What Are You Happy About Today?

I finished re-reading volume 11 of Kimi ni Todoke today!! and was actually waiting for longer than expected and would’ve had time to start volume 12 if I’d thought to bring it asfjklsgdjfkls

Became Champion in Pokémon White 2, and was able to get started on the postgame content a little bit too!!

I... cannot remember if I mentioned this or not lol, but I got $10 in credit for an online marketplace I use the other day, and treated myself to a few small things!! and the first of those things arrived today!!
Work went well today. I caught a mistake on the big implementation we have planned for this weekend, so I was able to fix it before it became a problem. Hurray!

The new shoes that I ordered arrived yesterday and I got to wear them today. I still need to adjust the lacing to suit my preferences, but otherwise they seem comfortable.

Some ideas are coming together in my head for an upcoming event. I'm getting excited for it.
I have a phone interview on Thursday for a company I previously worked with. It's one of the few jobs that I didn't leave on bad terms. I'm hoping this phone interview goes well and that I get hired on the spot. I can't imagine I'd get anything less than 15 hours a week at this store, but you never know in this economy, I suppose.
I put up my 15 minute shift. I can’t take this place seriously. It’s a joke at this point.

There was information released regarding a short series of a show I'm following, Disventure Camp. My favorite character was eliminated last week, but I'm happy she will have spotlight in the shorter series and in a future episode. It's a shame how that specific elimination went down but I'm happy with her development nonetheless.
The Los Angeles Kings recently signed Quinton Byfield to an incredible contract, which could end up looking like a steal as soon as this upcoming season!
Today was kinda rough mood wise, but it was not a bad day really 🙂.

I got a few good trades today on Pokemon home. I got another Uxie - I’m thinking of keeping them both - sending one to a game and keep the other in my home boxes as part of my living Dex 🙂.


I’m especially happy about Iron Leaves since I didn’t have the game when the tera raid was around.

I got an Alolan Raichu with a mark! :D


The only one that I didn’t get a mark during this event was Pichu 🙂; that’s fine. I honestly wanted the shinies and the marks were just bonuses 🙂. The only one I was actively seeking for a mark was Mimikyu because I lost the one that had the smiling mark when I reset after game glitched out. I’m really happy with my haul so far :D. I kinda want to keep trying to get that particular mark again but also kinda don’t want to 😅😂.

I got a cute picture of Jewels trying to take the chicken hat off today 😸😹.

Also was really happy to watch a friend’s stream (i missed it when it was live) 🙂. It was so fun to watch! Also a good reminder for me to not forget about my copy of sword 😅🙂. Right now I’m focusing on the event in Violet and finishing my pokedex so i can get the shiny charm 🙂. I’m getting there; the pokedex tracker says I’m 86.4% done! I think I got the more difficult ones out of the way at least thanks to Pokemon home gts :D.

I made some more progress on the Teal Mask dlc; might do some in a bit or later 🙂.
Today's been great so far! I did a cardio workout yesterday evening to prepare myself for more gym time, which I'm happy about. Ended up breaking my record on the treadmill by a bit. Today I got up early and work is going well, and I accomplished something important at work today. Today also marks 11 years since I joined this forum. Happy TBT anniversary to me! :blush:
Today, I went and got some lunch at Dairy Queen for the very first time!
14 years ago, I was at one on vacation yet I refused to order anything from there due to wanting to go somewhere else to eat.
Now, I went and got a decent meal and yes it was good. (I had to get a dairy free dilly bar as I’m lactose intolerant, so I couldn’t get a blizzard sadly.)

Wed 17/07/24

I woke-up early this morning and hit the gym for a spin class before work. I ACHE. It was my first workout (besides bouldering) in years and it was more intense than I expected. The person leading it came over after and told me I did really well for my first time. I had a chat with my PT about it after and he was so supportive, especially when I said I think I'll go back again Friday morning. He thinks it's a great idea. 🚲

I got a warm reception at work upon my return today. Everyone was glad to see I'm doing so much better and my health issues have now been isolated rather than the months of doctors appointments and hospital referrals I was previously looking at. My boss and his boss were also pleased to see I've taken matters into my own hands in seeking out a PT who specialises in rehabilitation rather than waiting for that physio referral to get started on recovery - and that I intend to meet with him before work hours instead of during!

