The Walking Dead FANS (spoilers inside)

OMG I was not expecting that. I was hoping they could save him like Hershal. I think he lost too much blood. RIP Tyreese. They said on the Talking Dead show that it was only 17 days after Beth was killed.

that was a complete curve ball they threw at us.... here I was thinking that burial was for Beth. nope. Tyreese had to die also apparently... RIP Tyreese.
okay so it just finished airing here in the UK and WHY. I feel so destroyed and emotionally drained. The hallucinations with Lizzie and Mika, Beth, Bob and the Governor were such a lovely touch (it actually improved it a lot more and made it more tragic) and I love how this episode had a twist, thinking that the start was about Beth being buried but nope it was Tyreese

On another note, I officially hate Noah. I wish he just stayed at the hospital. If he did Beth would be alive and so would've Tyreese. Ugh.

OMG I was not expecting that. I was hoping they could save him like Hershal. I think he lost too much blood. RIP Tyreese. They said on the Talking Dead show that it was only 17 days after Beth was killed.

That's even worse holy crap.

On that note, how long was Season 4b and 5a?
Tbh, this was a weak episode. I wanted more T.T;;;; not just a whole episode of flashbacks/hallucinations
Lmao I swear I said Tyreese would be next. I just didn't expect it to come this soon...seriously. Back to back episodes with a character from the main cast dying. Maybe excessive?

I thought the episode was very well done, though. I really enjoyed it overall (minus the, you know, death).
MAJOR SPOILERS...don't say I didn't warn you.

I knew Tyreese wasn't long for the show; in the comics he was in place of Hershel. Hershel was supposed to die during The Governor's siege on the prison, but Tyreese was the one who got his head cut off. So I knew he wasn't going to last much longer, but to have him die so...abruptly kind of bothered me. Still, he did have some touching last moments.

Also something I noticed long ago: if there's more than one black guy on that show at a time, one of 'em's gonna die. So once Morgan rolls back on the scene...look out, Noah.

Also-also: the mutilated and cut up bodies in that gated community...on The Talking Dead, they said that it was the work of someone rather evil. Unless/until they present evidence to the contrary, I read that as an intro to Neegan. Neegan: the only character to make The Governor look like Mother Theresa. And I am so excited for the introduction of this character. I have my hopes for what will happen with him and a rather key scene in the comics, which will hopefully be changed around to be more of an emotional and tactical blow.

In the comics, Neegan bludgeoned Glenn with his barbed-wire coated bat named Lucille. Nothing against Glenn, but it didn't strike me as having a big enough impact. It was emotional, yes, especially with Maggie, but Neegan is arguably the most evil villain/character to come out of that series. I think to make it have a massive impact, make the fans cry out for his blood, it needs to be someone fans truly, genuinely love.


Now I like the character. And I like Norman Reedus; he's a cool dude. But it would be an emotionally and tactically devastating blow for fans and for the group.
Unnecessary and untimely. Like everyone else said, they were just starting to add some depth to her character; she was just starting to be able to take care of herself.

Kill off Tyreese instead. Being a moral compass on this show is bad. If we had to lose Dale and Hershel for holding onto their morality, Tyreese should have been next in line. He let a bad man live. :v

Still, his morality is bad news for Tyreese, I know I've said it before, but I still miss Hershel and I hate constantly losing the only "good" people on the show. Like Chris Hardwick said, "That guy's stable, he's got it together -- HE'S DEAD."

I don't mind much.

I saw it coming months ago. I knew it was gonna happen from the moment he got bit and Noah LEFT him behind. I looked at Boyfriend and said, "That kid's never gonna make it back in time. He's gonna get eaten or bleed out."

The group is just "too big." More deaths are yet to come.

And I just feel bad, but I was laughing too hard during The Talking Dead to have heard most of the things he said. From the moment he said "Stick-to-it-tive-ness" Boyfriend and I were in hysterics about how he 'engineered' a word and it was all over.

Also, any ideas on why they're bringing on Maggie next week? Hope it's just to talk about her character's reactions to Beth's death, and hooopefully clear up why she's been a bad sister.. and for no other reasons, like another death on the show. :rolleyes:
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On that note, how long was Season 4b and 5a?

They said on Talking Dead that Season 4B is only 8 days long. Basically each episode is a new day. Not sure how long 5A is, I think it's only a week or so at most. Those 16 episodes had lot of death & loss packed into a very short amount of time.

I don't mind much.

I saw it coming months ago. I knew it was gonna happen from the moment he got bit and Noah LEFT him behind. I looked at Boyfriend and said, "That kid's never gonna make it back in time. He's gonna get eaten or bleed out."

The group is just "too big." More deaths are yet to come.

And I just feel bad, but I was laughing too hard during The Talking Dead to have heard most of the things he said. From the moment he said "Stick-to-it-tive-ness" Boyfriend and I were in hysterics about how he 'engineered' a word and it was all over.

Also, any ideas on why they're bringing on Maggie next week? Hope it's just to talk about her character's reactions to Beth's death, and hooopefully clear up why she's been a bad sister.. and for no other reasons, like another death on the show. :rolleyes:

haha you did call it. impressive.
I sorta knew Tyreese would be next as he hasn't been seen filming for Episode 16. Even still it was unexpected

They said on Talking Dead that Season 4B is only 8 days long. Basically each episode is a new day. Not sure how long 5A is, I think it's only a week or so at most. Those 16 episodes had lot of death & loss packed into a very short amount of time.

I liked to think it was a bit more spread out so it wasn't as tragic... :(
I'm still mourning Beth...
I'm still mourning Beth...

I felt way worse about Tyreese than I did for Beth...But I did figure he was gonna get it before the end of this season. He wouldn't kill walkers, & he wouldn't kill humans...he wasn't gonna last long.
I felt way worse about Tyreese than I did for Beth...But I did figure he was gonna get it before the end of this season. He wouldn't kill walkers, & he wouldn't kill humans...he wasn't gonna last long.

I'm not really phased by Tyreese's death. I mean if it wasn't as close to Beth's (chronologically it isn't, but I mean in terms of episodes) then maybe I'd feel different but I'm just so angry about Beth still. To be fair I'm so surprised that he lasted as long as he did.

Why didn't Noah just cut his arm off first(I'm not accepting 'he didn't know what to do' as an answer :p)? Why was Tyreese so focussed on the pictures? Did I miss something?
I'm not really phased by Tyreese's death. I mean if it wasn't as close to Beth's (chronologically it isn't, but I mean in terms of episodes) then maybe I'd feel different but I'm just so angry about Beth still. To be fair I'm so surprised that he lasted as long as he did.

In a way, Tyreese's death was executed so much better than Beth's, which is why I'm still pissed off about her death. He had this whole episode to find some sort of peace within himself before choosing to die (which is how I interpreted it at the end: he didn't have the fight anymore). But Beth's was so random, made no sense, and to sum it up in one word: unnecessary. Didn't do her any justice at all.
Cutting off his arm earlier wouldn't have changed anything. He lost a lot of blood. Plus they weren't able to cauterize the wound, so...yeah. He would have been a goner either way.
Cutting off his arm earlier wouldn't have changed anything. He lost a lot of blood. Plus they weren't able to cauterize the wound, so...yeah. He would have been a goner either way.

so true. I wonder how Sasha will take this loss. She seemed ok at the end of the episode
so true. I wonder how Sasha will take this loss. She seemed ok at the end of the episode

Which annoys me, sort of. Because when Bob (okay, even BOB had an episode dedicated to his death and Beth didn't?) died she was distraught yet Sasha wasn't as phased as I expected her to be. Kinda like how Maggie spent post-prison looking for Glenn without even acknowledging how Beth was missing.

Cutting off his arm earlier wouldn't have changed anything. He lost a lot of blood. Plus they weren't able to cauterize the wound, so...yeah. He would have been a goner either way.

Good point, but I was thinking it may have been similar to Hershel being bitten before they cut off his leg. Didn't think about that factor.

In a way, Tyreese's death was executed so much better than Beth's, which is why I'm still pissed off about her death. He had this whole episode to find some sort of peace within himself before choosing to die (which is how I interpreted it at the end: he didn't have the fight anymore). But Beth's was so random, made no sense, and to sum it up in one word: unnecessary. Didn't do her any justice at all.

Exactly. I don't accept this 'shock value' as a justifiable reason to why Beth couldn't get a good send off. I mean Lori had her death kinda span out for a few episodes.... Beth... Beth had a few moments, literally. I mean all of her family except from Maggie is dead and she didn't even get time to make her peace.