What are some of your biggest dreams?

I consider my goals right now fairly straightforward.

- continue to do more with my volunteer work. I'm working with an organisation June-August where I'll be helping young people make important decisions regarding their futures and I'm excited for the training to start!

- get some of my novels out into the world. I have several young/new adult works that are relevant to current social issues and I feel that if young people could get their hands on them then they would be able to relate and feel normal.

- continue to pursue the sciences and figure out where I'm going. I recently lost my job working with viruses due to COVID-19 (the irony), but starting in September I will have the opportunity to work under a scientist I greatly respect and contribute to her research. I feel that working under her is going to help me make up my mind if I prefer to work in a laboratory capacity, or if I'm going to pursue medicine.
small dreams:
- learn to art
- study Chinese/Mandarin so that I don't lose my ability to speak/read (my reading ability is going down REALLY fast, I haven't looked at this stuff since middle school...)

life goals/etc.
- graduate uni (pending 2022, I took the semester off starting in January for an internship with a large company which will hopefully give me a leg up in the post-grad job search).

- it's probably a pipe dream to graduate with honors considering I had a lot of problems during my 2nd year that led to me not doing too well in Transport Phenomena/Thermodynamics/Organic Chemistry 2, but I'm still looking to pull through. We're making progress, my grades definitely went up last semester! :D

- get back to tutoring/volunteering. I was going to start volunteering with my local branch of 826 (a volunteer organization that provides tutoring services and creative/writing help. Unfortunately, with the timing of everything (moving to the other side of the state for my internship mostly) that got put on hold but I still wanna do it. :D
my dream is to be known. all my life, i thought i just wanted to blend into the background but i don’t think that’s very true anymore. i want to be known and i want to have a voice that’s loud enough to be heard - this world is so, so scary and the events that are transpiring are so unbelievably ugly and cruel and i dream for one day, for this to be nothing but a history lesson and nowhere near reality. i dream for a future where nobody has to be afraid and where we are genuinely all equal.

as for more self-oriented dreams, i hope to actually graduate high school. it’s been a very tough ride and probably will be right up to the end but i want my diploma - i didn’t suffer through everything just to fail. i also hope to one day be financially and mentally well enough to move out of this apartment and away from my family.
idk i want to move to ny. i just think it would be cool to be a forensic engineer and live... elsewhere. anywhere.

i want to live in a cute apartment. maybe with a best friend.

or maybe, i want the world to know my name. i don’t know yet.
I'm not sure how familiar with this you all are, but I've been very heavily considering hiking the PCT, or the Pacific Crest Trail. It's a long-distance hiking trail that's pretty closely aligned with the highest portion of the Cascade and Sierra Nevada mountain ranges, but it sits about 100 to 150 miles east of the U.S. Pacific coast. You start at the Mexican border in CA, hike up through the Sierras, pass through Oregon and Washington, and then hit the Canadian border. It's so long, so time consuming, so difficult, but it sounds fantastic. I need something to push me, and I feel like this is the perfect way to do it.
My big dream would be to visit all seven continents one day! I've been to North America, Europe, and Asia; that leaves me South America, Africa, Australia, and Antarctica. I think South America and Africa would absolutely be doable, but Australia and Antarctica are rather far. Antarctica in particular will be a tough one - I've seen cruisers that take you from South America down to Antarctica, but they can be quite long and quite expensive.
My biggest dream that I've had since middle school was to save as many animals as possible.

I wanted to build a no-kill shelter for indoor pets like cats, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, etc. I had a dream of never turning an animal away and keeping them all in large, comfy spaces until they were adopted.

I wanted to also rescue large outdoor animals in need like horses, pigs, circus animals, etc. I wanted large open spaces of land for these animals to be rehabilitated and eventually rehomed.

And it didn't stop there. I wanted to get involved in the political aspect and lobby for better laws for animal welfare.

It all would have been a massive undertaking that would have cost so much money. Sadly, I'm well into adulthood and my career did not go in that direction at all, but I still try to save animals whenever I can. I adopted my dog from a rescue, I worked for a while as a dog trainer, I take bugs outside instead of killing them, and I'm the type of person that picks up worms off the street after a storm so they don't dry out. So in my day to day life at least, I do my best to help animals in need.
I'm not much of a dreamer because I've always had it tough since childhood and I considered a day well spent is a good day in life :)

My immediate goals are:
- Reunite with my significant other of close to 7 years now, who is in Australia while I am in Thailand, been away for close to two years now and it doesn't seem like international travel will be normal anytime soon. We really have to decide on a country to settle down into because the pandemic made us realise how short and fragile life is.
- Get my career restarted, been postponed on a job since February because of the pandemic. I'm currently working as a math and history tutor and I like the job but I don't see myself as being a tutor full-time.

