Unpopular Opinions

Normals are so kind and a lot of them are very cute and love nature. That's good enough for me! Lolly and Sylvana are such gems to own and I love talking to them each time I see them. ❤❤❤

I have Sylvana and Lolly too and love them! I only recently got Lolly and fell in love with her earlier when she sent me a letter saying she spent 5 hours picking out the perfect gift for me, and that if I don't like it, to please not tell her lol. Her gift was a grape umbrella and it will most likely be the umbrella I use the most just because of how adorable and sweet that was.
My current unpopular opinion is people sulking about the events and wanting this years DIYs to still be available next year. I'd be bored if they released the same ones next year. (I actually dont have half of them because I started my current file on september 1st, so I'm not saying this because I safely have all of them).

I think the idea of retiring certain event DIYS makes it more fun and gives them a certain value? If you missed out on this year, you missed out on this year, there will be new ones to collect next year.

I think they had limited edition items in New Leaf through the post office (some kind of zodiac item maybe? Cannot remember). I wasnt crying unfair when I missed out on those. I thought limited items were a fun idea.
I hate Bubblegum KK. I didn’t know it was popular or used in videos a lot, so I don’t hate it because it was overused. I just think it sounds really annoying. The first time I heard it was in Tutu’s house and all I could think was how annoying it sounded. The main reason I kicked her out was so I didn’t have to hear that terrible song anymore.
I think the light furniture items are too dim in this game. They look nice themselves but give off such a tiny radius of light and everywhere else is just pitch black, wheras in real life a small lamp can easily light up a room. I've had to use like 10 lights to light up a room if I didn't want it as bright as the main light.

It's also hard to get aesthetics with lighting when you can't give a colour to the whole room. In NL I made a greenish-lit room and a warm orangey room and all I needed was 1 or 2 lights to do it. In NH I'm stuck with one colour and it's dim.
I actually can’t stand isabelle either in NH or even NL. She is such a loved character and I can find mercy and fan art of her everywhere, though I really don’t like her design. She is also annoying in NL no matter what other people say how she was helpful in NL, for me I couldnt stand her and would avoid her at all costs. She seems too innocent and when I talk to her it feels like she is sucking me into her trap if that makes sense. Npcs like Reese and the Able Sisters are personally so much cuter and have a nice personality verses Isabelle for me. It might be the fact I grew up on WW and practically the only non I would talk to besides Blathers was the Able sisters and i became friends with Sable. From what I can remember I don’t think I would earn anything from talking to Sable, I just genuinely liked talking to her. Also, I love Brewster and he was also in WW so I might be bias here :/

Another opinion is Raymond- he is too much of a design. His two coloured eyes along with glasses and outfit looks like a fake. Same goes with Judy and Dom. Practically all the new villagers seem so different to the other ones, and almost don’t seem to fit in with the older villagers.
I love the prologue music that plays the first week and if I could have that playing on my island all the time I would!

i loved it too! I kept my second island without resident services for 21 days just so I could keep listening the music. I wish it was one of the hourly tracks so we could still hear it.
I'm fine with the event updates being trickled down honestly. (Although I DO wish Brewster was included in the first fall update)

I totally get why time travelers would want to get holiday furniture and all that, but I feel these updates gives us something to look forward to and keep coming back to the game therefore improving it's longevity.

If we had all of the game's content at once I feel that people would've burnt out on this game a lot sooner.
My unpopular opinion... I dislike flowers being able to clone in this game.

It makes hybrids way too easy to get, and it makes them less valuable than they once were. I like spreading my flowers out with spaces between them - and when it rains, cloning causes them to become a burden to maintain. Considering how they allowed limitless breeding of flowers each day, cloning just puts it all really over the top, however convenient it might be.
Another one is I don't know why people hate on Tom Nook so much. Like people act like he's this greedy guy, but my man literally hooks you up with a house with no interest.

And Tom Nook is honestly one of my favorite NPCs, especially when I learned about his back story. Its easy to see him as a greedy business man, but he's actually quite the opposite.

From literally starting from nothing, sleeping in his shop. Helping the able sisters whenever he could. He is a very caring raccoon :cry:
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His meanness is 100% attributed to the earlier games. I think Nintendo clearly retconned it but he was pretty grubby early on.

