• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Are You Happy About Today?

- Potentially getting a new puppy in a week! 😭Confirmed the visit today to go and see her on December 26
Very nice! Do you already have names picked out or are you waiting?

-I finished my Christmas shopping today. I had to drive really far to pick up a rocking chair.
-I got really far in my writing for this story that I've been working on and am pleased with the results and themes I've been tackling.
-Pecan pie! It took a while, but I said I was going to!

-I set up my video-game themed Christmas tree. Over the years I've collected old and new game ornaments. Some of the older ones by Enesco and Carlton are really good. Some of the modern Hallmark ones are kind of generic. I like the holiday theme the older ones worked into the ornament.

☃︎ Bonk was incredibly silly today, somehow even more so than usual, and I got to take some funny photos and videos of her as a result! My day started off on an anxious foot, but her silliness definitely made me feel much better and brightened my day significantly. ☺️✨ I love her so much!
indulged in catnip, must now do gymnastics

i require a quick rest from turning myself inside out doing gymnastics in the kitchen. i am covered in catnip btw. also Xara had vacuumed the kitchen just 15 minutes before i decided to plop my catnip-covered self in it. you’re welcome :3

i have the munchies now, so my father has prepared me a snack. i am too high to remember how to use my legs right now though, so i will just dip my paw into my food and then lick it off like a buffoon. you cannot hear because this is a gif, but Xara is rudely calling me a “lazy cat” from behind the camera >:c

and finally… time for a snooze. i have apparently forgotten how to lay on my pillow

☃︎ I vacuumed around the apartment today! My mom started off doing it but was having trouble due to her mobility, so I took over doing it! I had actually planned to do all of it, but my mom feels bad about “depending on” others (even though I wouldn’t call me helping with housework to be depending on me, it’s just me doing my part), so I’m grateful that she let me do half of it at least. 😅 I also tidied up my room today! Now to get the floors mopped...

☃︎ Ryan Gosling released a Christmas version of his Barbie song “I’m Just Ken”! It was just a slower version of the song rather than a full-on Christmas remix, but I still enjoyed it! It was honestly kinda calming to listen to. ☺️ The Christmas lights in the studio were also gorgeous to look at!

☃︎ I received more Christmas lights from beautiful people this week! 🥰 I’m honestly blown away every single time I receive lights; I know I’ve said this a lot and I’m a broken record atp lol, but I am so touched that so many people have taken the time to send me such beautiful, thoughtful messages and Christmas lights. I would be astonished beyond belief if only just one person had, so the fact that multiple people have has me so emotional. 🥹 I literally can’t say thank you enough! I don’t want to bother anyone by tagging them individually, but if you see this and you sent me lights, or even just well wishes this holiday season: thank you so, so much! 🥹💜

☃︎ Very excited about all of the new holiday event activities that opened up today! I still need another day or two to think of exactly what I want to do for my creative entries, but I think I’m almost ready to get started on my White Elephant Creations entry! If I’m not frozen by all of the snowballs that @S.J. is currently throwing at me 😪

It is ridiculously cute ;w; I'm glad to hear that!! It's been a perfect little serotonin boost for whenever I have just a couple minutes to spare
And thank you Xara ;v;💙 I'm doing a lot better now I think! Honestly, I'm a little embarrassed to admit it but I think it was just that I exercised too much on an empty stomach—being hungry and tired makes me all weepy LOL. After Usagi Shima and getting something to eat I was basically fine again aslfkjsdkls
I'm glad you got to enjoy the Pillsbury snowman cookies too, they look great! ⛄
Ohh that’s so valid, being hungry and tired is an insane combo. It really feels like the end of the world sometimes. 😭 But I’m so glad you’re feeling better now!

I love the Christmas ”tree“ that your mom put together! It’s so pretty! ❤️

I passed my presentation!!! I’m so happy it’s over with. I have a couple more lectures tomorrow and then we are OFFICIALLY in the Christmas holidays 🥳🥳 (not including my shift Saturday haha)
AHH I’m so proud of you!!!!!!! I knew you would do amazing on it! You are so smart and capable, I believe you could do just about anything. 🥳🎉💜 I’m so happy for you!