If I had to decide on a big dream, I would like to be a volunteer and travel the world helping unfortunate children, let them dream for me and someday they might change the world into a better place :)
i get laughed at alot but i want to make music and make a difference in peoples lives like my fav bands did for me. and if i can't do that then i want to do something in the art field (acting, drawing, fashion, working behind the scenes) anything to help get my message out there or to help others. i may be trash at math and spelling and get scared of people but i'll do my best to make a change even for one person.
Honestly? I just want to learn to love myself again. After being in an emotionally/physically abusive relationship for 4 years my self confidence never really came back! 1 day though ~ baby steps⭐

edit: my biggest dreams though are for my kids. I want them to be happy and healthy and reach for them god damn stars🥰 & I will be here every step of the way to help them fulfil all their hopes and dreams!
you'll get there i believe in you. sorry you had to deal with that. people can be real ass hats.
Omg Thankyou so much😭😭 that’s so kind! I also read your comment keep doing what your doing (music/art) If that’s what you love then nobody can take that away from you. People laugh at others because they have issues within their own lives so they try to bring other people down! I bet you are very talented! 💫
Omg Thankyou so much😭😭 that’s so kind! I also read your comment keep doing what your doing (music/art) If that’s what you love then nobody can take that away from you. People laugh at others because they have issues within their own lives so they try to bring other people down! I bet you are very talented! 💫
lolz thanks. i just need to keep practicing but other issues tend to pop up. it'll get better i just gotta keep on going. you are very kind lolz i'm sure baby steps arn't needed you'll be taking leaps in no time. you just need to realize that you rock and no one can take that away from you.
I was working on a project, reminded that I hadn't been here for a while, when I decided that this would be the perfect question to ask. Yes, this is the perfect post to make at 1 AM 🤣

Outside of our shared love for animal crossing, how much do we know about each other? I think it's important to talk about ourselves because it's a reminder that there are other people here! We aren't talking to computerized avatars xD

So my question is this: what are your plans and dreams for your future? I'm not referring to animal crossing but real life!! Please share!

I'll break the ice and start (especially since I should work on my project a bit more before shutting eyes):

1. Family: Get married. Have biological kids. Adopt children.
2. Live on a farm
3. Have books published (my current project is my Nano 2019 piece!)
4. Be a comic book artist (a little ambitious loool)
5. Have a sucessful blog: I'd like to get paid to write blog posts.
6. Independance: Still working on this. I WAS about to get the next stage of license but that's on hold
Okaaaay this is tough for me cause I never really had dreams for me cause I always push everyone around me to do better whereas I’m still stuck where I was idk 8 years ago..

1. I want to go to uni to get a proper career (pref teaching)
2. I want to learn to drive by the end of 2021 {covid really set me back here}
3. I want to find a home for me and my 2 beautiful children, a proper home with a garden🥺
4. My kids to be happy and healthy always, they are my priority over everything and always will be til the day I die❤️
5. 1 day maybe find love, I can’t see me trusting a man ever again idk😢 but it’s fine this isn’t a priority!
trying to put myself back together

1. get into theatre again
2. find passion for art again
3. go to art or acting school in the fall
4. find someone who really loves me, have a family (haha GL)
5. (my dream) become a voice actor or become a concept artist! (id love to work on shows similar to adventure time, or any cartoon or game tbh)
1. Find a better job than the one I have now.
2. Keep exercising.
3. Finish writing my book series and get each book published with manga and anime adaptations.
4. Continue my martial arts.
5. Volunteer for some charities.
6. Volunteer at some food shelters.
7. Continue to be there for my friends and family, everyone who has supported me so far.
That’s so cool!

I want to work at a vegan bakery and live in St. Pete and have cats.

omg pls we need more vegan bakeries to show that food w/o animal products still can taste incredible! AND i also wanna learn how to become a better baker! i've baked a lot for my roommates! not too extravagant, like different variations of banana bread, cookies, muffins, and sweet bread(lemon poppyseed will by far be my favorite), but i def want to expand my horizons now that i have even more time. i do watch a lot of cooking vlogs and recipe videos and such, but i just never get to it. i have a massive sweet tooth and i have on MANY occasions just eaten something entirely sweet for a meal whether it be chocolate, ice cream, or a pastry lol. but i love to see fellow vegans here, hi!!
1. Improve my (esp mental) well-being, ie relieve myself of emotional baggage
2. Get my credentials and land a decent teaching job somewhere nice
3. Have a nice little group of friends who are good for me
4. Find a hobby I'm passionate enough about to maintain
5. Travel (preferably with my sister and/or SO)
6. Fall in love, get married, settle down & start a family
7. Ultimately be happy & healthy