The out of context quotes thread

So, Leela, I understand your friend here is a physician, and I’m not seeing a ring on his claw.

Mom, he’s a cockroach from outer space!
Beholdeth, Titanius! I cast a freeze ray upon you!

Pfft. That’s ridiculous. There’s no such thing as a freeze ray. What, you mean a cone of coldness?

Yeah, that.

No! No! Fancy men are defenseless against cone of coldness!
Oh, I just bet you’d like to know why I’m so angry about this dark matter shortage. I bet very much you’d like to know!

You’re right, Professor. We would like to know.

Really? I didn’t think anyone was interested.
Did you see anyone?


Yes, you. You’re the only one here.

If I’m the only one here, then how could I see anyone?

He’s got a point, Walt.

So does my knee. *knees him in the leg*