a unique design, probably my favorite. And I gave him some good outfits. Also he's braindead 90% of the time)

1. Chief (I love him so much, he was definitely a prep in high school but now he's in his late 40s and still reminisces about the 80s. Basically a dad to me)
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10.Claudia-she’s not the WORST but she doesn’t give me the right vibes.
9.Flo-An instant spike-I like her but not as much as the others.
8.Bunnie-Kinda boring, but I like the subtle apple theming!
7.Sherb-I stick by my opinion that he’s the most overrated of the new villagers, but he’s the best goat villager.
6.Marina-She’s in the middle of the octopi for me-cuter than Octavian, but not as epic as Zucker. Plus her emphasis on MAXIMUM PINK is overwhelming to me...
5.Dom-He’s just trying his best to be cool! I can appreciate that.
4.Drago-one of the better gators. I love unique villagers!
3.Zell-love the hedge-fund manager deer, but I can’t say he’s high on my list of deer overall.
2. Chief-I totally agree with you on his personality. He seems to be trying to be the “cool guy” out of the group of cranky wolves (Wolfgang is the coolest tho-sorry)
1. Beau-Oy, I’m biased towards deer, but Beau is the cutest of the Gazelle-deer! Plus I love his mountain picnic interior!
I hope I got everyone's! All really fun and unique line-ups to rank. ❤

I currently have:

Mathilda. :)
Really nice mix of different villager vibes and styles. :)
  1. Daisy - total sweetie and cutie pie.
  2. Fang - cranky wolf gang.
  3. Wolfgang - see above, pun intended this time.
  4. Cherry - love her rocker look, she seems like the type of friend I need to tell me the things I don't want to hear. XD
  5. Lucky - unique design, the irony of his name makes me laugh.
  6. Raymond - my newest move-in, I can already understand the hype around him. His little canines when he smiles are adorable.
  7. Maddie - another cute doggo.
  8. Vivian - nice design and colouring.
  9. Mathilda - very cool and would not mess with her nor her joey.
  10. Teddy - I'm generally not a fan of the bear villagers, but I quite like his design. His eyes are the same shape as his eyebrows, which makes me laugh.

Here are my villagers:
- Diva
- Cobb
- Apple
- Bruce
- Judy
- Broccolo
- Dora
- Walker
- Keaton
- Filbert
  1. Judy
  2. Filbert - so adorable!
  3. Walker - I love huskies.
  4. Bruce - very cool looking
  5. Keaton - love the colours and patterns of his feathers!
  6. Broccolo
  7. Dora
  8. Cobb
  9. Diva

My current lineup on Evwirt


The last 3 will be replaced by the remaining deer so my lineup will be a deer tier list eventually lol

Deer are definitely one of my favourite villager species.

  1. Diana - my queen, thanks to Luke from Outside Xtra.
  2. Fauna - too sweet looking, could not deny her of #2.
  3. Erik - very cute reindeer.
  4. Tex - really like his eye design.
  5. Zell - gives off the vibes of the smart kid who always sits in the back of the class and answers all questions. XD
  6. Deirdre - very natural design, easy on the eyes.
  7. Bruce - nice colours and I like his stripes.
  8. Pierce - very nice blue.
  9. Audie
  10. Bam
Honestly do not care for what people think of my villagers, but I'm bored so whatever, shoot:

1. Skye
2. Wolfgang
3. Freya
4. Audie
5. Del
6. Zucker (not perm)
7. Phoebe
8. Gwen (not perm)
9. Dom (semi not perm)
10. Quillson (gross. he refuses to leave.)

  1. Wolfgang
  2. Skye
  3. Phoebe
  4. Audie
  5. Zucker
  6. Dom
  7. Freya
  8. Gwen
  9. Del
  10. Quillson

Here's my list!
1) Paula
2) Genji
3) Dom
4) Bob
5) Wolfgang
6) Judy
7) Gayle
8) Sherb
9) Ruby
10) Keaton
  1. Judy
  2. Bob
  3. Wolfgang
  4. Genji
  5. Keaton
  6. Sherb
  7. Dom
  8. Gayle
  9. Ruby
  10. Paula

here's mine (alphabetical order) :love:

- Bam
- Chief
- Diana
- Fauna
- Kiki
- Marshal
- Rosie
- Sherb
- Stella
- Wolfgang
  1. Diana
  2. Wolfgang
  3. Chief
  4. Rosie
  5. Fauna
  6. Marshal
  7. Sherb
  8. Kiki
  9. Stella
  10. Bam

Here's mine!
- Bea
- Sherb
- Ruby
- Felicity
- Lily
- Genji
- Lobo
- Shep
- Fuchsia
- Vivian
  1. Felicity
  2. Bea
  3. Lobo
  4. Sherb
  5. Lily
  6. Genji
  7. Shep
  8. Vivian
  9. Ruby
  10. Fuchsia - she is even brighter in-person. 🤣 If she was a tad less bright, I would definitely like her design a lot more!
Hope this is okay to bring back, but seeing the tier list threads come back and also a couple other recent threads made me remember this thread. When I first started participating in this forum I was very nervous and for some reason this was a fun and low pressure way for me to start sharing some opinions. Maybe it will be that for someone else too.

here are my villagers right now (in the order they moved in):


10. tabby
9. cole
8. graham
7. genji
6. ike
5. bangle
4. pashmina
3. flurry
2. maggie
1. agnes
Aw I wouldn't mind getting my villagers ranked! Just Muir Wood for now, since Inverness doesn't even have 10 villagers, let alone a "final" lineup.

  • Deirdre
  • Fauna
  • Beau
  • Shep
  • Butch
  • Genji
  • Ruby
  • Purrl
  • Kiki
  • Dom