• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Are You Happy About Today?

  • Took 2 walks outside today
  • Had a nice nap with my kitty snuggled up with me
  • Decided to start drawing again. It was a little frustrating, I haven't drawn in 3 years, and my drawings look really bad in comparison to what they used to look like. They were never the best but they were pretty decent. I have a lot of practicing to do. But I think this will be good for me, another good coping skill to use.
  • I caught a bunch of Pokémon in Legends Arceus last night, I'm currently in the Crimson Mirelands. Kind of procrastinating till I eventually have to calm Ursaluna down
  • The cat carrier I ordered was delivered yesterday. My cat LOVES it, like she seriously keeps jumping in it throughout the day and sitting in it purring. So I hope that means it won't be difficult to get her in it when I eventually take her to the vet to be spayed.
  • I read for a couple hours yesterday which is good because I've been struggling to focus lately
AHH that's AWESOME!! If you do, I hope you have a great time and that they continue their win streak!! 🤩🤩

The Dallas Mavericks ended up winning against the Sacramento Kings 114-113! It was epic!!! I got a Luka Doncic shirt even though he wasn't playing tonight. 😂
Today I'm happy because:

- I got some really good sleep last night, which I needed, and I got to sleep in this morning.
- I didn't have to work today. I got to stay and relax most of the day.
- The weather was simply gorgeous. I couldn't have asked for a better day temperature-wise.
- I started my new anime, Shadows House, today and I'm liking it so far.
- My dog cuddled with me on the couch for a little while this evening.
- After a stressful couple of days, I'm starting to de-stress a little bit.
The Los Angeles Kings won their game last night and honestly after these last few disappointing seasons, I’m happy to see them playing this well. I’m honestly convinced first place in the weak Pacific might actually be up for grabs. Wishful thinking, lol?
I had Welch’s grape juice for the first time yesterday and it did not disappoint. It’s very grapey. And just because I felt like taking a picture…
I had some KFC delivered tonight and it was good!
I think I’ll catch up on some MHA before I go sleep.
I adopted my coworkers cat, who was previously the “office cat”, because he couldn’t take her back to Korea with him when he quit. I’ve been working on slowly getting my cat-hating beagle to accept her for about a month now.. and this week I’ve finally made substantial progress!! After lots of face time together sharing treats from behind my door, today she was able to spend a whole hour inside my room with the cat without barking or growling. I’m excited for them to be able to be near each other without constant supervision but I know I have to be patient and take it slow. But the future looks bright 🤩
I just wanted to post an update on this because it made me feel like a happy mom reaching another milestone with her kids... for 2 months I've been letting my beagle (Louie) into my room to be with my cat (Cat) and they can get along now with no big incidents. I can even take naps with them in my room and leave them unsupervised while I shower. But today I opened the door and let Cat roam the whole house for the first time. I was worried Louie would think Cat was coming into her territory or something, especially when we went into my brother's room (where my dog spends 80% of her time), but she followed behind her the whole time and just let Cat explore. I'm so proud 😭 My beagle is VERY easily excitable and has chased cats her whole life so I never thought I'd see the day where she can coexist with a cat hehe.
I got to play some more DQVII! Can't believe this game got me to cry over a worm. 😭
Carmen showed up in my campsite in New Leaf today, so I played games with her until I was able to get the rest of the campsite-exclusive items I was missing! It took a while to get everything, but I multi-tasked and got to catch up with some streams/watch some Youtube with my parents too.
I finally recharged my Switch after not touching it for some time, checked out the new NSO missions, and got myself some of the ACNH icon elements!! Currently using Celia for my icon; I love her look. 🥺
And since I needed to play a game with online functionality for one of the missions, I went back into Minecraft Dungeons for the first time in ages and cleared Colossal Rampart! I had a few too many close calls, but I managed to pull through in the end. Even if I had to totally cheese the last boss.
I managed to complete the fossil section of my museum today and now I've completed the paintings/statue, fossil and my fish sections. There're still the remaining ones I need to do, but I'm in no rush to get them done. I also renewed my PS Plus membership today so that I can play online with other people again. It was a good thing that the 12-month plan went on sale this month so that I can save a little money on it. I mainly brought it because I wanted to play Pubg Battleground again as I always seem to think fondly of it as I enjoy playing it with strangers (though there are the rare times that there would be a player killer on the team and ruin everything for the others).
I took my mum out to breakfast this morning to the new café and she loved it :)