Yes tom made mistakes early on, but I feel like that made him human. He understood his mistakes, and tried to fix them
My unpopular opinion is I hate how new horizons added tools breaking. I mean I get it, Nintendo was going for a "real life aproach" BUT WHY DOES A WATERING CAN BREAK? How does that even make sense? Sure a axe, and a shovel make sense, but I think tools should have been like they we're in New leaf. (This is probably why I prefer new leaf more. I don't hate NH, I sorta despise it not enough to throw my switch into water)
1) I think the fact people care so much about Raymond being “ruined” by people is funny. Like... don’t let it get to you? Who cares? I think it’s kind of immature and it sounds like people throwing a fit when they freak out so much about him.
2) This game is a thousand times more enjoyable than New Leaf. I put 800 hours in it over the span of seven years and I already put over 500 hours in it in the first year. Terraforming and being able to actually put stuff outside, means endless island rearrangement possibilities. Yes, I hope there is more features that will be added but if you’re bored you can literally just redesign your whole island.
3) This soundtrack isn’t bad and doesn’t sound the same as every other song. It’s not even close. 5 am, 6 am, 5 pm, 7 pm, 11 pm are all great. Just because the soundtrack isn’t as good as the others, doesn’t mean it isn’t still good and isn’t unique.
4) I think charging people huge amounts of money to just visit your island during a mystery sale - when you can’t even guarantee they’ll find anything that they want - is super petty.
5a) I never saw anybody shaming people for having male characters wearing a dress for “sexualizing them”, but people in this thread say that, so here’s my opinion on that. That sounds really similar to anti-lgbt arguments. Also 5b) don’t kinkshame people for sexualizing the characters if it’s *not* on this child friendly forum. On Twitter? Girl, they’re fictional intelligent beings that are adults (except the the nooklings, then maybe don’t). Furries didn’t do anything to you. Curate your feeds better. Stop caring about what people think about in their free time.
5) I don’t miss villagers asking for house tours (I’ve seen people say that a lot). It felt like at every turn in New Leaf, someone would ask me “hey, when can I visit your house” and it got so old, so quick.
6) Gold flowers aren’t tacky; they’re pretty if you have small accents of them and don’t make your whole island just gold flowers.
Another unpopular opinion I have is I actually think $60 is extremely cheap for this game.
I have seen a lot of people with complaints about this game say "wow I spent 60 dollars for this I can't believe it".
They had tons of people work countless hours for years creating this game. Even at launch, it had hundreds of hours of replay value. Now it has thousands of hours of replay value with all the updates. I have never had anything I bought entertain me for so long for such a cheap price.
Another unpopular opinion I have is I actually think $60 is extremely cheap for this game.
I have seen a lot of people with complaints about this game say "wow I spent 60 dollars for this I can't believe it".
They had tons of people work countless hours for years creating this game. Even at launch, it had hundreds of hours of replay value. Now it has thousands of hours of replay value with all the updates. I have never had anything I bought entertain me for so long for such a cheap price.
I have to admit that the buying this game has been well worthy for me. Not a regrettable purchase at all! I love the interactions I have with my villagers, love the engaging community, having the ability to customize and personalize your own island and settings, and I love how easy it was to get into! I played a little of NL and it was fun for a while, but I needed to play something more up-to-date. This game has been lots of fun and I am really excited for the big changes with the future update! 🎇🎇😊
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5) I don’t miss villagers asking for house tours (I’ve seen people say that a lot). It felt like at every turn in New Leaf, someone would ask me “hey, when can I visit your house” and it got so old, so quick.
This. I remember the constant visit requests, and they almost always asked to set up a date in advance. Like seriously, I’m not going to be waiting 3 hours for a 2 minute interaction...if they do bring it back I’m only doing them when they want to visit immediately.
I think the light furniture items are too dim in this game. They look nice themselves but give off such a tiny radius of light and everywhere else is just pitch black, wheras in real life a small lamp can easily light up a room. I've had to use like 10 lights to light up a room if I didn't want it as bright as the main light.

It's also hard to get aesthetics with lighting when you can't give a colour to the whole room. In NL I made a greenish-lit room and a warm orangey room and all I needed was 1 or 2 lights to do it. In NH I'm stuck with one colour and it's dim.
I haven’t even thought about this but reading your post makes me realize YOU ARE SO RIGHT! What is the point of the lamps? Like they looks nice but they really are so dim, it’s almost kinda creepy lol. And I agree I miss the color lights. I know we have the circle ones on the ground (can’t remember what they’re called lol) but I want colored lamps, especially for the walls