• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Upcoming Nintendo Directs for Europe and North America scheduled for December 5th!

Thanks! At least it was some footage...

They could had taken the lazy way out, and just post stills of the game.

And Shizue's name wasn't even exposed...
Thanks! At least it was some footage...

They could had taken the lazy way out, and just post stills of the game.

And Shizue's name wasn't even exposed...

Yeah, at least they apologized for not having the game ready yet. NoA didn't even offer that to us.
I have some fool on Nintendo 3DS Facebook page lecturing me about being patient for this game...and if I just can't wait to download the ROM. Yeah right...If I could read Japanese, I would have a Japanese console...idiot!

I think I know who too and agree with you...
Yeah, at least they apologized for not having the game ready yet. NoA didn't even offer that to us.
I guess that's true. I'm still dissapointed that it's April - June. I guess you guys in America will get it months before because Early 2013 is not April - June. (Unless Reggie made a mistake)
I guess that's true. I'm still dissapointed that it's April - June. I guess you guys in America will get it months before because Early 2013 is not April - June. (Unless Reggie made a mistake)

Well, Fire Emblem is out in February and they said Spring for Luigi's Mansion..so either it's going to be April-June like EU or they're trying to decide where to release New Leaf and LM in relation to each other. I'm no longer optimistic, though..
I guess that's true. I'm still dissapointed that it's April - June. I guess you guys in America will get it months before because Early 2013 is not April - June. (Unless Reggie made a mistake)

Well...he said it before Japan ran out of special game cartridges, so maybe he did make a mistake. I think the American localization is finished, and it is either in mass production or being held for some other marketing reason. Still, they could have at least said, hey, we are really sorry, but due to xxxxxx, AC is getting delayed....

I think I know who too and agree with you...

Lol, I am reading the comments, you guys should cut him some slack. He seems just as irked as us, he's just trying to look for the silver lining. And it is true, I have waited for a lot of localizations as a gamer, and one month for a confirmed date is a bit short for such a text heavy game like this.

Think of it this way, NoA is notorious for getting things lost in translation: "I will knock you all down!" "All your base are belong to us!" etc etc
Translation has become something of great importance to them in terms of cultural context and marketing. One one person says something in Japan, it could mean something completely offensive here in America and vice versa. If they miss just one of these types of misunderstandings, Nintendo will have some problems. In fact, I was personally surprised about them showing Ninja Gaiden so non-chalantly. Should've expected it though when I had to put in my birthday.

Long story short, NoA (or any Translation company based in America for that matter) tend to change a lot of thing because of culture differences, regardless of if they make sense or not. Things might take a while with all the red tape.
If translation wasn't done or almost done, Reggie wouldn't have announced Early 2013 in the October ND. I think it probably got delayed in mass production and they are hoping that we wouldn't notice the lack of mention. More than likely, I have children older than him, I've learned patience the hard way. I have been waiting for this game for over a year now, and it was promised in 2012 when I originally started my wait. As long as some of us have been waiting, we have been more than patient, and I do not need some young punk telling me to go pirate a game just because he wants to make a point.
If translation wasn't done or almost done, Reggie wouldn't have announced Early 2013 in the October ND. I think it probably got delayed in mass production and they are hoping that we wouldn't notice the lack of mention. More than likely, I have children older than him, I've learned patience the hard way. I have been waiting for this game for over a year now, and it was promised in 2012 when I originally started my wait. As long as some of us have been waiting, we have been more than patient, and I do not need some young punk telling me to go pirate a game just because he wants to make a point.

Ah, the desperate vie for resources in our world today... Did you know that there is a civil war in the Republic of Congo as a direct result of the exploitation of the Congo people for materials that create the games we play? There are people dying in Africa so that we can play our games and type these very messages. That's the true nature of these cartridge shortages.

And I'm not trying to lecture you on this or anything... This fact had simply just left my thoughts up until you mentioned the delay in mass production. It gives me a bit of perspective on things. I guess I can wait... I forgot this was a first world problem...

Sorry for the downer post. =P
Ah, the desperate vie for resources in our world today... Did you know that there is a civil war in the Republic of Congo as a direct result of the exploitation of the Congo people for materials that create the games we play? There are people dying in Africa so that we can play our games and type these very messages. That's the true nature of these cartridge shortages.

And I'm not trying to lecture you on this or anything... This fact had simply just left my thoughts up until you mentioned the delay in mass production. It gives me a bit of perspective on things. I guess I can wait... I forgot this was a first world problem...

