What are you craving right now?

"Most of the time I like italian foods, pasta dishes/noodles and smoked salmon temaki or smoked salmon sushi bowls and smoked salmon sushi!!!!" My most favorite meal I always want it "Eggplant Parmesian!!!!" I even have a "Smoked salmon temaki day each saturday!!!!" I wrote it on the board and they gave me my every demand like a princess!!!! I'm just joking what really happened is they laughed like it wasn't gonna happen and it was so funny they decided to do it!!!! Cause I can't demand them to do anything....✨🐹✨
It’s the middle of the night, but I crave tacos.
I’m craving an ice cold Fiji water. I’m very particular about my brands, lol.
Falafel and houmous.

It's been a constant craving for a couple of weeks now. I literally eat it daily at the moment. No amount is enough.
I like these chocolate/peanut butter wafers and really wanted one last night and this morning. Been trying to eat more healthy so I've been eating substitutes. Like banana and peanut butter. And I'm hoping to stick to it.
I've been craving an Oreo Cone all day. I picked some up at the store this weekend, but I'm trying to wait until after dinner to grab one.
I'm craving ice cream right now, but unfortunately I don't have any in the house.
I've been craving vanilla lately and I have no idea why. I kinda wonder if I am actually actually sugar since vanilla is always paired with sugar but simply something sweet doesn't really cut it for me lol.
I’m craving noodles. Either yakisoba or Thai rice noodles.