Pokémon The Pokémon Challenge Thread

Another update on my Pokemon White 2 Nuzlocke Challenge.

Trainer: Riley

Current team:

Gon the male Servine (level 34)
Biscuit the female Liepard (level 33)
Mr. Leorio the male Unfezant (level 33)
Killua the Magneton (level 33)
Kurapika the male Conkeldurr (level 33)
Melody the female Pinsir (level 33)

Waiting in the wings (reserves):

Menchi the female Sandile (level 15)
Pakunoda the female Sigilyph (level 19)
Kortopi the male Yamask (level 21)
Machi the female Ducklett (level 23)
Shizuku the female Foongus (level 26)
A male Zorua (level 25)

Deaths: N/A

Gym badges: 5

I explored all of route five and then crossed Driftveil Drawbridge, and encountered a female Ducklett, which I nicknamed Machi of the Phantom Troupe in HunterxHunter and put in reserves. I then made it to Driftveil City and did everything I could do there. Went on to the beginning part of route six and encountered a female Foongus, which I caught, nicknamed Shizuku of the Phantom Troupe, and put in reserves. I also got a Zorua as a gift from Rood at the Ex Team Plasma base. I then went back to route six and Audino trained my team, getting everyone to level 33. I then faced Clay’s gym and took out all the trainers, and then faced Clay himself. I took out his Krokorok with one X-Scissor from Melody, and then switched into Kurapika against his Excadrill to take it out with two Wake-Up Slaps. I then switched into Gon for his final Pokemon, Sandslash, and managed to win without anyone dying. I was afraid he was going to use Fury Cutter on Gon, but he didn’t end up using it. Now I’m about to continue my challenge and explore the rest of Relic Passage, and then participate in the Pokemon World Tournament (PWT) and venture onwards to Mistralton City. Looking forward to seeing what the rest of this run brings me. :)

A long-awaited update on my Pokemon White 2 Nuzlocke Challenge.

Trainer: Riley

Current team:

Gon the male Serperior (level 50)
Mr. Leorio the male Unfezant (level 50)
Killua the Magnezone (level 50)
Kurapika the male Conkeldurr (level 50)
Hisoka the male Flygon (level 50)
Mito the female Jellicent (level 50)

Waiting in the wings (reserves):

Menchi the female Sandile (level 15)
Pakunoda the female Sigilyph (level 19)
Kortopi the male Yamask (level 21)
Machi the female Ducklett (level 23)
Shizuku the female Foongus (level 26)
A male Zorua (level 25)
Neon the female Alomomola (level 5)
Melody the female Pinsir (level 39)
Biscuit the female Liepard (level 42)

Deaths: N/A

Gym badges: 8

A TON of stuff happened, so I’ll only go over the simple stuff. I explored the rest of Relic Passage, participated in the PWT, and headed onto route 6 towards Mistralton City. It was around this time that Gon evolved into a Serperior and Killua evolved into a Magnezone in Chargestone Cave. I then made it to Mistralton City, went to route 7, and came back and challenged the gym, winning with no one dying. Then flew across the region in Skyla’s plane to Lentimas Town. Went outside to Reversal Mountain and caught a first encounter male Trapinch, which I nicknamed Hisoka from HunterxHunter. Melody the Pinsir was replaced with Hisoka to help deal with fire types. Audino trained Hisoka up, and then explored Reversal Mountain and made it to Undella Town. Hisoka was now a Vibrava. Explored route 14 and Undella Bay, and caught a first encounter female Jellicent (the one that appears on Thursdays) to add to my team and replace Biscuit the Liepard, because I needed someone who can Surf (and a ghost type isn’t too bad either). Battled my rival and swept his team, and then headed north through route 13, Lacunosa Town, route 12, Village Bridge, and route 11, finally making it to Opelucid City. Hisoka had evolved into a Flygon by this time. Explored route 9 and then Audino trained my team some more and faced Drayden in battle. It was difficult, but I managed to sneak by the gym without anyone dying. His Haxorus set up four Dragon Dances only to get knocked out by Killua’s Flash Cannon, LMAO. Then went through the Marine Tube to Humilau City and faced the last gym leader, Marlon, and had to use my whole team to win, but beat him without anyone dying. When I next resume my challenge I’ll be facing Team Plasma and hopefully after that the Pokemon League. Looking forward to avenging my loss a long time ago in a different challenge to Ghetsis. :)
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Oh wow! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...an update!

