What Are You Happy About Today?

I haven't kept up with the series as I only have a PS One, but I definitely still have and have played Gran Turismo 2. I remember finding it crazy that it had to be split over two different discs. It's thanks to my Dad that I knew about it as well as he's the one that originally bought the PS One and game that he has since given to me.
That's awesome! Really nice to hear that. Did you know that if you gently rub the blue disc (not the readable part obviously), you could smell burnt rubber or what they call "pit-stop smell"? It's been over 20 years since Gran Turismo 2 was released, so I'm not sure if it's still there on your disc. Try it out if you can and let me know if you smell something from it lol.
The Los Angeles Kings are playing well?? We must have entered another dimension, lmao. I’m so happy with this team, though!
I found a website that I’m extremely happy about. I’ll spare y’all the details, but I’m actually really happy about this discovery. It’s a site where you buy things, that’s all I’ll say.
I’m hoping it’s legit.
I managed to get decent sleep last night, and the power came back on overnight, so I’m really happy that whatever was fixed.
I’m on the way to see my favorite dog, Keagan. I’ll be able to watch some MHA whenever I come back.
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I just want to stop by and give thanks to @Firesquids and @TheDuke55.
A couple of months ago, on New Year’s Eve I was feeling very sad about not being able to get my dream house, and it meant a lot to me that you both replied.
It was definitely not the best day for me.

Today I’m happy because………I got the house! That same house. I was starting to think it was not going to happen, but it did. 🥳
I just want to stop by and give thanks to @Firesquids and @TheDuke55.
A couple of months ago, on New Year’s Eve I was feeling very sad about not being able to get my dream house, and it meant a lot to me that you both replied.
It was definitely not the best day for me.

Today I’m happy because………I got the house! That same house. I was starting to think it was not going to happen, but it did. 🥳
Hey congrats! I'm so happy for you!
Today I'm happy because:

- I slept pretty deeply last night.
- I had another fairly easy day at work. I got some more incidents cleaned out of my queue and both my boss and another leader recognized the efforts I've been putting in to get this done. I only have one incident left to analyze! (until the next one comes in...)
- I scheduled my dog's annual vet check-up for later this month. I now have every necessary appointment scheduled and I just need to get through them all. Why does everything come around in March?
- It stopped raining last night and was nice and sunny when I took my dog on his walk this afternoon. It's supposed to start raining again tonight and all through tomorrow, but I'll enjoy any reprieve I can get. The rain is the price of spring so I'll take it as long as the weather doesn't get too cold.
- The rain cleaned some of the bird poop off my car. That's a win.
- The birds and other animals are becoming more active since spring is coming. I saw a woodpecker today.
- Nacho fries are coming back to Taco Bell later this week. Can't wait to get some!
I played online for most of the day, winning in a few matches in the games I were in, and I found my PS Vita after a while of trying to look for it so that I could start playing through some games I missed playing on it. I'm currently reading through one of the books I had brought last week and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I'm happy I got the chance to buy it and read it for myself.
So a while ago:
Might have the opportunity to adopt some cats which is exciting and also scary 😬
And now...


My sister let me adopt one of her cats! I brought her home on Saturday and she is adjusting more to my house each day. I am so happy to have her here as my little fur companion 🥰

The cat, my sister, and I used to all live together many years ago but the cat went with my sister when we parted. But now, she's back with me! Her name is Ninja and she is 11 years old.
I got some pre-orders in for some limited edition merch sets I've been eyeing for the past month or so!! Had to use a proxy service to be able to order them at all, but I'm super excited; can't wait until it's time for them to come in. ;v;
Aishe has joined up with the party in DQVII! Haven't played much further than that, but I like her already. c:
Fall Guys added a new game mode today and I've been having so much fun with it, it's where most of my gaming time went today. 😄 I wouldn't have imagined a stealth mechanic in this game, but it works surprisingly well! And managing to catch players who are still invisible is especially fun.
another boring, yet decent day for me. just 3 more days to go until friday and the start of my spring break! 😇

got 3x nook points.
alize was very excited to help wake me up for school this morning. she licked my nose and chin, and even cuddled with me until my first class started. she’s so sweet, and i love her so much. we also cuddled after school as well!
had another decent day at school! i have a meeting with one of my teachers tomorrow that i’m nervous about, but i’m also somewhat excited since i really need to talk to her aha. fingers crossed it goes well!
continued watching euphoria! i’ve made it to the second episode of season 2 and am still enjoying it! my mom seems to be getting into it somewhat as well.
started feeling a bit low near the end of the day, so i went outside to smoke a joint + get some fresh air (contradicting actions, i know lol) and felt better afterwards! the weather was also nice and not too cold at all. going outside for some air and alone time really makes me feel good, even if i‘m not out there for very long. :’)
found out that spider-man: no way home will be coming to disney+ in a few weeks or so! i’m bummed that i didn’t get to see it in theatres, but i’m excited that i’ll finally be able to watch it soon.

So a while ago:

And now...

My sister let me adopt one of her cats! I brought her home on Saturday and she is adjusting more to my house each day. I am so happy to have her here as my little fur companion 🥰

The cat, my sister, and I used to all live together many years ago but the cat went with my sister when we parted. But now, she's back with me! Her name is Ninja and she is 11 years old.
she’s so cute omg 😭. she kinda reminds me of @Autumn247 ’s kitty!
I've had a very bad toothache for a week and a half, like it would randomly ache severely bad for hours and if I even drank room temperature water let alone something cold, it would send a shock of pain so severe I almost wanted to cry. I managed to finally get in to see the dentist today. They did a filling and said it should start feeling better soon. It wasn't infected thankfully and shouldn't need to be removed or need a root canal. They just said the decay went deep and almost to the nerve which is why it's been hurting and sensitive. So they cleaned/drilled that out and put a filling in. I'm happy to hopefully be getting some relief soon (I can't tell yet because my mouth is still numb from the Novocain)
Kind of a weird thing to be happy about. I've had a really bad constant cough and my work normally requires me to be in the building at least 2 days a week. Tested negative for COVID so I thought I'd have to make up the days tomorrow and Friday, but I get to work from home the whole week! I would have been hacking away at the building so I'm glad I get to stay home and deal with it instead.