I've a reminder written on a white board in my office that says, "Water Larry's plants." I found a note written beneath it this morning that said, "Done - Friday 12th July." There was no name. The only people I can think of who might have needed access to my office while I was gone don't work Fridays, and I'm not sure how well Larry is known to any cleaners/janitors, so it's a mystery who wrote it. But I appreciate that they did it! ☘️

The decorator managed to rearrange our consultation very last minute this evening. He's happy to take on the job of redoing our living room! We'll get a quote tomorrow, although my girlfriend is already asking me to relay on extras she wants to add so whatever that figure is it is bound to go up. Luckily we have some savings put by to cover it. The consultant was also completely enamoured with our axolotls!

Due to my evening plans changing last minute, it got in the way of my trip to the fishmonger and grocery shop. My girlfriend wanted takeout. So for dinner I ordered sushi and miso soup. Delicious and a lovely treat that doesn't compromise my diet. 🍣

My promotion in one of my volunteer jobs was announced to the rest of the volunteer staff this evening. It has been met with such a positive response, my phone has been going off all evening, including lovely messages from the people on my new team. I can't wait to get started!

I needed a space to yap. Thanks to anyone who read.
I actually had the time to start AND finish re-reading volume 12 of Kimi ni Todoke today! and actually would’ve had plenty of time to start on the next one too... I’m just gonna start bringing an extra with me from now on 😅

I made it through Clay Tunnel and Twist Mountain in Pokémon White 2, and caught both Regirock and Regice!

Had a blast spectating the ACNH Hide and Seek stream!! ;v; amemome’s island was super pretty, and the warp pipes omg... the comedic timing was just 💯

Caught up with some Youtube videos with my mom this evening! We got to see Markiplier’s latest Chained Together video and catch up with Joey Graceffa and LDShadowLady’s Chunklock series!
Today we had a farewell party for one of my coworkers. We've both been working at the company for 20+ years, so it's kind of crazy to see him go, but he's planning to move closer to family and I wish him the best.

We were reminiscing today about the early years when we first started, working with paper files stored in long hallways of file cabinets that were constantly overflowing, the old binding machines where we would manually put the policies together, receiving and sorting actual paper mail. Technology has come a long way and I'm grateful for it, but there was just something different about sitting on the floor sorting through large stacks of files and reorganizing them for the 10th time that week. 📥🗃️
  • Slept well last night
  • Got up early today and finished watching Batman Begins. Then I worked on painting some miniatures for the Descent rpg tabletop board game.
  • I started taking Vitamin D on Tuesday that my doctor prescribed. I’m interested to see what effects it has as my vitamin d levels were very low according the bloodwork I had done. Apparently it can help with mood and energy and that would be great if it does.
  • Have some delicious peanut butter cookies 🍪
  • Got some new ebooks
  • Spend a long time reading yesterday. Which I’m glad about because in general my focus is really bad so to be able to read for an hour or longer straight was nice.
  • Getting on the treadmill today. Finally. It’s been too long since I’ve been on it. Exercise makes a significant difference in my mood and anxiety
- I called in sick from work this morning because yesterday I'd been dealing with bad flu symptoms (sore throat, full body ache, headache, tiredness), but actually today I ended up feeling basically fine 😅 So I'm gad to be feeling a lot better!

- Did a workout!!

- The pork chilli I made yesterday is really good, I had some with rice for my dinner 😋
I was rehired at my old retail job from four years ago. I’ll be a cashier this time around, instead of overnight stock. That’s mainly due to the lack of an opening for overnights right now, but I’m content with cashier. I’m guaranteed at least fifteen hours a week for now, which is a huge improvement from what I’ve been doing. I was also rehired despite having attendance issues in which I stopped showing up. I’m glad they are giving me another chance, since it was so long ago. I’m just waiting for the email to come with the paperwork. My orientation is on Saturday!
I’m happy because I get to go to sleep after that hire paperwork is done. I woke up a few hours ago and decided to stay up to not risk sleeping through the phone interview. I was alert thanks to an energy drink, but I need a few more hours of sleep. I hope that email comes soon so I’m not stressing about whether or not it’s going to come.
I saw 3 groundhogs when I went out with my mom a couple weeks ago! I only got a picture of 1, but all 3 of them were so cute and such a pleasant surprise!! I wasn't feeling the best mentally that day, and seeing them made me feel a lot better. 🥹

I've received a lot of the art I commissioned, and still have several coms I haven't received yet to look forward to!! Art has been one of my biggest joys the past couple weeks, it's been an honour to get to commission so many incredible artists!

