What Are You Happy About Today?

@FrostyAlmonds - You will always be remembered for the little Gaxo doodles! Our Galaxolotls may have placed last but were definitely first in team spirit. Little Gaxo definitely lifted mine.

The past few days haven’t been very eventful, but a few things…

I paid my phone bill early, and now I don’t have to worry about it until February.
I had some pineapple pizza for lunch today and shared with Keagan.
Keagan. He deserves a point to himself.

I'm getting so so so much done today! I'm definitely not going to get everything I want to get done before Christmas, but considering that today alone I've gotten 4 pieces of art done so far, sent out a ton of gifts in an attempt to get the Scrooge Redeemed title, and been able to watch 2 whole Christmas movies and chat a bunch with friends... yeah! Pretty proud of myself!

Still more to do though, so I'm getting back to that!
I'm getting so so so much done today! I'm definitely not going to get everything I want to get done before Christmas, but considering that today alone I've gotten 4 pieces of art done so far, sent out a ton of gifts in an attempt to get the Scrooge Redeemed title, and been able to watch 2 whole Christmas movies and chat a bunch with friends... yeah! Pretty proud of myself!

Still more to do though, so I'm getting back to that!
Wait, what?! How on earth have you accomplished all of that?? 4 artwork, and 2 Christmas movies, all while chatting with friends and sending out presents? …..I’d say good on you! Rockstar.
Wait, what?! How on earth have you accomplished all of that?? 4 artwork, and 2 Christmas movies, all while chatting with friends and sending out presents? …..I’d say good on you! Rockstar.
I dunno either! I'm honestly kinda sleep deprived. I gotta clean my room in preparation for my siblings coming over later tonight (they spend the night in my room for Christmas), finish all my friends presents (at least as many as I can get to) which is like 7 more pictures for all of em at most.
It's a lot, but I work best when I'm super motivated by a bunch of different things. Self-applied pressure, you know? I don't HAVE to get everything done, but I want to, and that alone drives me to do it. I just know I'm gonna sleep real good tonight, which is another thing 2 be happy about!
My mood isn’t good today but there are plenty of things I’m happy about:

All the notifications that I got today really cheered me up; I loved seeing the pizza reactions.

I received gifts from a few more people 🙂.

One of my friends on twitter had sent me a personalized card with her cats on it. I wasn’t expecting any cards since I’ve been inactive until recently! I’ll have to send them one back of my girls 🙂.

I played more of Genshin and I think I have another character that I like. 👀 I’m really enjoying the story so far! I wish we could make decisions and not just in dialogue (the dialogue choices aren’t really choices either if you think about it since they would both lead to the same dialogue usually or one is just the other answer worded differently). Like in Dragon Age you could pick who to side with and it’d have a direct impact on events after that and the ending.

My mom cut some of the ham that we’re having tomorrow so we can have some tonight.

The cough medicine has been helping reduce my cough.

I got my wrapping done last night.

Spanky snuggled with me a bit today ☺️.

More of my entries got accepted last night and today 🙂.

I’m happy that my sister and her family won’t be coming until the afternoon tomorrow. I thought they were coming in the morning.

That’s it for now.
I'm pretty happy with the presents I managed to give for others. I can usually gauge what other people are interested in, (through snippets of conversation or just knowing the person in a general sense) so I was excited to give out this year.

The presents that I gave out early seemed to elicit genuine happy reactions. I struggled on a limited shopping budget, and this is the best thing I could ask for.

e.g: The text exchange I had with my sister.

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  • I slept good, got woken up by my cat Mustachio snuggling with me and purring which is always a nice way to wake up ❤️
  • Today is Christmas, my sister is coming over later today so we can exchange gifts 😀 Other than that I plan on playig more of Life is Strange: Before the Storm 🎮
  • My neighbor got Mustachio some treats for Christmas, they're her favorite kind too! She loves the catnip fever temptations :)


  • CatTreats.jpg
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Merry/Happy Christmas everyone!

I have a lot I am happy for. Azurill drew me such a cute and wonderful drawing. It's so lovely!

I was looking at all my decorations last night and liking them. I love these little figurines. They remind me of the Animal Crossing villagers. My granny gifted me them over the years. The last one was the painter since she said it reminded her of me. I love them and I will look for some in the years to come and pick 1 out every year in her honor.


I'm excited to see the santa art reveal and I am so close to finishing an extra drawing I did for that.
I pretty much finished my story for my penpal. I wanted to finish it for a Christmas present for them.

I haven't mentioned it, but I never got anything in the forum before so it was really cool to get the color and user title with the gifts. I didn't even expect to get it so it was a neat surprise! The goat makes sense for me. I cry a lot 😅
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
  • Christmas Day isn't the same since my Mum passed (love you Mum 💜), but I've had a lovely day with my Dad, brother and Blossom. Blossom had such good fun ripping the wrapping paper off her presents! She's probably had more treats than she should have, but it is Christmas! :D
  • I've always had a soft spot for the Care Bears, so I bought Care Bears: To the Rescue for Nintendo Switch. I've been playing as Grumpy Bear as he's one of my favourites!
  • Love the surprise Galaxy Pizza and the Holiday Candy Cane collectibles! Also, looking forward to finding out what is behind each gift! I'm very tempted to stay up to see the collectibles reveal!
After loads of refreshing, I managed to place my LUSH boxing day sales order!!! If my willpower stays strong, that'll be all I order this year. But it contains new things I have wanted to try including a cute giftset that comes with a house storage tin!
Christmas was pretty enjoyable today! My mom and I went to the movies and saw the movie Mufasa, I really enjoyed it and thought it was a great pick for the holiday movie. We also made cinnamon rolls this morning before we unwrapped our presents. I'm also planning on putting up my television this weekend that I got for Christmas from my Dad (which was totally unexpected), I didn't want to put it up today because I am going to have to clean a little bit before it can be placed safely where it needs to be.