What Are You Happy About Today?

didn't write this last night bc it was like midnight, but I submitted my job application!! now I just have to play the waiting game and hope that they call me for an interview!

also trying to move out a villager so I can get Quinn and in the process I found Freya in the campsite! I already have Audie but Freya is such a cute pink color I had to have her ☺
I’m happy my boss scrapped a grueling afternoon meeting on Wednesday for classroom work time. I’m happy that it’s the weekend and that I work Monday, Tuesday, and then off until the 29th for Thanksgiving break.

Also, my parents decided to pay the remaining $8k of my car off last week just because they have been agreeing with my approach to life that life is too short to not do what you love, so they said they love me and are proud of me and wanted to do this for me. Although it didn’t happen today, I’m still happy about it. I mean it’s amazing to not have to pay monthly for my car anymore, but the part that has me forever happy is that I have love from family.
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My XBOX One is here! A little sad fact is that I need to get WiFi to download games for it. Here’s to finding one without a cancellation fee.
My hoodie is ****ing gorgeous. I love it. It has a pocket too, which I wasn’t expecting it to, so that’s nice.
I got a payment from both eBay and my actual job.
After a very busy week I finally finished my placement yesterday! Had some lovely feedback from my mentor and some goodbye cuddles from the children. I’ll miss them so much but thoroughly enjoyed my time there. I also had a lie in this morning which was much needed as I’ve been feeling ropey (thought it was covid but luckily my pcr test was negative). I have work today and tomorrow but don’t start until the afternoon so I have some time to rest beforehand!
also, my lovely friend @daringred_ checked in on me as I’d been absent from the forum and that is just the sweetest gesture. I really appreciate you!
Today I'm happy because:

- I slept pretty well last night and got to sleep late.
- I don't have to work today.
- My husband took me out to dinner at my favorite restaurant tonight. I had some delicious stuffed shells.
- I ordered some cozy looking new pajamas for winter online.
- I don't have to work tomorrow.