Trainer: Andrew

Badges: 3/8

Current team:

- Chisa the female Lapras, Lv. 30
- Juzo the male Lucario, Lv. 32
- Koichi the male Chatot, Lv. 33
- Ryota the male Duosion, Lv. 34
- Hiyoko the female Floette, Lv. 35
- Nagito the male Venusaur, Lv. 36


- Angie the female Chingling, Lv. 29
- Miu the female Luvdisc, Lv. 15

- Yasuhiro the male Braixen, Lv. 30
- Monokuma the male Cubone, Lv. 19
- Hiroko the female Litleo, Lv. 31

Well again, I had a lot happen, gonna try to keep things short and sweet as possible. I did all the story stuff after the 2nd gym, took on Team Flare on Route 10, battled Korrina in Geosenge Town, and then went on my way to Route 11. Yasuhiro died here for a really dumb reason - he died to a Mienfoo which not only broke through confusion but also landed a critical hit Karate Chop. Monokuma dies here as well against a Sigilyph. At this point, I don't have much left I can use, but I do encounter a Chimecho which I caught and named Angie. I make sure I take on all the trainers here, then go into Reflection Cave, where I encounter another Psychic type, a Solosis. I catch it and name it Ryota, then swap it out for Angie, who goes into reserves. As I continue through Reflection Cave, I get near the end before having Hiroko die to a crit Bite. Despite all the death, I arrive in Shalour City, ready to take on Calem. I take on Calem and win without any deaths here, luckily, then I had to fight Korrina. However, I want to get another encounter and grind a bit more before taking her on, so I do that. My next encounter is a male Chatot, which I caught and named Koichi. It's low leveled, so I make sure to do a lot of level grinding with it before I take on Korrina. Finally, once I'm done with all that (it took way less time than expected), it's time to fight Korrina again. So I take on her gym, and beat all the trainers pretty much effortlessly with Koichi and Ryota. This is the first time the whole gym was pretty much swept in my current playthrough, because Korrina went down pretty easily. The Rumble Badge is mine, and now I can go on and take on Korrina yet again at the Tower of Mastery. Lucario vs. Lucario, this one was...also pretty easy. She gives me the Lucario that fought alongside me for free, and now I can leave Shalour City because I have nothing else I need to do here. Finally, I'm able to obtain a gift Lapras from the Pokemon Breeder who was previously blocking my path. And that is where I stop for now.
HOOO I almost forgot about this... I might've been writing my challenge as a full storylocke..

But to recap on some things!

-Dazzle the (shiny) Leavanny actually had to join the party. Kicked the heck outta Castelia gym! He was up by about a level, maybe two? But had a speed-lowering nature so I was freaked, but nah he still outsped and landed a crit on Burgh's Leavanny.
-Caught Puddles (F/Pidove) in Virbank complex... and promptly lost her within about two training battles.
-Caught Korin (F/Roggenrola, now Boldore) in Relic Passage
-Caught Bucky (M/Rattata, now Raticate) in Castelia Sewers
-Caught Lily (F/Petilil) in Castelia Park, lost her within about two battles <<
-Caught Cuddles the Minccino on Route 4; boxed
-Caught Sandile (M/N's!) at the Desert Resort, now a Krokorok!
-Caught Vision (F/Solosis, now Duosion) on Route 5
-Caught Shiny (F/Trubbish) on Route... whatever the other one out of Nimbasa is |D She and Krokorok played a great team together sweeping Elesa's gym.
-Caught Krillin (M/Ducklett) on the Drawbridge
-Caught ... I forget what I named my Deerling, honestly. But it had a nature that decreases attack and I had enough of a good team already that she's in the reserves.
-Caught N's Joltik in Chargestone Cave.