I made an appointment today for something that'll hopefully help make my life a little bit easier and that's a stepping stone towards being able to do other things that'll make my life easier as well!

I went on a drive with my mom the other week! I wasn't able to enjoy it as much as I would've liked to because of how tired I was, but it was still a nice drive and it was nice to get out for a while and spend some time with my mom. We even saw a bunny!! I wasn't able to get a pic since the car was moving, but he was a cutie!

I played Mario Party Superstars with my lovelies @Dunquixote and @S.J. again last week (and remarkably came in first place!?)! I always love playing and chatting with them. ☺️🩷

Bonk is doing well! Her old age (of 3 years old) hasn't slowed her down, and she continues to be silly and adorable. 🖤

Despite how I've been feeling lately, I've still been able to bring myself to play Cozy Grove a little. I participated in the Summer Festival for the first time, and although I didn't care for the fireworks or items much, the clothes were super cute! I also liked the fireworks that were set off every night. I caught 9 new critters (including a mythical!) and 9 new fishes, got a new fish from Beatrice as a quest reward, reached 5 hearts with Bearos the Third and Dalia of Cosgrove, earned 4 new badges, got 2 new cats from Ben that don't hate other cats and named them Lulu and Demanding Goddess (LOL) and Lillian let me hug her for the first time!!

me with Bonk


The teaser trailer for Agatha All Along dropped! I've been waiting for this show for so long, I can't believe the first episode finally drops in 2 months!!
went into the office today and was fairly productive, my manager was over from belfast so was nice seeing them and had a good chat, he's always very motivating and encouraging! ☺️

also it's friday for me today yay! well kind of, i'm doing some training tomorrow with some colleagues but i don't need to work before or after it so have my out of office on saying i'm back monday! (someone kindly offered me a lift to where the training is taking place but i love taking the train and having a little coffee!)

proud of myself this week, monday started so badly that i was about to write this entire week off!
Today didn't feel like a total fluke...

I asked my dad if he wanted to spruce up the house a bit, and he actually agreed that we can either put new paint on the walls in my "hang out" space or put on some new entry doors as early as this Saturday. Either of those jobs is something I'm actually looking forward to.
Today's been great! I got up early and was productive at work. Finished something I was working on, leaving tomorrow open for me to finish my last task of the week. I also went to the gym and had a good session. Worked on my legs and they're getting stronger for sure. The weather was also lovely as well. I also get paid tomorrow, which will be nice. About to go have some leftover pasta that's really good for dinner and then knock out for awhile. Hoping everyone had a good day! 💜
Tues 16/7:
- I had my partner and two friends come over in the evening! We got some nice pizza from a local place, played scarvio, watched some of the old super mario cartoon and chatted and it was a lot of fun! The four of us have been calling a bit more and it's always so much fun 💚
- Spent most of the day getting ready for the evening but finally managed to clean and organise my room more, which I've been procrastinating on for months! Still a little to go, but it's a lot nicer space now.

Wed 17/7:
- I spent most of the day making my dad's birthday present, a drawing of a fish we have a good memory of together!
- Played a little genshin and managed to win my 50/50 for Navia!

Thurs 18/7:
- It was my dad's birthday yesterday! He and I didn't have anything on, so we went out together. Initially we were planning archery, but the place was shut, so we went to two seperate mini-golf places! It was very close but overall he won 2 of the 3 games. The weather was nice and cool and raining, and that in combination with it being a weekday meant we got both the places to ourselves! We also got little treats from a nice bakery, I a mini lemon meringue pie and him an escargot, and later we got lunch at a gluten-free cafe!
- We made dinner together for everyone, and I made him a lemon cake which turned out better than I expected since I had to deviate from the recipe a bit.
- Thankfully he liked his gift and got a frame for it!
-Ended my evening calling my partner for a little bit.
- Overall it was a really nice day, although I was absolutely exhausted by the end of it 😊
I got started re-reading volume 13 of Kimi ni Todoke today!

I made it through the first five areas of White Treehollow in Pokémon White 2! I’ll probably come back and do the others once I’ve gotten more levels, but I struggled a bit on the fifth, so not gonna push it for now. Also caught Mesprit and Cresselia! c:

Watched a few short videos with my family this evening, and caught up on a few videos I’ve been wanting to watch on my own as well!