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The Unpopular Opinions thread

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What I really don't understand are thick sweaters with 3/4 sleeves. I never buy them for myself but I've been gifted several really nice sweaters that I simply can't wear because the sleeves are too short and it's really disappointing. If it's cold enough that I need to wear a sweater, then I need long sleeves too.
^^ YYESSS THIS. I don't understand that lol. Or sweatshirts with shorts. Don't understand that one either lol.
I’ve seen so many people wear shorts with long sleeves or hoodies, and I just don’t understand?? I don’t think I want to understand, though, lol.
Yeah it's a weird trend/style etc. for sure. It's not like I'd go out with a tank top and wool pants either so? lol
I hate how a lot of people's first reaction/action to seeing something horrible happen is to whip their phone out and record it for clout. I know this isn't really 'unpopular' but we see it all the time that it can't possibly be unpopular if so many people are doing it.
People do that for views on YouTube. What’s worse is how many people watch and enjoy it. People do things like that for money. I want to put the blame on the people watching those videos. If they weren’t getting views, there wouldn’t be any reason to record the incident. Obviously there’s blame to people recording, as well. They wouldn’t be public if people weren’t recording them in the first place, but the blame is split here. I honestly think the people watching them and getting joy out of someone else’s misfortune are terrible.
People do that for views on YouTube. What’s worse is how many people watch and enjoy it. People do things like that for money. I want to put the blame on the people watching those videos. If they weren’t getting views, there wouldn’t be any reason to record the incident. Obviously there’s blame to people recording, as well. They wouldn’t be public if people weren’t recording them in the first place, but the blame is split here. I honestly think the people watching them and getting joy out of someone else’s misfortune are terrible.
I know why people do it. Doesn't change the fact that they are horrible people.

I remember years ago doing research for a story I was writing and came across this article about some lady who died at the beach, when she was on vacation with her family. Forget the specifics and it wasn't even what I was trying to research, but lightening struck the sand she was on and killed her instantly. With her family in distraught, all these knuckleheads had their phones whipped out and filming this family's darkest time. Like for real? Let's not help them? That didn't cross their mind?

Social media has just made people so pathetic.
I actually love wearing a hoodie but keeping my shorts on lolol. But never in winter or anything, just like summer nights or in the fall. I'm also one to wear my flipflops til I can't handle the cold and swap to shoes. I just adore shorts and flip flops so much. I usually feel the cold in my arms before legs so that also could be why.
I hate how a lot of people's first reaction/action to seeing something horrible happen is to whip their phone out and record it for clout. I know this isn't really 'unpopular' but we see it all the time that it can't possibly be unpopular if so many people are doing it.
Ultimately yes, though if people hadn't done this during George Floyd's last moments, I don't think the same action would've happened as a result of his death, nor do I think anyone on duty would've so much as lost their job.

However, yes. Turning a camera on someone in distress is gross, especially if you filming the situation isn't actually going to help anything. Put the phone down and go and offer your support/assistance.

Though honestly, I get sick of people just taking pics/videos all the time, without any consideration to those around them that they're catching in their obnoxious selfie that nobody else consented to being in. There's safeguarding in school's here, to stop children who are under any form of protection from being photographed in school, but they can only monitor that to a degree and it doesn't extend beyond the school grounds. Kids that have been abused by a parent and have relocated; if you accidentally catch one of those kids in a pic that reveals their location from their school uniform and post it anyway, you could be putting that child in danger.

Plenty of adults are also in hiding/trying to keep a low profile for various reasons. Your selfie isn't more valuable than their lives, stop being a douche. We used to be able to at least dodge when people were obviously taking a pic. But now someone will just randomly raise up their phone when you happen to be walking down the street, in shot and just take a pic without so much as checking you're alright with that or letting you move.

Also how often do people need to take selfies anyway? You don't change that much in 5 years, let alone 5 days or 5 minutes, so I'm sure everyone will survive without seeing your new updated selfie, cos the one you took yesterday is so out of date.

Gah people.
I actually love wearing a hoodie but keeping my shorts on lolol. But never in winter or anything, just like summer nights or in the fall. I'm also one to wear my flipflops til I can't handle the cold and swap to shoes. I just adore shorts and flip flops so much. I usually feel the cold in my arms before legs so that also could be why.
There's a small window in the late summer early fall in my locale where that would make sense! I saw this happen in 10° weather the other day and was like, just...no. she had a big Hoodia, shirts, socks, and flip flops. Like, surely you're cold, and WHY do this to yourself. She sure looked cold!
Ultimately yes, though if people hadn't done this during George Floyd's last moments, I don't think the same action would've happened as a result of his death, nor do I think anyone on duty would've so much as lost their job.

Though honestly, I get sick of people just taking pics/videos all the time, without any consideration to those around them that they're catching in their obnoxious selfie that nobody else consented to being in. There's safeguarding in school's here, to stop children who are under any form of protection from being photographed in school, but they can only monitor that to a degree and it doesn't extend beyond the school grounds. Kids that have been abused by a parent and have relocated; if you accidentally catch one of those kids in a pic that reveals their location from their school uniform and post it anyway, you could be putting that child in danger.

Gah people.
First paragraph, it's just sad that this is what it takes for people to get sentenced, if US had functioning polices this shouldn't have been needed. Plus I'm sure a lot of people cheered on that douche too 🙄

Also yeah this and all that snapchatting without them thinking what they even shoot. And yeah definitely hate being on picture cause I prefer to be low profile as well.
There's a small window in the late summer early fall in my locale where that would make sense! I saw this happen in 10° weather the other day and was like, just...no. she had a big Hoodia, shirts, socks, and flip flops. Like, surely you're cold, and WHY do this to yourself. She sure looked cold!
I don't get socks with flip flops. How is that comfortable? And at that point, just put shoes on lol.
I don't quite get why it's so good having a 100% constant positive attitude all the time. For me those people are really obnoxious and it's definitely not helping, they just keep saying this and that either without knowing the situation/person etc. or just tries seeing good in everyone or something. It's like unless you can help or be constructive stfu lol.
I don't quite get why it's so good having a 100% constant positive attitude all the time. For me those people are really obnoxious and it's definitely not helping, they just keep saying this and that either without knowing the situation/person etc. or just tries seeing good in everyone or something. It's like unless you can help or be constructive stfu lol.
Yes! Like wtf, are they trying to start a cult where nobody can speak their mind about anything that might slightly annoy the leaders? It creeps me out.

Reminds me of that Black Mirror episode Nosedive, where the woman gets a chip planted in her daughter that automatically censors everything she might find the slightest bit upsetting (like a large dog barking is pixelated by the chip). That's not a realistic or healthy way to live and I don't get why people push that as a good thing.
Yes! Like wtf, are they trying to start a cult where nobody can speak their mind about anything that might slightly annoy the leaders? It creeps me out.
Yeah especially when you really explained to that person your situation is/was bad and they be "oh but look something positive with x is y etc." like okay I'm trying to explain why I felt bad from it not asking for you to cheer on it, like I get you might want to be nice but... you could tell that person could tell it wasn't good so... -.-'
I don't quite get why it's so good having a 100% constant positive attitude all the time. For me those people are really obnoxious and it's definitely not helping, they just keep saying this and that either without knowing the situation/person etc. or just tries seeing good in everyone or something. It's like unless you can help or be constructive stfu lol.
It's definitely healthy to look at both the bad and good sides of things. It's no good to just mindlessly be happy and ignore actual issues.
It's definitely healthy to look at both the bad and good sides of things. It's no good to just mindlessly be happy and ignore actual issues.
Yeah, I mean sure a total negative mindset is not good either but a balance or at least hear the person and situation out is a good idea...
I don't see how people need an image quality better than 4K. It already looks amazing how it is and I don't see how you need more pixels on a screen. Heck, I'd even go on to say that 1080p still looks pretty good.

I also like to mention frame rates. 30 fps are noticeable compared to a smooth 60 fps. If you compare 60 fps to 120 fps, well, I struggle to see the difference. I'm seeing a few comments in gaming-related stuff that some people are disappointed for games not running in 120 fps or some ludicrous number that I don't know about.

To me, it feels like technology advancements aren't as huge or impressive compared to a couple of decades ago. Or maybe I'm just some random person that's not a hardcore gamer and doesn't need these extra things lol.
I don't quite get why it's so good having a 100% constant positive attitude all the time. For me those people are really obnoxious and it's definitely not helping, they just keep saying this and that either without knowing the situation/person etc. or just tries seeing good in everyone or something. It's like unless you can help or be constructive stfu lol.
Yeah, it’s not good to be negative 100% of the time. Nothing good comes from looking at the worst possible outcome all of the time and worrying doesn’t help. I think there’s a line between having a positive mindset and being completely delusional and acting like nothing bad happens. I’m a mostly positive person but I understand that bad things do happen… just a matter of dealing with it rather than ignoring it.
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