What Are You Happy About Today?

still feeling pretty sick but I managed to play in a few rounds of Among Us tonight!! ;w; I def got imp way more than my sick brain could handle and also my computer decided to be weird (all good now though I think!) so I was half-distracted for most of it akjgkldfs, but I'm glad I was up to playing for a while! I've done little else other than sleep on the couch for the past couple days and I've been longing to feel well enough to like. read or play a game or anything aaaaa
Today I’m not feeling great still but there are a few things that I’m happy about.

Today I had fun playing Among Us with everyone 🙂.

A special occasion is coming up so my mom wants me to pick out some stuff for myself. I just ordered one part of my present :D. It’s retiring so I got a 40% off coupon!


I wanted this for awhile 🥳; its name is Sparkles the Narwhale 🙂. I love its derpy face so much ☺️.

My mom is letting me pick out something else too (not sure what I want) and we’re having Chipolte too on that day :D.
Haven't posted here in a hot minute (and just before midnight too hehehe). It's been all over the place, but I'll list some happy stuff that happened to me in the past week and today. I'll have to destroy your notifications some other time lol.

Over the past week
  • @/Roxxy gifted me a balloon dog collectible. It was a pleasant surprise seeing it in my inventory and the message that came along with it. 🐶💙💜💙
  • I've played a TON of Paper Mario - The Thousand-Year Door and needless to say, I've been getting lots of enjoyment playing it. In fact, I'm already well over the halfway point of the game! I never played a Paper Mario game in the series, so it's been a grand introduction for me, especially in the soundtrack department since I can alternate between the original and remastered versions whenever I want out of curiosity (original only has one battle theme while the remake has different battle themes for each chapter?!). And to think that the game is 20 years old now... Since I never owned a Gamecube when the game initially came out (only had the NES, GBA, and the PS2 at the time), I wonder what it'd be like if the younger me got to experience it.
I was so happy when I got a blue variant of Yoshi Kid since as you probably would've guessed, blue is my favourite colour (there are other colours you can get instead depending on how long you progress in a certain chapter at a certain point)! I even got to name him with my username, but only partially since eight characters is only the max rip.

Shelzill does not look impressed.

I chuckled with these fourth wall breaks lol.



  • Feel free to skip this point. I saw a Toyota Supra Mk3 on my way home from work one day. I feel like it's the exact same one that I initially spotted last year lol.
  • My mom got around to baking cinnamon buns again! She tried a different recipe but despite that, it was insanely delicious! The frosting was a cherry on top as well.
  • I participated in numerous sessions of Among Us organized by @/Dunquixote! I can't remember all of the funny moments that cracked me up, but I've definitely had some laughs and close calls. In one of the sessions, it ended up being a full house with @/LaBelleFleur and @/Justin joining the party as well! With that many people, it only caused more funny moments (Justin getting killed by Justin thanks to a shapeshifting role by one of the imposters), wrongfully ejecting a crewmate (happened to me once rip), and generally an interesting dynamic playing with other TBTers. It's safe to say that these Among Us sessions are guaranteed to be fun since the TBT community is already awesome to begin with.
Nine people voted against @/Dinosaur lol.

It's so hilarious out of context. If I recall correctly, Harry (which is @/CylieDanny if I'm not wrong) needed to be afk for a bit in the kitchen area to use the washroom irl.
I was doing a wiring task one time and all the wires connected horizontally from each other! 😱

September 19, 2024
  • Feel free to skip this point. On my way to work, I was pleasantly surprised to spot a Porsche 911 GT3 (996) in the wild yet again that I gasped! It's headlights dubbed "fried eggs" by some and its rear wing is what gave it away from me.
  • Had a decent amount of sleep last night. I really needed that since I was starting to feel slightly unwell, but I'm generally doing fine now.
  • Work was somewhat chill, but learned a couple of new things today with the help of my coworkers.
  • A customer thanked me for working on their car and gave me a handshake. It really made me happy on the inside. 🥺 He said, "thank you, (my real name). Thank you for taking care of my car."
  • Tomorrow is my day off from work! I'll be taking things easy tonight.
  • I got to play another session of Among Us organized by @/Dunquixote yet again! It started off small at the beginning, but a few more people joined as time went on. I was the imposter at one point with @/BetsySundrop and somehow won thanks to voting out an innocent crewmate.
  • Restocked my fridge/pantry with food!
  • Got some starbucks instant coffee :D and am enjoying a cup right now, yay caffeine! :coffee:
  • Feel better today than I did yesterday, yesterday I was dissociating most of the day and it was very unpleasant to say the least. I feel pretty good today. Despite not feeling well yesterday I still managed to get a lot done and some fun stuff too. I got on the treadmill for 30 minutes, practiced violin for 30 minutes, read a ton, watched Hocus Pocus 2, played some of the first Life is Strange game, and watched an episode of Supernatural. So even though I wasn't feeling well I managed to have a decent day despite that. I was doing everything I could think of to distract my mind from anxiety, and at least managed to get through the day without a full blown panic attack. Then went to sleep and woke up feeling a lot better today :)
  • Got this delicious giant cookie thing with frosting on it :D Pictured below
  • My friend randomly stopped by with a book she got me the other day, that really cheered me up and made me feel good, it was a nice surprise and was the perfect book. That was so kind of her ❤️
  • I plan on getting on the treadmill later, practicing violin for about 45 minutes, and playing more of Life is Strange. Should be a nice day :)


