• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Are You Happy About Today?

  • Mustachio is home! She got home from the vet yesterday evening, she was spayed, nails trimmed, microchipped, got her shots, got flea treatment, etc . This is a picture of her from when she came home, she was still loopy from the anesthesia. I'm just so happy to have her home, I was so worried about her the whole day. She's back to her normal self today
  • I'm filling out a job application for the library today
  • Had some McDonald's last night, it was really good. A quarter pounder with cheese, fries, and a Coke :)
  • I'm gonna play some videogames today
  • Have been watching Pokémon Journeys and I'm really enjoying it
Mustachio is completely adorable! 😍💖
AHHH this was yesterday, but I planned to stop by the game shop after class to buy one Pokemon booster pack to open. I think I deserved it after getting a 99 in one of my subjects LOL. When I opened it, lo and behold, a rare full-art trainer card appeared! And it's Kamado, awesome!! Can't believe I got lucky with a hit on my single pack, ahhh.

I also got a revere holo Rowlet, very cute little birb. Uxie and Ralts are commons, but I just want to point out how pretty their card arts are. c: I'm really so happy with my pull. I'll definitely buy another pack next week after my final exams ; v;


The last time I collected Pokemon cards was when I was a kid, so coming back to this as an adult makes me feel a little nostalgic on the inside. I most likely won't be a hard core card collector, but I do want to buy a photo album where I can store my cards. It feels nice just looking back at the artworks despite how common a lot of the cards are.

Hopefully my Glaceon V and Mimikyu Vmax cards are coming in the mail tomorrow, so that's a whole other thing to look forward to soon! c:
I saw my favourite guy who collects bottles in the city for change. I save up all my bottles to give to him but someone had taken his bike and he needs that to get around. Well the drug dealer house across the street heard someone took his bike so they got him a new one. Who knew drug dealers could be so wholesome lmao. They also got him a bike lock so no one can steal this one.
This covers about two weeks because, hey, I've been busy lately! 😂
  • Last week I worked several days at a science festival teaching children (and their parents and teachers) all about parasites. It was so nice to get out of the lab. One child even turned to his mother after ~20 minutes of chatting with me about Plasmodium (what I work with on a day-to-day basis) and told her he wants to be parasitologist when he grows up! 🥺 After, a few of us went to the pub and over the course of the evening various people came and went. For the final round it ended up being my girlfriend and I drinking with the department manager and her boyfriend. Not only has she asked me to (a professional) dinner to talk about collaborating on an upcoming project, but she's also asked my partner and I to meet up with them socially again!
  • My girlfriend and I spent the weekend with my best friend (she's a TBT user, actually!) and her fiancé at their house. It was their first time all meeting each other. We had an amazing time and planned a little overnight trip away to the capital as a four next month.
  • I met my partner after work a couple of times this week. We went for dinner and wine on Tuesday, and then coffee on Thursday. It's nice to sometimes just meet up for an hour or two after a stressful day and talk face-to-face rather than over text.
  • After an extremely tough week in the lab, where we reran the same samples three times because they were giving us false negatives, we finally got a positive result today! In this scenario we actually wanted the blood sample to test positive for the parasite (we work in research; not diagnostics) so it was a relief to finally see that positive result!
  • I've been invited along to a local festival by some work colleagues tomorrow and can't wait!
I was invited to a friend’s graduation party. This is the first time I’ve been invited to anything ever, and it only took 24 years of living. Unfortunately, I’m a bit nervous as the only of-age person not related to her. There’s going to be underage drinking and I don’t want any trouble. Either way, I could just blend in with the minors considering nobody I meet can guess my age correctly anyway.
I slept very well yesterday despite sleeping with the air conditioner on. I have trouble sleeping with background noise, but I was able to tune it out with my earbuds. I was listening to sleep meditation music.
I finally got around to running the vacuum last night. It was really needed in my room. I also washed my fitted sheet and blanket, so I got to sleep with clean sheets last night.
My paycheck was very low this week because of my vacation, but I’m still satisfied with how much I made. It was still way more than I’d expected it to be.
- today was the last day of school!
- went out to get bubble tea w/ my friends today. they gave me the wrong size and i couldnt finish it all (i had to throw away half the cup because i was starting to feel sick/full, felt very wasteful :()but it was still very tasty!
- while at the bubble tea store, i met my friends from other schools who introduced me to their other friends! very fun!
- i have no exams next week so, summer vacation starts now!
Today I'm happy because:

- I slept well again last night.
- The weather was pretty nice again today.
- I saw two squirrels in the backyard and one of them was young and playful. I named it Kit and hope I see it again.
- I also saw another rabbit in my backyard while walking my dog.
- My dog is doing better after his bee sting yesterday. He's still licking his paw a bit too much, but other than that he's acting completely normal.
- I received a lovely message and a few bells from @Mr_Keroppi today.
- It's Friday and I have a three day weekend to look forward to.
- I'm coming up with so many new ideas for my novel and that makes me really happy. Now I just need to find time to write them all down.
- One of my moms made some tasty cheeseburgers.
- I 100% completed an excellent visual novel. I’m excited to play the fan discs next month!
- I took another brisk walk. This time it was in the rain.
- My drifting joycons that were replaced by Nintendo just arrived in the mail!
- One of my friends drew an excellent pfp for me!
I got some tbt and another lovely message from @/Mr_Keroppi! 🐸
I made some more good progress in Legends: Arceus! I got a mass Pikachu outbreak that really helped me with its Dex entry, made it to Eighth Star Rank, and quelled the frenzied noble Arcanine!
I also found a lot more new official art of a few of my faves, and got a couple more desktop wallpapers out of it too! ;v;
Okay, something to ACTUALLY be happy about for me, but thanks to @skarmoury I was able to dig up and find my old Pokemon card stash. I had forgotten I had most of these, but feast yer eyes on my collection!









My passion for Pokemon cards has been REIGNITED! I must go find a card binder to put these all in, and collect more cards!!

Vacation time! Okay, maybe I still have another day left before I actually leave for my trip, but as far as work is concerned I just got home from my last day of work leading into the vacation. They gave me an extra day off at the beginning of my requested vacation week to allow me a bit of a breather and time to finish any last-minute preparations for it before I leave on Sunday, which I'm grateful for!
  • Mustachio is home! She got home from the vet yesterday evening, she was spayed, nails trimmed, microchipped, got her shots, got flea treatment, etc . This is a picture of her from when she came home, she was still loopy from the anesthesia. I'm just so happy to have her home, I was so worried about her the whole day. She's back to her normal self today
  • I'm filling out a job application for the library today
  • Had some McDonald's last night, it was really good. A quarter pounder with cheese, fries, and a Coke :)
  • I'm gonna play some videogames today
  • Have been watching Pokémon Journeys and I'm really enjoying it
Adorable baby! 🥺💜 Wishing her a safe and speedy recovery ☺️🐾💜!

The cat community on twitter has been just so great. They have fun little virtual events on weekends and one big one is coming up next month; not sure if I can make it since we’re moving around that same time and will probably be exhausted. The picture collages they all do are so cute; i wish the apps didn’t require a sub or the free trial lasted longer than 3-7 days. I saved the picture that I edited in one today just in case the feature of deleting the background is no longer available by the time the event comes around. Had no idea it was a limited time only thing until i tried the program out earlier 😓. I did not start the free trial though, so i guess i’ll find out if i redownload it later.

Only six more days I think until Three Hopes is released! I’m still excited even though I’m still hurting when I hear the VA who recently passed away 💔.

I managed to get all the Three Houses new units in FEH, which I redownloaded recently. All had the right asset but wrong flaw, except Dimitri who I got additional copies while trying to get Edelgard (and one happened to luckily have the asset I wanted).
Oh my god your card stash is AMAZING! Thank you for sharing with me your collection, I'm glad to have reignited your love for Pokemon cards hehe. It's super fun to see people going and finding their old stash of cards and finding something rare in them 👀
- Did a big food shopping trip today

- Visited my grandma for lunch, it's been a while since I last saw her!

- It was super humid and hot yesterday but suddenly overnight it became cold again 😅 I'm not complaining!

- Bought my dad a father's day card, had a bath, then watched the series finale of one of my fav TV shows

- My brother's also coming over for dinner later tonight
For the first time in over a month, I am working with my dishwashing partner. We actually work very well together and he hasn’t been doing so well on his own. I’m guessing he’s used to being with me. He has only been working with me because he doesn’t get along with my favorite person (the other dishwasher). I’m not exactly sure what happened between those two but he cried when working with her and called off on the one other day they were scheduled together. It seems like she stresses him out and he avoids her. He works more efficiently with me. He has autism but he’s a great worker and I love working with him!
I got to see my favorite person today. She was in kind of a rush today to leave due to working at 6:00 AM tomorrow, but I’m still happy I got to see her.
I slept very well today and hope to do the same tonight!
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