The Walking Dead FANS (spoilers inside)

What the h*ll? I am scared of her now. I just sat there thinking WTF? Is rick turning Govenor? Reaching for his gun while watching them walk away :O Poor Buttons :( I honestly think Rick is losing it.


Carol kind of scared me tonight. =/ But I totally understand why she acted the way she did. But still.... Whoa.
omg I was so mad at carol...
i wonder what's going to happen to her.
because in the books, she's loooooong dead. It's so cool how they can do whatever they want with her now... and scary. yes... very scary.

and of course I started weeping/scream crying when buttons died. I hate animals dying more than anything. More than any cast member. it **cks me up.

oh yes... i think it should be a good idea to put comic stuff in spoilers. I've read all the comics, but not everyone has.

- - - Post Merge - - -


- - - Post Merge - - -

I never watch Talking Dead. The host is awful.

WHAT he is so witty and good at coming up with clever comments really fast.
I follow him on instagram and stuff. I think he's bomb.
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carol went from 0 to 100 in like 2 seconds, if i didn't hate her before- i do now!!! and OMG they put emily kinney back in the main credits, i told y'all she was alive :p
I feel like one of the main characters is going to die's just hard to figure out which one...maybe Michonne? Since she seems to be stepping up as more of a leader/sense of reason. Rick can't die because he's Rick, but I feel like him pulling a Shane is going to get someone in his group killed or start a war.

All I know is....

I want some cookies.
Am I the only one that thinks Carol's a total BAMF? Anyway, I feel like she's gonna die. Maybe Sasha too. PTSD's a *****.
Carol just made me really wanna bake cookies. :c

I don't get the over-reactions to her speech to the kid. Boyfriend and I were half-laughing and half-stunned. Okay maybe 2/3 laughing, 1/3 stunned. lol.

And how can anyone hate Chris Hardwick. I love him. He's beautiful. Also funny. =p
The show is just so weird now seeing them wearing... normal clothes

I could just sense the romantic tension between Rick and Jessie, I'm afraid of what it will lead to

I thought I was so smart for seeing 'Morgan Street' but turns out nearly everyone else saw it :(((
It seems to be there on purpose (like too much of a coincidence) so possible alluding

My love for Carol only grows and grows <3
The show is getting more boring fast.... It was a chore watching this weeks episode.
Finally a good episode. Hasn't really been one since the first episode this season.

Ugh, wtf! I am so pissed off with Gabriel. Why the hell would he go snitching off to Deanna and say they are bad people when they brought him in to their group and saved his ass? Like, who is the real bad person? Them or your betraying ass? What a douche.

And Noah's death...omg eww and sadness. So sad. He didn't even last one season. And I like how he is to suppose to be an architect and then dies.
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Gabriel was probably referencing the destruction of Jerusalem... Mostly concerning the events of Babylon. He might not be all that wrong in that respect because Ricks group can and prolly will attempt to overthrow the community if they feel the people are too weak to survive. I suppose Gab is being a prophet of the apocalypse but not sure what actually motivated him to speak up and that's what's bothering me.

Only lesson I learned from this episode is not to get stuck in a revolving door with a coward.

I'm incredibly upset about Noah. The day after this episode was spent feeling bummed out. Man...seriously...poor Noah and poor Glenn. After Gabriel's rant and not showing up with Aiden even after being entrusted to watch over him... That's going to be a difficult situation to crawl out of. Glenn did his job but that's not going to be enough. Noah's death is either gunna make or break Glenn and I'm hoping that he will keep himself together. Punching out the Nicholas guy instead of killing him is only a minor hope. One that I can only wish doesn't backfire (but it will of course)

Note: if they ever decide to kill Glenn I'm done with twd. He represents the moral fiber if the group and it's heartbreaking to see it fading.

Also my heart goes to Carol who is clearly trying not to become attached to children. :< things are hitting too close to home for her.
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Avoided this thread because I missed last week, but then watched both last night so I'm caught up.

God I hate Gabriel. I'm just here like - they saved your ass when you are literally the most useless tag-along left on the planet, you ungrateful jerk, they can't be that bad.
Okay show, please can we kill off Nicholas
Well, he did manage to get two people killed this episode. I see what Dianna is thinking, that the community is being overthrown by the group, but it really isn't. It's kinda being saved by the group (Francine is a prime example), but that's mostly because they aren't exactly combat trained.

I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with Pete, Jessie and Sam, and I hope next episode they expand more on Enid's character

Edit: Omg I forgot Coooooooooooookieeeeeessssssssss
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smh I hated Noah and I feel bad that he died
Why can't Gabriel just die?

It kinda feels like Beth's death was all in vain.... ugh
Totally forgot to post here last night!!

What an episode!!!

Carol did amazing wit that kid. Haha!
So looks like Pete is abusive. Should be interesting to see if and how Rick kills him.

Gabriel is a little bi*** and I hope he has his coming.

Also forgot to mention how awesome Abraham was stepping up in this episode.

Aiden deserved to die and so did that other guy. Believe his name was Nicholas?
Noah's death by far the most gruesome!! Like wow!! It was sad also.
And good to see Eugene finally grew a pair.

These final two episodes look promising!
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It's contradicting to say humans are the resource to rebuild a new world... Yet if things go sour you save yer own skin? Nicholas < Noah. The way Noah was ripped apart is so disturbing to me because he was actively showing interest in reconstruction and by his own accord. It's like tearing apart the idea that the youth can change the future for the better and they did it in the most gruesome way.

I mean a kid making an effort to learn a skill versus some guy who ties up zombies for sport is just a terrible trade off. But in the same sense... Why did they send Noah out when he clearly had a bad leg -_- the only way I can wrap my head around it is that they had to make a catalyst for Glenn to question his moral stance and who could potentially be that person to kill off? Tara was already being used to inspire Eugene... So that leaves.... Poor Noah.

But more in the realm of the world of twd, I guess they figured no problems would happen since they were all seasoned runners just with different experiences.

Also I forgot to mention Abraham was a badass in this episode.

But... I'm gunna be cringing these next two episodes. They have to be running low on ideas to keep up the shock factor T -T pulling heart strings.
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I was in shock when Noah died, and then that shot at his journal... ugh. Tara's pretty much a goner from what I can tell, after all, there were three graves in next week's preview.

I still think Sasha and Carol are going to go in the finale. Carol especially, since she seems to be growing fond of Sam. I doubt it's going to be Glenn because (comic spoiler)

The way Negan takes him out in the comics would make a great scene, and could prompt so much character change. It wouldn't make sense to change it imo. As much as I hate to say it, he's kind of dispensable. It sucks, but his fan base isn't as large as Rick or Daryl's, and once Carol's gone, he's the only one left from the original group they can axe. Well, besides Carl but I doubt that's going to happen.