Current team consists of:
-Krillin (he's mostly around for being an HM slave though).

Gyms went smoothly, Korin took Colress' Route 4 fight well, been just training a lot before tackling Driftveil gym, both to be prepared and also because I'm writing a story so I don't want to go too ahead on the games |D Unfortunately, Nimbasa saw the first real loss of this run...

Shoal, lv 26 Dewott, fell to the Subway Boss' Gurdurr :( ... thankfully she was avenged by her teammate Dazzle, but still, losing the starter is a major blow.

Happy 1st year anniversary to The Pokemon Challenge Thread!

As of this day, 05/10/2019, it has officially been one year since the creation of The Pokemon Challenge Thread on TBT. I just wanted to thank everyone for their interest in the thread and for posting and updating us on their challenges here. From the bottom of my heart, thank you everyone.​

To celebrate, I have a small update on my Pokemon White 2 Nuzlocke Challenge.

Trainer: Riley

Current team: N/A

Waiting in the wings (reserves):

Pakunoda the female Sigilyph (level 19)
Kortopi the male Yamask (level 21)


Mito the female Jellicent
Killua the Magnezone
Alluka the female Floatzel
Kurapika the male Conkeldurr
Biscuit the female Liepard
Gon the male Serperior
Machi the female Ducklett
Menchi the female Sandile
Hisoka the male Flygon
Shizuku the female Amoongus
Kikyo the female Banette
Mr. Leorio the male Unfezant
Melody the female Pinsir
A male Zoroark

Gym badges: 8

Things went kind of poorly after obtaining all 8 gym badges. Mito ended up dying to a Excadrill’s Earthquake, who had set up with Swords Dance, on the route before the Giant Chasm. I then subbed in Biscuit and trained her up, and then went and faced Team Plasma, and even beat Ghetsis this time without losing anyone, thereby making it the furthest I have in a fifth generation Nuzlocke Challenge. Then, disaster struck. Killua the Magnezone was taken out by a Probopass because its ability didn’t let me switch out Killua. I made it to route 23 and eventually Victory Road with a new encounter from route 23, a female Floatzel, which I nicknamed Alluka and trained up. Unfortunately, she ended up dying as well. I subbed in Kikyo the female Banette at that point, which was my final encounter of the challenge at Victory Road. I made it through around six or seven trainers before I faced a veteran who had a Skarmory that set up three or four Swords Dances and went to town on my team. Kurapika, Biscuit, and Gon all ended up dying before I could finish the Skarmory off. All hope is not lost though! I took out Melody the Pinsir, Shizuku the Foongus, and Machi the Ducklett from reserves and trained Melody from level 39 to 57 with Audino training on route 23. Now I’m going to train Shizuku up from 27 to 57 and then resume going through Victory Road. I’ve had quite a few deaths happen since the last update, but I’ve made it too far to give up now. Looking forward to seeing how this challenge concludes, and I’ll make sure to either make a new post or update this post if/when I beat or lose the challenge. :)

EDIT: Things continued to not go well afterwards. I managed to get Shizuku to level 58 as an Amoongus and everyone else at level 58, and even got past Victory Road and my rival without anyone important dying. But some careless mistakes were made against the elite four, and it cost me. Hisoka and Shizuku both died to Shauntal, and it wouldn’t be much longer until the rest of my team fell. I managed to defeat Grimsley, the second of the elite four, but now only Melody the Pinsir remained. I fought valiantly against Caitlin, but Melody died to her Sigilyph. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted. This will probably be the last time I attempt a generation five Nuzlocke Challenge for a good while, and the last time I attempt a Nuzlocke Challenge itself for awhile as well. BLACKOUT.
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an update