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I recently saw Todrick Hall live performing in Burlesque and I'm still thinking about it. I've been on a real kick with his music the past six months so it was amazing to see him live even if he wasn't performing his own material! 🖤

Also we're meeting our new kitten tomorrow and I'm super psyched. We've been planning to get a cat since we bought our home last September but wanted to wait until we felt more settled, paid for renovations, and just felt we were mentally and financially ready to take on the responsibility. I'm excited! 🐈‍⬛
Friday, September 20, 2024
  • It’s a round up of the week as it’s been a busy one!
  • I was overwhelmed to see the art of my rep in the ‘Canvas Crossing’ reveal! Thank you for the members who chose to draw my rep!
  • I won a Galaxy Cupcake! Oh my goodness, I couldn’t believe it! I am so happy, and I got my desired date and time change. It fits in perfectly between some of my Lily of the Valley collectibles!
  • I’ve had lovely walks with Blossom! Whenever Blossom is in the garden in the morning, there are some children who walk past and talk and pet her through the fence. It was funny, one of the regular children forgot her name and called her Lavender! Her Mother said ‘It’s Blossom!’ When I was out this morning walking Blossom all I heard was shouting and it’s the same children shouting ‘Look, it’s Blossom!’ They came running over to pet her! Blossom loves the attention!
  • Gave Blossom a bath this morning. I think she knew what was going to happen when I opened the bathroom door as she had pre bath zoomies! She also had post bath zoomies too! Also, got her bedding and blankets washed and dried.
  • Last but definitely by no means least, @Xara sent me surprise artwork of my rep and my beloved Buck! I’m using it as my signature, I love it so much and it means the world to me! 💜
Not too long ago, I ordered a Celeste chick plush and it arrived today! It’s so cute and round aww just, I love it so much. Definitely will take good care of it. There were also some extra goodies like stickers, prints etc. I knew there would be extras but what I didn’t expect was a very amazing drawing of my ACNL Mayor 😭 Thank you so much Laudine, it really made my week when I saw the drawing on top of everything else. Very happy to be a part of the forums all this time. ❤️


Today after school I went to the library and finished some homework there! Later I had a nice chat with my best friend and ate some Japanese food (fried noodles, teriyaki chicken, shrimp, and veggies) for dinner while watching an episode of the PaRappa anime, which I've wanted to get to for a long time. I finished the first one yesterday, so I'm 1/15th of the way to completing it!
Just got home from spending a few hours with my coworkers! It's nice that even though I transitioned to working remotely, I still get invited to stuff. One of my coworkers invited his cousin and the dude was SO MUCH FUN! He better invite his cousin every time lol
Found out that I'll be taking on even more responsibility at work, which is awesome. I got to sleep in today, took care of work, and then logged off and started my Pokemon Insurgence Soul Link Nuzlocke with my friend. It's been kind of chaotic so far with all the encounters we've been getting and the deaths we've had, but we've both got a stable team of 5 mons going and I can tell this is going to be a fun side thing for awhile. Just got finished watching some anime and will probably play some more Genshin tonight. For as up and down as my life has been lately, at least it hasn't been too stressful. Gotta love it when things are just casually swinging your way. :blush:

Oh! And I also found out that my tax return will be arriving soon, so that'll be a nice bonus on top of everything else. 💚
Hello! 🚪 Guess who's heeere! It's us! 👋🏻👱🏻‍♀️🤝🏻🎲👍🏻 We've come to sha- OOP! 💥🧶🎲 Who left this ball of yarn here?? 😣 Anyway... today happens to be World Grati- 🔴👱🏻‍♀️ Uh... why is there a laser on your forehead? 😳 Can we put away the laser pointers away for a second? 🙄 Today is National Gratitude Day, so I've kitten a po- I mean, I've written a poem for yyyooooouuuu. 🤭👱🏻‍♀️👈🏻🎲😉 I'm happy and grateful for you, of course! Let's all curl up 👱🏻‍♀️🫂🎲 and purr while I read this lovely poem to you. 😁

Grateful for the way you smile,
how that bow of beauty brings me peace.
Grateful for the longest while,
that with you at last I feel at ease.

Grateful for your hymn of giggles,
'cause to him, your laugh is blessed.
Grateful that you love my tickles,
the sound of you's my happiness.

Grateful for your cherry cheeks,
cherished truly when you blush.
Grateful for the months and weeks
that you've made me dream and crush.

Grateful for your beating heart,
because it keeps my heart in sync.
Grateful that no distance far,
can separate the bond we've linked.

I am grateful for your trust.
Grateful that at last we're "us".
Prophet Nathan said we must,
be together until we're dust.