It as been raining all day so I have been receiving so many kitty cuddles ☺️

I am have messaged my mum to collect all my ds and 3ds games so I can pick them up after work as I really want to get back into playing my 3ds.
  • My mom made homemade fried chicken, tasted like I was at Chik-fil-A
  • Rosie apparently had kittens in our woods. I went outside today and saw about 4 kittens running around to my surprise. I'm not upset about that lol
  • I snuggled with my other 2 kitties
  • Read some books and finished the Angels of Death manga series
  • I beat the Elite Four and Cynthia in Pokémon Shining Pearl today, just barely. lol That Garchomp is strong
  • I got motivation to play ACNH again after feeling burnt out on it for awhile. I designed a vacation home and the restaurant in HHP
  • Finished reading a book and started another one
  • It rained today
Today I'm happy because:

- I didn't have to work and got to sleep in today.
- I enjoyed what could be the last day of nice weather for a while. It was warm and sunny. It's supposed to stay reasonably warm but rain throughout the entirety of next week.
- I had a nice day today and nothing major really happened to stress me out.
- My back is feeling better again after resting for a few days.
- I watched another episode of Shadows House today and the newest episode of Attack on Titan.
- My dog snuggled with me on the couch.
i’m happy because i ordered a huion h580x drawing tablet and some other stuff with the christmas money i saved. it’s going to be my first drawing tablet since i currently use procreate on my phone with my finger to make all my art, i’m sadly going to have to wait a week for it to ship to my house. i also went bowling with some of my friends and while i was away, my mom bought the eilish perfume for me. my family and i just watched encanto and it was a good movie, i understand the hype for it now.
I started working today a few hours early. I did have to take a break and walk to the adjacent gas station to get a drink, though. I just wish I didn’t have to take a thirty minute break for that, lol. I’ll make sure to come prepared with more to drink. It was a little hot out today.
I actually had a really nice day at work with the other dishwasher, who was there with me for a few hours because I started early. We just talked about Pokémon and other random stuff. She’s the one I got a bunch of BDSP Pokémon from.
I made it to Monday which is my favorite day to work. My paychecks are actually more for this job because they aren’t taking taxes out for some reason. That probably means I’ll owe money next year but oh, well. I’m really enjoying the paychecks. 🙃 Work not taking taxes out is actually something I wanted to try, so I am kind of happy about this, lowkey.
I’m bringing a Mango Dragonfruit refresher from Starbucks to work tomorrow!! That would be good with the nice weather!
my weekend was pretty boring, but it wasn’t bad! i spent most of it sleeping and playing nh, and am now ending it by smoking a joint, so i’d say i had a fairly nice weekend. ☺️

yesterday (03/05)
cuddled with my kitten. 🖤
watched 2 tiktoks that made me laugh.
tried nanaimo bar aero truffles for the first time. they didn’t taste like nanaimo bars to me, but they were still pretty good!
did some self-care.

today (03/06)
slept well last night.
tidied up my room a bit.
cuddled with my kitten, alize. <3
finally designed a few easter/spring collectible lineups i like!! i probably won’t display them until this year’s easter event/egg hunt starts, but i’ve been struggling with designing an easter lineup for a while now, so i’m happy that i finally did it! i need more eggs. 😅
I had Welch’s grape juice for the first time yesterday and it did not disappoint. It’s very grapey. And just because I felt like taking a picture…
i love welch’s grape juice! it’s so good lol.
I got to make some more good progress in DQVII today! I'm leaving off on an interesting note, so I'm definitely looking forward to my next chance to play.
I re-organized the About section of my profile! I was starting to feel like it was a bit all over the place, and it was probably due for a little re-do anyway.
Also happy today because I donated some money to the UN humanitarian relief for Ukraine tonight. It wasn't a lot, but it's all I can afford right now. It's absolutely terrible what's going on there...
that's really awesome that you did that, I really want to donate money but I'm quite literally broke. I know keeping them in my thoughts won't really change anything but I haven't stopped thinking about the people of Ukraine since this whole thing started. hopefully I can donate some money soon.

I'm happy about quite a few things!

- I got to hang out with my new friend and we talked for 5 hours, not even exaggerating. I could've talked longer but it was getting late. would love to hang out w them again soon 😊

- it was really nice outside and my dog and I spent basically all day in the backyard
- I got a metric ton of dead/overgrown plants pulled out of the yard and it looks 7392 times better than it did out there. there are more plants to cut but the weather is bad today so I'm gonna wait til it warms up again

- been playing SMG1 on the switch and while I think I still like Galaxy 2 more it's been really fun!
- my mom is finally having her surgery done today, after waiting for like 4 months. I know she's kinda worried bc it's all in her nose but I really hope it clears up the issues she's been having.
- I have the house to myself for a while
- in a bit I'm gonna go get my friend (whom I've known for years and years) and we're gonna play Mario kart and just chill for a while 😌
- really excited to start my new drawing projects for @/SheepVillager and @/BrokenSanity today!! also might work on my fanfic some more if I have the energy lol