Pokemon X Nuzlocke:

Trainer: Andrew

Badges: 4/8

- Chisa the female Lapras, Lv. 35
- Tenko the female Trapinch, Lv. 27
- Juzo the male Lucario, Lv. 35
- Ryota the male Duosion, Lv. 37
- Hiyoko the female Floette, Lv. 37
- Nagito the male Venusaur, Lv. 38

- Koichi the male Chatot, Lv. 35

So, I traveled through Route 12 after obtaining the gift Lapras, arrived in Coumarine City after a long journey, took on my rival Calem and won with no casualties, took on the gym and it's leader with no casualties (Koichi made it a lot easier), and then made my way down to Route 13 and caught a Trapinch which I named Tenko. Took on the sole Flare grunt and found the power plant's card key, then made my way inside. I'm currently taking on the grunts inside, with no casualties so far and hopefully it stays that way. Short update (and one that I've been meaning to do for awhile), but I figured I'd rather do it now so I don't have to do it later and end up having to type out a lot more.
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I know I said I wouldn’t do a challenge for a long time, but I caught a shiny Azurill this past week in Pokemon Y and immediately wanted to do a solo run with it.

Pokemon Y solo run:

Trainer: Riley

Badges: 4/8


Leone the female Azumarill (level 53)

Not much to say here other than the fact that I’ve been able to progress through the game quickly due to only raising one Pokemon. Leone’s moveset is currently Double-Edge, Superpower, Play Rough, and Surf, and she’s gold-colored as well. Definitely looking forward to progressing through the rest of the solo run. :)
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Another update.

I finished my Pokemon Y solo run!

Trainer: Riley

Badges: 8/8 [Champion of Kalos region]


Leone the female Azumarill (level 100)

Again not much to say. I basically sped my way through the game over the weekend because I had nothing else to do. The elite four were pushovers, but the final battle with Diantha was a bit difficult because I was low on PP for some moves. I still managed to win though and beat the solo run. :)

Anyway, now that that’s over and done with, I’m probably not going to attempt another challenge until after I beat Pokemon Sword and Shield for the first time. If I get the urge to at some point though, I’ll post about it here.
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I did quit my Pokemon X Nuzlocke, but I started a new Soul Link Nuzlocke challenge with xRileyx, which basically entails that we have pairs of Pokemon that are linked together and they must be in the party together, and if one of them dies, the other dies as well. Other than that, it functions like a normal Nuzlocke, just with that extra co-op thing there to it. Anyway, here's progress:

Trainer: NUH

Gym Badges: 1/16

- Shigure the Totodile (M), Lv. 13
- Mitama the Butterfree, Lv. 11
- Panne the Rattata, Lv. 13

- Tharja the Zubat, Lv. 3
NoUsernameHere suggested doing a Pokemon Heartgold/Soulsilver Soul Link Nuzlocke with each other, which is where two people play the same game or same versions of a game and do a Nuzlocke challenge where each of the Pokemon you receive from each area are paired, including the starter. If one of your Pokemon dies, then the person you’re doing the Soul Link Nuzlocke with has to release the Pokemon that was paired with that one. So, without further ado, it’s time for a double update from us!

Trainer: Riley

Gym badges: 1/16


Kana the male Chikorita (level 13)
Rocky the male Onix (level 12)
Gaius the male Ekans (level 12)


Flavia the female Geodude (level 4)

A lot happened. We both started the game by choosing Ethan and Lyra. I chose to play as Ethan, and NUH chose Lyra. We then found out our trainer codes and based our starters on that. I received Chikorita, and NUH received Totodile. We proceeded to make it to Cherrygrove City after grinding and got the running shoes. Then we grinded some more before talking to Professor Oak and receiving the Pokedex on route 30. I encountered a Weedle on route 30 and caught it, but had to release it because the Pokemon NUH got on route 30 ended up dying. Then I got a Bellsprout on route 31, which I later traded in-game for Rocky, and a Geodude from Dark Cave, which I nicknamed Flavia. Flavia had to be released though because NUH’s partner from Dark Cave ended up dying as well. We then made it to Violet City and proceeded to go down to route 32 briefly, where I captured an Ekans, which I nicknamed Gaius, and NUH captured a Rattata to be paired with the Ekans. So we had Kana the Chikorita paired with Shigure the Totodile, Rocky the Onix paired with Mitama the Butterfree, and Gaius the Ekans paired with Panne the Rattata. We went to Sprout Tower after finishing grinding some more and beat everyone there, including the elder. Then we faced the gym.

