What are you craving right now?

Cinnamon rolls! Been craving some for a few months already but making them from scratch is so time consuming 😅
Some coffee. I haven’t had any in awhile, but I’m definitely wanting some today.
My dinner which just so happens to be spaghetti bolognese, it smells delicious cooking away in the slow cooker right now. 😭
Once again watermelon.. the worst is, that I have 3/4 of a watermelon in the fridge, but it tastes absolutely terrible T.T
Water. Yep, simple as that! I am extremelly thirsty since a few days, I drink more than 3L of water per day (not counting any other drink) so yeah.. I'm craving it.. a lot 🥵
I'm really craving some pizza with pepperoni, sausage, and jalapeno peppers, with extra tomato sauce on it. From Dominoes.
A greasy hamburger, but wjth lettuce and tomatoe to help make it a little healthier. :p
Beef jerky. I haven't had jerky in forever and for some reason I really want some now 😩
I'm really craving soto ayam with perkedel. And teh botol. It kinda sucks there's no good Indonesian joints near where I live.
I'm craving for a whole cucumber, with tajin seasoning sprinkled on for that spicy kick. Mouth waters just thinking about it.
Coffee. I woke up this morning to find that I'm out of coffee beans and I don't have time to go get a coffee in between work meetings anytime soon. It's been a loooong morning