- Potentially getting a new puppy in a week! 😭Confirmed the visit today to go and see her on December 26
Oh my goodness that’s so exciting, Mar! I hope your visit with her next week goes well! 🥹💖
☃︎ Bonk was incredibly silly today, somehow even more so than usual, and I got to take some funny photos and videos of her as a result! My day started off on an anxious foot, but her silliness definitely made me feel much better and brightened my day significantly. ☺️✨ I love her so much!
indulged in catnip, must now do gymnastics

i require a quick rest from turning myself inside out doing gymnastics in the kitchen. i am covered in catnip btw. also Xara had vacuumed the kitchen just 15 minutes before i decided to plop my catnip-covered self in it. you’re welcome :3
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i have the munchies now, so my father has prepared me a snack. i am too high to remember how to use my legs right now though, so i will just dip my paw into my food and then lick it off like a buffoon. you cannot hear because this is a gif, but Xara is rudely calling me a “lazy cat” from behind the camera >:c

and finally… time for a snooze. i have apparently forgotten how to lay on my pillow
View attachment 526102

☃︎ I vacuumed around the apartment today! My mom started off doing it but was having trouble due to her mobility, so I took over doing it! I had actually planned to do all of it, but my mom feels bad about “depending on” others (even though I wouldn’t call me helping with housework to be depending on me, it’s just me doing my part), so I’m grateful that she let me do half of it at least. 😅 I also tidied up my room today! Now to get the floors mopped...

☃︎ Ryan Gosling released a Christmas version of his Barbie song “I’m Just Ken”! It was just a slower version of the song rather than a full-on Christmas remix, but I still enjoyed it! It was honestly kinda calming to listen to. ☺️ The Christmas lights in the studio were also gorgeous to look at!

☃︎ I received more Christmas lights from beautiful people this week! 🥰 I’m honestly blown away every single time I receive lights; I know I’ve said this a lot and I’m a broken record atp lol, but I am so touched that so many people have taken the time to send me such beautiful, thoughtful messages and Christmas lights. I would be astonished beyond belief if only just one person had, so the fact that multiple people have has me so emotional. 🥹 I literally can’t say thank you enough! I don’t want to bother anyone by tagging them individually, but if you see this and you sent me lights, or even just well wishes this holiday season: thank you so, so much! 🥹💜

☃︎ Very excited about all of the new holiday event activities that opened up today! I still need another day or two to think of exactly what I want to do for my creative entries, but I think I’m almost ready to get started on my White Elephant Creations entry! If I’m not frozen by all of the snowballs that @S.J. is currently throwing at me 😪

Ohh that’s so valid, being hungry and tired is an insane combo. It really feels like the end of the world sometimes. 😭 But I’m so glad you’re feeling better now!

I love the Christmas ”tree“ that your mom put together! It’s so pretty! ❤️

AHH I’m so proud of you!!!!!!! I knew you would do amazing on it! You are so smart and capable, I believe you could do just about anything. 🥳🎉💜 I’m so happy for you!

Oh my goodness that’s so exciting, Mar! I hope your visit with her next week goes well! 🥹💖
I will return to you, one single present. 😇🎁😘
The Los Angeles Kings won their game last night against the San Jose Sharks, and will hopefully win their game tonight.
My replacement credit card I was waiting for finally arrived in the mail and is in my possession.
I have ice skate for my right prompt and I can do something hockey related now. That was my one and only goal for this.
I watched a few more episodes of Kuroko's Basketball today.
Got some replacement batteries for my fairy lights!! They'd slowly been getting dimmer but now we're back to maximum cozy mode again ;w;
I went on another morning walk with my mom today!
I played in the Fantasy Fair event in Fashion Dreamer now that it's back, and hit 725k followers!! Still need to hit Master Rank to design a full butterfly outfit, but I got tons of Look-its from other players, and it was fun sending them out too. ;v; I hope the other players like them!
Made friends with Tiger, Button, and several other bunnies in Usagi Shima!! Also got a ton of ridiculously cute pictures ahahah—my island is getting so active now that I've decorated more!!



My parents and I watched GoodTimesWithScar's Secret Life finale so we could find out who the winner of the season was!
I also got to put together my entry for Helper Outfits!! And I got some authentic art from Redd while I was at it hehe
I'm having wayyy too much fun with the snowball fight going on—I may have gotten a little carried away with pelting my fellow forumgoers with snow lol ;w;
  • I had a good day at work. Today was my third day. I got the district manager as a customer today. I didn’t know who she was but she showed me her employee discount card and I was like Ohhh you work here and she’s like I’m the district manager and I was like ohhh wow lol I felt stupid but she was really nice about it. I told her it was only my third day and she said welcome to the team and seemed nice.
  • The people at my new job are a lot nicer and friendlier than my last job. It just has much less toxicity in the atmosphere. Which is nice. It’s still stressful. It’s retail and it’s the holidays so it’s stressful of course but the managers are a little better than my last job and my coworkers are nicer and more helpful. It just feels better, less toxic if that makes any sense.
  • I bought a Christmas blanket hoodie snuggy thing. It’s sooo warm and cozy. I’ll post a pic of it later. It was on sale for $20 down from $60. As soon as I got home from work tonight I put it on and am enjoying some coffee. Even though it’s almost 1:30am. I didn’t get home till after midnight, I can stay up though because I don’t work again till tomorrow night at 5:30pm till 11:30pm then I’m off Friday :D
I just got my schedule and I'm not working Christmas Day. So that feels good, I get to spend time with my family
Ferrari was released in theaters and I am so excited for it, because as a few of you know, I love car movies 🏎