The gym battle was extremely tough for both of us, because Falkner’s Pidgeotto kept spamming Roost. NUH won before me, but I was on the verge of losing someone to death. I managed to masterfully win the battle without anyone dying thankfully, with Kana at 7 HP, Gaius at 6 HP, and Rocky at 4 HP in the end. Thanks to paralyzing the Pidgeotto with Gaius’s Glare, and then using Bite twice to finish the Pidgeotto off with Gaius after Kana and Rocky had lowered its health with Razor Leaf and Rock Throw respectively, I managed to win, just barely. Kana stayed alive and took some Gust attacks by using Synthesis, and the paraflinch strategy went into effect with Gaius to seal the deal. Now we’re both taking a break before resuming the challenge. Looking forward to seeing how far we get though. :)
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More progress on our Pokemon HG/SS Soul Link Nuzlocke:

Trainer: NUH

Badges: 2/16

- Shigure the Totodile (M), Lv. 15
- Mitama the Butterfree (F), Lv. 17
- Panne the Rattata (F), Lv. 15
- Hector the Onix (M), Lv. 15
- Lena the Oddish (F), Lv. 5
Another update on NoUsernameHere and my Heartgold/SoulSilver Soul Link Nuzlocke challenge:

Trainer: Riley

Badges: 2/16

-Kana the Bayleef (M), Lv. 16
-Rocky the Onix (M), Lv. 17
-Gaius the Ekans (M), Lv. 15
-Eliwood the Goldeen (M), Lv. 17
-Merric the Hoothoot (M), Lv. 8


Flavia the Geodude (F), Lv. 4

A lot happened since the first gym. NUH and I went down through the Ruins of Alph, explored routes 32 and 33 while battling trainers, and then got a first encounter Goldeen for myself and Onix for NUH in Union Cave. We captured them, and I nicknamed Goldeen Eliwood because NUH nicknamed his Onix Hector. We then made it to Azalea City and defeated Team Rocket easily. We then took on the gym and both beat Bugsy without any pairs dying as well. Finally, we went into Ilex Forest and NUH got a first encounter Oddish, while I made it to the headbutt guy while encountering nothing but Oddish, so thanks to the dupes clause I was able to headbutt a tree with Rocky and catch a Hoothoot, which I nicknamed Merric. NUH nicknamed his Oddish Lena, from Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon. If you haven’t noticed already or are just tuning in, we’re doing a Fire Emblem theme for nicknaming our Pokemon this time, since that’s a franchise both NUH and I know of. Anyway, we have stopped for now, but looking forward to resuming the challenge another time. :)
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's...SUPERMAN? No, it's an update. I've used this gag before but screw it we're going with it again because I'm lazy.

Pokemon HeartGold Soul Link Nuzlocke:

Trainer: NUH

Badges: 4/16

Shigure the Croconaw (M), Lv. 24
Panne the Raticate (F), Lv. 27
Elise the Parasect (F), Lv. 24
Azama the Aipom (M), Lv. 20
Vika the Noctowl (F), Lv. 22
Billy the Voltorb (Genderless), Lv. 25

Tharja the Zubat (F), Lv. 3
Lena the Oddish (F), Lv. 15
Nyx the Drowzee (F), Lv. 11
Shura the Zubat (M), Lv. 13
Mitama the Butterfree (F), Lv. 22
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Yeah, NoUsernameHere and I were able to beat Morty and get our fourth gym badges. So an update is in order:

Pokemon SoulSilver Soul Link Nuzlocke:

Trainer: Riley

Badges: 4/16


Kana the Bayleef (M), Lv. 23
Gaius the Arbok (M), Lv. 23
Xander the Beedrill (M), Lv. 22
Hinoka the Fearow (F), Lv. 23
Gatrie the Gyarados (M), Lv. 22
Inigo the Starmie (Genderless), Lv. 22


Flavia the Geodude (F), Lv. 4
Merric the Hoothoot (M), Lv. 12
Leo the Abra (M), Lv. 14
Frederick the Machop (M), Lv. 15
Rocky the Steelix (M), Lv. 23

A lot happened since our last update. We went on our way to Goldenrod City. On route 34 we encountered an Abra and Drowzee, which we both caught. NoUsernameHere’s Drowzee ended up dying though, so I had to release my Abra. After that we made it to Goldenrod City and challenged the gym, and were able to win thanks to each of our Onixes. We explored route 35, the National Park, and route 36 during this time as well. I captured a Yanma which I nicknamed Robin on route 35, who is in reserves right now, and NoUsernameHere caught a Ditto during that time. We then went to the Pokeathlon Dome and I even participated in a bunch of speed courses in order to get enough currency to buy items. I got enough for a water stone and a metal coat. We then made it to Ecruteak City and got a bunch of new encounters in and around it. I caught a Magikarp as my first encounter in Ecruteak City’s pond, which I nicknamed Gatrie and he’s on my team now. He has a jolly nature and is paired with NoUsernameHere’s Hoothoot, who is named Vika. Both are a Gyarados and Noctowl respectively now. We then even explored routes 38, 39, Olivine City, the lighthouse, and route 40, and during the nighttime I caught a Staryu on route 40 by fishing, which I gave a water stone to. Now I have Inigo the Starmie on my team, and NoUsernameHere caught a Krabby on that route, which he traded for a Voltorb in-game. We then went back after preparing and faced Morty. NoUsernameHere had no deaths, but Rocky the Steelix died on my side from letting a critical hit Shadow Ball hit him. I replaced him with Gatrie the Gyarados. Now we’re ready to continue our challenge on our way to Cianwood City and the fifth gym badge. :)
Well of course it's an update. What'd you think it was, a downdate? What is that, even?

Pokemon HeartGold Soul Link Nuzlocke:

Trainer: NUH

Badges: 6/16

Shigure the Feraligatr (M), Lv. 35
Owain the Magnezone (Genderless), Lv. 35
Vika the Noctowl (F), Lv. 35
Sully the Magmar (F), Lv. 35
Maribelle the Girafarig (F), Lv. 35
Noire the Golbat (F), Lv. 35

Deaths since last update:
Panne the Raticate (F), Lv. 27
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An update:

Pokemon SoulSilver Soul Link Nuzlocke:

Trainer: Riley

Badges: 6/16


Kana the Meganium (M), Lv. 35
Iago the Persian (M), Lv. 35
Gatrie the Gyarados (M), Lv. 35
Gangrel the Weezing (M), Lv. 35
Lissa the Ampharos (F), Lv. 35
Henry the Misdreavus (M), Lv. 35

Deaths since last update:

Gaius the Arbok (M), Lv. 27

A lot happened since last time. We traveled across the ocean to Cianwood City, battled Eusine there, and then explored all the way to Mahogany Town as well. We got some new encounters, such as a level 16 female Flaaffy which I nicknamed Lissa, and then we finally went in and had a strategy to beat Chuck with, which we did. We then went west towards the Safari Zone Gate and caught a Misdreavus and NUH caught a Golbat in Cliff Cave, which we made the sixth slot of our teams. We had to grind up a TON before facing Jasmine, but finally got both of our teams to level 35 and just faced her around 30 minutes ago. We both won easily. I managed to sweep both of her Magnemites and her Steelix with just Lissa the Ampharos and three Focus Blasts that didn’t miss. With the sixth gym badge in hand, we’re taking a break for now, but when we next play we’ll be facing Team Rocket in Mahogany Town on our way to Pryce and the seventh gym badge. :)
Update time!