Sorry for the downer post. =P

Yeah...they've been fighting for over 50 years over resources. My point has been, and continues to be, we all expected something on AC, especially after the October ND, and we did not even get an apology for no date, while the other game that was featured in October got a confirmed date (BTW, a game just as heavy in translation, if not more so). A short mention similar to what EU got would have been appreciated, but they are treating the AC fans like they don't exist half the time.

Edited to add: And the Uganda conflict is not only about resources. The more recent fighting is an attempt to kill off militant Hutus...which is leading more toward a genocide.
I'm so glad that Nintendo thought that showing NSMB2 DLC for three minutes and showing a LEGO game as well was more important than showing off Animal Crossing NL. Really.

Well, I'm anticipating on Lego City, cares less about the DLC.

But in all honesty, pardon my french but..... screw Fire Emblem.
I'm content with na not talking about it. They already did last month or so. This is the first time eu has properly announced it. Not saying it's a competition, but were even. Na and eu both have had a proper announcement.

Not to mention, they both showed the same gameplay footage.
Yeah...they've been fighting for over 50 years over resources. My point has been, and continues to be, we all expected something on AC, especially after the October ND, and we did not even get an apology for no date, while the other game that was featured in October got a confirmed date (BTW, a game just as heavy in translation, if not more so). A short mention similar to what EU got would have been appreciated, but they are treating the AC fans like they don't exist half the time.

Edited to add: And the Uganda conflict is not only about resources. The more recent fighting is an attempt to kill off militant Hutus...which is leading more toward a genocide.

Yeah, even to say it was delayed would have been nice. I think there is a bit more translation required for AC than Fire Emblem though. Games like Fire Emblem and Luigi's Mansion are more linear and have a small amount of characters. Most of the dialogue in Fire Emblem is linear and only spoken by main characters. Animal Crossing basically has 100s of main characters, each with their own unique dialogue.EDIT: I want to add that it's not just one or two lines per character. It's lines upon lines of text that are often context based, based on how the player reacts and how close of friends they are. :END EDIT That on top of the hundreds of decorations in the game that need to be translated.

Also, tantalum is the new blood diamond. Just sayin'. But that is pretty off topic. XD

In any case, the fact that they didn't announce a delay means it's just as likely that nothing has changed.
I just sent a strongly worded email to Nintendo telling them I will purchase no more of their products until this game is released. Instead, I'll buy an Indie game like Minecraft. These large game companies are becoming dinosaurs. If they still think they can play king of the jungle, they're going to die out. The landscape is changing and I stick with them for quality and customer commitment. When that's gone, why bother?
Yeah...they've been fighting for over 50 years over resources. My point has been, and continues to be, we all expected something on AC, especially after the October ND, and we did not even get an apology for no date, while the other game that was featured in October got a confirmed date (BTW, a game just as heavy in translation, if not more so). A short mention similar to what EU got would have been appreciated, but they are treating the AC fans like they don't exist half the time.

Edited to add: And the Uganda conflict is not only about resources. The more recent fighting is an attempt to kill off militant Hutus...which is leading more toward a genocide.

Nah, you can't compare some poor sub saharan countries to a game's release...
I'm feeling bad for you american folks, waiting as hard for the game as us, european and not getting a single bit of info. But no informations would have better that the ones we've got. To sum up, Shibata said "Hardly working on the game, not ready yet, will be released on Q2 2013, fu** you your occidental morons". In less than 20 seconds...
Maybe they're delaying it heavilly on purpose, like to add Spotpass Functions to the Streetpass Plaza?
Nah, you can't compare some poor sub saharan countries to a game's release...
I'm feeling bad for you american folks, waiting as hard for the game as us, european and not getting a single bit of info. But no informations would have better that the ones we've got. To sum up, Shibata said "Hardly working on the game, not ready yet, will be released on Q2 2013, fu** you your occidental morons". In less than 20 seconds...

I didn't make the comparison. As I said elsewhere, at least you got a mention of the game. We got totally ignored like we didn't exist. A mention is better than nothing.
Nah, you can't compare some poor sub saharan countries to a game's release...
I'm feeling bad for you american folks, waiting as hard for the game as us, european and not getting a single bit of info. But no informations would have better that the ones we've got. To sum up, Shibata said "Hardly working on the game, not ready yet, will be released on Q2 2013, fu** you your occidental morons". In less than 20 seconds...

Hardly working or working hard? XD