Ford vs Ferrari, and Gran Terrismo are still some of my favorites. Also gonna be seen in my second and third part of my event, which I am eagerly planning.

Starting drafts for part two which is gonna be a different category, and I am soo excited for it!!
I am loving this new event, the snowball fights and nice are so much fun. I wish I participated in more events like this before. I loved snowball fights as a kid xD

Trying to hold myself back though lol
I finished the first and second parts of my Christmas presents and I'm just really hoping that they will be finished in time! But Quote posters are alot of fun, and the practice is grand.
Wonka is out, and I may or may not just want to see it for Timothy 😅 I wanna see it in our special theater we're the seats move, and there's special effects like mist. I hear it smells like candy in there, and I'm intrigued
What happened yesterday on 12/19/23:
- I finished my final exam for my last day at college. Also, I got an A on my history exam after studying hard, so I finished the semester on a good note. Now that I have graduated, I can just relax over the holidays.
- Ate some yummy food at a Mediterranean restaurant.
- Went shopping for some arts and crafts to use as a submission for my White Elephant Creations and North Pole Ornament Workshop, though I didn't find anything at nearby stores. Maybe I'll go to Michaels for some supplies.
- Luna slept on my lap and started purring.

What happened today:
- I worked on a sketch and made some progress.
- Watched some anime in the evening.
- My mom texted me that she'll come home from her vacation next week.
- Listened to some podcasts.
This morning mum talked about what should we do for my 30th birthday so after our holiday next year we’re both saving up to go to Disneyland Paris probably in 2026 for the summer of course. 😁🎉

And today my best friend gave me a Minnie Mouse keyring and a Disney birthday card she made me 💖

And I got a box of chocolates and Christmas card from work 🎄
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- last day of uni finished for this year 🥳 yippeeee

- my friends and I did some secret Santa swapping today and look what I got!! She knows me too well 😸 I’m also really happy because she liked the presents I bought her. She has lots of books (we’re both avid readers) and I somehow managed to get her one that wasn’t yet on her shelf!

- the last of the Christmas presents arrived today, so that is me officially wrapped and ready to go !! I LOVE giving gifts so I can’t wait to see if people enjoy what I bought them 🫶🏼

- I made a really tasty lunch today. I’ve been craving veggies so made tuna, spaghetti, mayo & green beans. It was so tasty, a lot better than it sounds haha!

Bonus pic: my cat in a hat
my boss wrote out christmas cards! he wrote mine with christmas and hanukkah in mind which was really sweet. he wrote a super nice message about how he appreciated my work and hopes we have another good year ahead. that made me super happy!

... and then i looked at the other side of the card and saw a check with the memo "holiday bonus" that was nearly TWICE what i make in a normal paycheck. that made me EXTREMELY HAPPY.

i ****in love my job.
  • I got a job offer today! The role won't start for over a month yet but I am already excited. I'll be in an entirely different sector after working for private biotechnology companies since 2019.
  • I was asked to bake another batch of gingerbread today - and I was less rushed so got photos this time!
  • 20231221-171730.jpg
  • Finally, well, this text I sent my mother says it all:
  • Screenshot_20231221_205129_WhatsApp.jpg

    I showed thanks by sending him away with a little box of gingerbread.
Everyone at my job received the routine Christmas cards and tbh what was written in mine was really sweet. I wasn't expecting a customized message and literally reading my chosen name inside of that card made me smile. The card also contained lottery tickets, which I'm not sure if everyone got some or just me.
Keagan got another lambchop toy. He has way too many already, but I'm sure he will appreciate this one. He's obsessed with them.
I (will have) had some delicious pineapple jalapeno chicken bites from Domino's. It's my favorite thing ever so I'm excited for it.
- Work was pretty bad, as expected since I finished super late tonight but some bright spots! A colleague offered to swap shifts with me because she heard I finished late and was working early the next morning, so now I'm working later in the morning instead. And my dad gave me a lift home from work so I didn't have to take the bus and wait an extra hour to get home :)

- Almost done with this week, just 2 more shifts, then I have 3 days off over christmas