Pokemon SoulSilver Soul Link Nuzlocke:

Trainer: Riley

Badges: 8/16


Kana the Meganium (M), Lv. 43
Iago the Persian (M), Lv. 43
Gatrie the Gyarados (M), Lv. 43
Gangrel the Weezing (M), Lv. 43
Lissa the Ampharos (F), Lv. 43
Rinkah the Heracross (F), Lv. 43

Deaths since last update:

Henry the Misdreavus (M), Lv. 37
Hinoka the Fearow (F), Lv. 26

Going to make this quick. NUH and I faced off against Team Rocket and eventually ended up beating them in Goldenrod City as well. Unfortunately, Henry the Misdreavus died to Team Rocket Executive Ariana’s Arbok’s critical hit Crunch, and so the sixth pair for our teams was to be released. Thankfully, on the route between Mahogany Town and Blackthorn City, I used Hinoka to catch a female Heracross, which I nicknamed Rinkah from Fire Emblem Fates. Hinoka died in the process, but the sixth slot for our teams has been filled. NUH caught a Weepinbell on that route, and nicknamed it Mozu, adding her to his team. From there we made it to Blackthorn City, and then grinded a TON to get our teams to level 42 across the board. I also explored routes 45 and 46, and Dark Cave as well from the Blackthorn City side. We then faced off against Clair, the final hurdle before heading to the Pokemon League, and both NUH and I managed to beat her without anyone dying. I used Lissa’s Discharge against Clair’s Gyarados to take care of it, and then switched to Gatrie, my own Gyarados, to spam Ice Fang and take care of Clair’s Dragonairs. I then switched to Kana and poisoned her Kingdra, and healed from her Dragon Pulse attacks while landing a Magical Leaf or two. Eventually I was at 87 HP after having healed and being hit again by Dragon Pulse, but Clair’s Kingdra’s health was low, so I went for another Magical Leaf. Her Kingdra ended up using Hyper Beam this time, but thankfully, due to Kana’s high special defense, it only did around 40 damage. Her Kingdra was then in the red from the Magical Leaf, and it died from poisoning. Then went to the Dragon’s Den and got the gym badge, as well as a Dratini with the move ExtremeSpeed. Next, I faced off against the five kimono girls in Ecruteak City and won without anyone dying again, just barely. Finally I captured Lugia in the Whirl Islands and nicknamed it Naga, the dragon goddess from Fire Emblem. Lastly, I explored more of Mt. Mortar and got a Tyrogue from the Karate King, which I nicknamed Hinata. With Johto being fully explored and no stones left unturned, I started onto route 27 east of New Bark Town. When NUH and I next resume playing, we’ll be heading east to the Pokemon League. NoUsernameHere should be posting his update sometime today as well. :)
Loading update.exe...1% complete...50% complete...100% complete. Showing update.exe now.

Pokemon HeartGold Soul Link Nuzlocke:

Trainer: NUH

Badges: 8/16


Shigure the Feraligatr (M), Lv. 43
Owain the Magnezone (Genderless), Lv. 44
Vika the Noctowl (F), Lv. 42
Sully the Magmar (F), Lv. 42
Maribelle the Girafarig (F), Lv. 42
Mozu the Weepinbell (F), Lv. 42

Deaths since last update:

Noire the Golbat (F), Lv. 35
Azama the Aipom (M), Lv. 20
Debating whether to do this or not.

Let us know what you decide! And what type of challenge you’re interested in doing. If you have any questions too feel free to ask. You’re able to do a Nuzlocke, Wonderlocke, or other type of challenge using any of the Pokemon games you have with a console, or on VC or emulator.

Here’s a list of the rules of a standard Nuzlocke if you’re interested:
