• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Are You Happy About Today?

1. Ate Whataburger for dinner

2. My dad got me a bunch of yummy snacks for this weekend. Him and my brother are going to be going to Dallas for sporting events. I will be staying home since I don’t care about sports, so he got me some snacks to munch on for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday while they will be gone.

3. My dad also got me some birthday presents on Amazon, which I will open on the 9th. ^^
New tillandsia plants have been delivered and added to my collection! They make me unseasonably happy. 🥰


This giant form is pretty big! About 25 cm or 10 inches. Covered in trichomes which is why it looks so fuzzy and silvery. I love the way it looks.

By comparison, this one is the size of my thumb nail! Tiny and cute. Also very pretty with a generous amount of trichomes on its teeny weeny leaves. It's mounted on cork bark.

Also, last month, I posted about my xerographica starting to spike. Here's an update on it.

That's a month's worth of spiking. It'll flower when it's done spiking but that will take a while yet. I'm just excited to watch the inflorescence grow.
Yesterday my Lego McLaren arrived in the mail, and it took me 4 hours to build it. It was so much fun that I ordered the next Lego car today. :D Some people tell me it is weird for a girl to display model cars on her shelves, but I don’t think so. I also bought a Playmobil VW Beetle and VW Bulli (I forgot what it’s called in English) last Friday.
I'm still recovering from my cold, but I did want to pop back in to talk about something I'm happy about from late last night: we successfully captured and released the mouse that was living underneath our kitchen sink!! My mom and I went out on a late night drive to release him in a nice forest-y area far away from home, so he can live his best mouse-y life out there. It was nice to get out for a bit and get some fresh air, and the mouse was really cute too. ;v; Not sure what on Earth he was thinking when he tried to move in here though, we have two(!!) cats.
I was downstairs eating brunch, and I had some turkey lunch meat out. Lulu looked up at me and meowed with glints in her eyes. I couldn't resist, so I gave her a good amount of turkey to eat. She may regurgitate it later due to her diabetes, but I couldn't stand watching her suffer for longer. You can already feel her spine by touching the fur on her back. I want her to be the happiest kitty before she passes. 🥺
I finished the 2021 - 2022 school year today! These are my grade Averages! I am proud of myself because this is the hardest school I have ever been to. Last year my teachers said that less than 20 students achieved a passing grade of 70%. Both years I have tried really hard!
Wasn't online yesterday so going to cover both:
  • It was my birthday yesterday. My new colleagues made a fuss, my girlfriend unexpectedly managed to make time to come get coffee with me between work and other commitments, and then I got to enjoy cake and prosecco at my folks in the evening. 🥂
    • So, fun way to learn that my girlfriend is into crafts: she handmade me earrings and a gay pride keyring in addition to gifting me a bottle of red wine and chocolate. She included a note explaining the reason why she chose the beads she did in the crafts and it was very sweet. 🖤
  • I had a busy day today, but I still managed to take an hour of downtime to platinum a game that I've been wanting to clear off my backlog. Although I now might need to stay up a bit later to get some other work done that I really should have done first! Eh, worth it.
- Finished a card for someone's birthday on Saturday. Was stressing about the drawings, but it turned out OK!

- Went thrifting for a sundress

- Made the discovery that hummus on toast with an egg is delicious

- Heard about some new potential movie picks for movie night

- My friends have started to plan a 'potato party' for May 29 (everyone brings a dish where potatoes are the star). I love potatoes so I'm looking forward to it!
Today I'm happy because:

- After a busy day yesterday, I'm back in vacation mode today.
- I slept really well last night and got to sleep in this morning.
- I didn't have to work today and I don't have to work tomorrow.
- The weather was really nice again today, sunny and warm but with a gentle breeze blowing.
- I saw the calico cat in my neighbor's yard while walking my dog. It just sat there staring at us while I tried to talk to it. It was not amused.
- The Mexican pizza is back at Taco Bell and I got one for dinner tonight.
- My dog was sweet and relatively good today.
A happy day for me today. Yay! :D
  • I had a decent amount of sleep last night.
  • Feel free to skip this point. After dropping off my mother at work and heading home, I likely saw a 2001 Subaru Impreza WRX STI! Some people refer to it as the 'bugeye' because of its headlights.
  • I, my sister, and my mother went somewhere to buy some Jamaican beef patties! I haven't eaten them in a looooong time, so I was pretty much savouring them. We also had some fries from Mcdonald's and just ate in the car at a parking lot while listening to relaxing Gran Turismo soundtracks lol. I was just really having a great time eating with my mother and sister and living in the moment. 😊
  • I did a drawing today that I started last night and made lots of progress. In fact, I finished it with all the lines, colouring, and shading! I really loved how it turned out. 🥺
I went to my cousin's graduation today! It was super boring to sit through everyone walking out, but I'm glad she finally got out of there lol. I have to go to another graduation Monday for a few of my close friends. I'm very excited for all of them and I hope they can survive the cruel real world. 😅 🖤
I was slightly disappointed to see that Taco Bell no longer has the steak white hot ranch fries, but my mood was uplifted after seeing that the mexican pizza has returned.
I am going to a convention in Vegas that I don’t know too much about, but I’m going to be cosplaying there and I’m a bit excited about it. The last time I did any type of dressing up was my senior year of high school. The seniors got to dress up on Halloween and I was Ash Ketchum. My character is a surprise for now, but I will post a picture whenever I try the cosplay on.
I had a pretty decent day off today. I slept in a bit and got the chance to talk to my favorite person, in person. I also have another day off tomorrow.
I am going to a convention in Vegas that I don’t know too much about, but I’m going to be cosplaying there and I’m a bit excited about it. The last time I did any type of dressing up was my senior year of high school. The seniors got to dress up on Halloween and I was Ash Ketchum. My character is a surprise for now, but I will post a picture whenever I try the cosplay on.
Looking forward to seeing it!

❀The folding chair for my veranda has been amazing! Even though my neighborhood gets noisy I have a lot of privacy from where I sit. I just keep the chair there and when I feel stressed I can go and sit outdoors. It's really been helping my mood. I think there's a certain way to sit in it for it to be comfortable so it feels better now.
❀Got my 3rd vaccine yesterday. I had some minor side effects today which I didn't have before (slight fever, feeling light headed) but then I remembered last time they gave me some pills in case I got a fever and after taking those I felt normal. I heard about how to get the "vaccine passport" through an app and restrictions are getting less strict so I feel less anxious about getting back into the country this summer after visiting family.
❀My mood was really bad because of work Mon-Wed which carried on throughout the whole day so I was feeling pessimistic but since yesterday I've been feeling a lot better and now I can enjoy the weekend stress free.