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MarlonHax said:
AndyB said:
MarlonHax said:
This one is different though
Oooh, you added some consoles, wow.
It still is the same damn image though. Added nothing new to it.
Also I made his Hair go over one eye and edited the chain and edited his hands
That's like posting that " i made you a cake but i eated it" picture everywhere but giving a mustache to the kitty.
Miranda said:
Holy shiz Tye has a twin! That is pretty crazy, have you PM'd her yet? I wanna know what her reaction is! haha
Yeah, I PM'd her and posted on her channel. She hasn't logged in in 5 days, though, and she probably gets a lot of messages, being as popular as she is, so I don't know when she'll get around to replying to it, if she does... You know what would be awesome? If she would agree to make a video with me. XD
Megamannt125 said:
Nic said:
FarrenTheRobot said:
Tyeforce said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep

What is the point of this thread?

Just describing how cutehave to be talking about something newsworthy or something or else it's "pointless". You need to understand that this is an internet forum. It's meantonly serious discussions. Hell, it's an Animal Crossing forum, for Pete's sake. Yes, there can be serious discussions, but at the same time there's no reason why there can't be less serious topics like this. Otherwise the place would be no fun.
Why do people always gotta bring me into their arguments? u_u
Quit crying for some attention.
Oh dear. I rofl'd. XD
That does look like Tye o.e.

This is very... weird.

I doubt she's thinking right now "I wonder if there's a boy who looks like me with shorter hair."
<object type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width="250" height="250" data='http://www.youtube.com/v/iJDrNjWJQ_o'>
<param name='AllowScriptAccess' value='never' />
<param name='wmode' value='transparent' />
<param name='movie' value='http://www.youtube.com/v/iJDrNjWJQ_o' /><param name='play' value='true' />
<param name='loop' value='true' /><param name='quality' value='high' /></object>

You think you know her but you don't.
Just a heads up... Those of you here who are subscribed to me on YouTube (and those of you who aren't, too, I suppose), I'll be making a new video very soon, relative to this topic...so you might want to keep an eye out if you're interested. Though, I'll probably just post it here, anyway. XD
Tyeforce said:
Just a heads up... Those of you here who are subscribed to me on YouTube (and those of you who aren't, too, I suppose), I'll be making a new video very soon, relative to this topic...so you might want to keep an eye out if you're interested. Though, I'll probably just post it here, anyway. XD

Can't wait.. :p
Tyeforce said:
Just a heads up... Those of you here who are subscribed to me on YouTube (and those of you who aren't, too, I suppose), I'll be making a new video very soon, relative to this topic...so you might want to keep an eye out if you're interested. Though, I'll probably just post it here, anyway. XD
oh lawdy.
Also, what do my YouTube viewers here think about my "Tye" videos? Like 'em or hate 'em? Personally, I don't like them (but I won't delete them because I have fans that love them...XD), and Andrew despises them. XD
Tyeforce said:
Also, what do my YouTube viewers here think about my "Tye" videos? Like 'em or hate 'em? Personally, I don't like them (but I won't delete them because I have fans that love them...XD), and Andrew despises them. XD
You procrastinate far too much.
Numner said:
Tyeforce said:
Also, what do my YouTube viewers here think about my "Tye" videos? Like 'em or hate 'em? Personally, I don't like them (but I won't delete them because I have fans that love them...XD), and Andrew despises them. XD
You procrastinate far too much.
Yes, yes I do. XD

I'll be sure to make note of that in the next one. XD

EDIT: Oops, I gave it away. XD
:p Do report back on your "twin's" reply.

As for your Tye videos, they're kinda good, although I can relate to the procrastination one... :whistle:
I don't care for the voice editing crap, (squeaky/high voice style) but that seems to be the popular thing on youtube kid's profiles nowadays, from the few I've seen.


to each their own i guess, but still :/
Tyeforce said:
Also, what do my YouTube viewers here think about my "Tye" videos? Like 'em or hate 'em? Personally, I don't like them (but I won't delete them because I have fans that love them...XD), and Andrew despises them. XD
Don't delete them.

I love them ;D.

I love the Fred videos.
Bahaha, Go Obama! ..I just threw up a bit.

Ricano said:
Am I the only one who doesn't see it?
I don't see too much of a resemblance, although, that's probably the effect of staying up 'till 5.AM watching a depressing Chinese movie.

Speaking of Tye look-alikes, i could've swore i saw Tye at a restaurant last night :eek:
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