yesterday was a good episode *-*
The worst death, was by far Hershel Greene.
nvr frgt :'(
Not that the comics are to go off anything as they're quite different but as the producers said they'll stick more to the comics I'm guessing he'll be at the Alexandria Safe Zone.
I read the comics as well, and I'm just so confused since the situations are pretty different! They keep teasing us with him!
I loved the last episode soooo much. I loved the balance of the episode. Of course there's the cliche 'car doesn't start' and 'someone nearly dies' (Glenn) but overall it's a great episode.
I still don't understand Rick's logic like, why did he take Route 23 after someone who gave him clean water and food said that it wasn't 'cleared' (obviously referring to the walkers) because he didn't trust Aaron? Smart choice.
Talking about Aaron, I love him and Eric together. Still a bit confused to why Aaron was advertised as being the series first openly gay character considering Tara (although she's practically irrelevant, what has she even done?) was introduced in Season 4a.
I get why Rick was reluctant to take the clear route. As a parent, he wanted to believe that the previous places could offer his family relief but they were just huge let downs and even put the group in more danger at the hands of people (who, unlike zombies, can act on their own free will.) Seeing that Rick is the only one with children involved.. I mean that prolly influenced what seemed like his rash decisions. The group has had their tolerance tested over and over, but imagine being yerself as three people. (Yerself, yer son and yer daughter.) Amount that responsibility with being in charge of adults, who are losing their determination which is causing them to be desperate and somewhat impulsive.
I can see why he wouldn't want to be duped into another situation. So he made the choice to do something he thought was unexpected in case there was still a chance of an ambush they couldn't see coming.
I loved the last episode soooo much. I loved the balance of the episode. Of course there's the cliche 'car doesn't start' and 'someone nearly dies' (Glenn) but overall it's a great episode.
I still don't understand Rick's logic like, why did he take Route 23 after someone who gave him clean water and food said that it wasn't 'cleared' (obviously referring to the walkers) because he didn't trust Aaron? Smart choice.
Talking about Aaron, I love him and Eric together. Still a bit confused to why Aaron was advertised as being the series first openly gay character considering Tara (although she's practically irrelevant, what has she even done?) was introduced in Season 4a.
omg... the preview!
are they going to shoot daryl "by accident"