Heart-shaped shortbread cookies, decorated with sprinkles (I handpicked the pink, red, and white ones out of jars of rainbow and Christmas sprinkles... help), red sugar crystals, and edible marker!
Fun fact: this dough is made from just flour, sugar, and butter—no eggs—so it's actually safe to eat! ...Not that I'd recommend it. It kinda just tastes like butter with a little bit of sugar.
...The two round button cookies did not survive to the icing stage.
WARNING: Use with caution, love potions are a powerful thing!
My initial plan was to make multiple cauldrons as party favors, but I ran out of glitter hot glue and could not find any more after checking all of my local craft stores, so I switched gears and made love potion bottles instead!
I attempted to make a Valentine's Day mailbox for party guests to put letters, cards, and small gifts that they've made for other guests! I think it was going okay until the door, which I had to tape shut to get it to stand up, but that's okay~
I made a papercraft honeycomb heart ornament for the party!
This was surprisingly time-consuming, and took a lot more paper than I thought it would omg—over 100 half-hearts cut from 15 pieces of construction paper!
I didn't follow any tutorials exactly, but I used thesetwo to get an idea of how to make one, and adapted it for the smaller ornament size that I wanted!
I made short holiday greeting card. The heart shapes are from a paper towel roll that I cut in several lengths, bent/pinched to shape into hearts, and imprinted them onto the canvas with paint. I watered down paint to have splatter blotches as confetti because I am messy with painting anyway and it makes it look intentional. Which it was, but that's because I'm messy I used the stamp letters again because I was not even attempting to try to letter with paints.