Villager Hunting General Thread

Wow, congratulations! Tutu is so sweet and soft. I'm sure you'll have great times together. ^^
Congratulations! what a cutie! and so lucky to find your favorite so fast!!
Aww, that makes me so happy! I was looking at bears last week and wondered why Tutu isn't more popular. I think bear villagers get the short end of the popularity stick for sure.
CONGRATS! Such an amazing thing to hapoen especially when you're restarting! Now you have a dreamie that'll make you love your new island even more!

sorry the photo is literally 240p but hey, got my #1 boy again
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Wow, didn't expect this many responses. Thank you everyone! :)

Yeah, a lot villagers in this game don't really get much love, which is fine because people like what they like, but I tend to be more drawn to the less popular villagers because they are more endearing to me. I think Tutu is like tier 4 or something, I forget.
Thanks for this thread! I got an empty plot and hundred NMT, so I'd like to document all of my encounters here. 🥰

1. Kitt
2. Huck
3. Claudia
4. Gruff
5. Charlise
6. Nan
7. Cube
8. Beardo
9. Leopold
10. Drift
11. Benedict
12. Sly
13. Bubbles
14. Tad
15. Hamlet
16. Kevin
17. Tucker
18. Tucker (twice in a row? come on!)
19. Lyman
20. Olaf
21. Bianca
22. Mitzi
23. Fauna
24. Shep
25. Stinky
26. Blanche
27. Sylvia

My goals are: Diana, Apollo/Fang, Raymond, Marina or Cherry/Mira. The first 3/4 are the ones I need.
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i've seen videos on twitter about people typing 'pspspsps raymond' and then walking in to find like biff or someone, so whenever i get a camper i type it for jokes but then it happened for real


for what its worth, the only personality i was missing at the time was smug & supposedly the campsite prioritizes personalities you're missing but its not guaranteed. i was actually campsite rerolling a couple weeks back but it was so time consuming so i dropped it, i wasnt even trying to get campers this time

later, i was TTing around to kick out someone so i could go ticket hunting (sorry octavian) and this guy turns up on my first NMT of the hunt

to be fair though, i've spent over 100+ NMT while looking for raymond and this was just the first ticket dedicated to looking for dom instead