• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Are You Happy About Today?

Saturday, December 23, 2023
  • For the past few days I’ve been extremely busy to write here, so this is a round-up from the last few days!
  • I’ve been cleaning and tidying the house for Christmas. Only got to wash Blossom and her bedding, etc tomorrow morning and then it’s onto the fun things! I've been having a think about my White Elephant Creation and think I have an idea about what I will attempt!
  • Found the last 3 three reindeers! I’ve said it before, but I have absolutely loved ‘Reindeer Roundup’. The satisfaction of seeing the reindeer when you find the correct page is immense!
  • I had to go out on Friday, and thought I was going to have to go back out today. However, I managed to get everything done on Friday so I got today indoors. I thought I had wrapped all of Blossom’s presents, then I found one I bought a few months ago. I’ll wrap the final one tomorrow! Bought Blossom a Christmas Lilo and Stitch scarf. I’m going to give it to her on Christmas Eve!
  • Had a lovely Starbucks Frappuccino Mocha Ice Coffee.
  • Watched some more Christmas specials, one of my favourites being The Dukes of Hazzard – ‘The Great Santa Claus Chase’.
  • I consider myself to be a nice person, but I’m having a great time being naughty on TBT by throwing snowballs and stealing presents!

● Maury was an absolute poser this morning.
● My partner's parents own a dog and four cats and I've had so much fun playing with them today. For some reason she keeps taking photos of me with them so here's a collage - there is a different cat in every photo!
I'm still sick and yes I'm aware it shows in that bottom-right picture. 🥲
● We had pizza for dinner! 🍕
- I finished work for Christmas!! happy to have christmas eve off haha 😅 glad it's over, i will be on a much easier schedule starting January (3 days a week, with a day off between each day 😍)

- I bought the majority of the christmas stuff i needed to buy after work tonight (and got an employee discount lol), so i feel a bit more prepared. Especially happy with what i got for my dad - i'm making him a cheeseboard! i chose and cut up the cheese myself while at work 🧀

- My best friend sent a really sweet christmas card through the letter box today 🥰 we've not been able to meet up much since i've been so busy but his card really made me smile. Hoping to post one back to him tomorrow!
My parents dropped off our Xmas gifts from them to me and my husband so we can open them Xmas morning at home.

One of the gifts for me is in a massive black box and they told me it’s a joke gift it’s something I wanted as a child….. hahaha I’m so keen to see what it could be I have no idea hahah

My sister also got a mystery joke gift but I don’t know what hers is either 😂
- Got some supplies for the (maybe) puppy on the 26th!
- Appointment went well
- Had lunch at a delicious new cafe. If you've never tried yuca fries, I encourage you to try them! I love them more than sweet potato or regular fries
- Got some great SSBU games in during TBT Neighborly Games
- Good progress on cleaning the apartment

I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed that you get little ham 😭 so adorable !

- had my last shift at work & now I’m off until the 30th
- I bought a wax pot with some Xmas money and that arrived today! I tried it out, it’s good but I definitely need some practise with it 😅
- I’ve been making a start on my white elephant creation and I’m really happy with it so far. Will hopefully finish it tomorrow! I’m glad to have participated in the events, I’ve missed it 😭
Yesterday my mom told me one of the things she bought for my cats that I put on their wish list was this. I like being surprised even when it comes to everyone else’s gifts (even my cats), so I was a little bummed she told me but at the same time happy that she got one of the things I really wanted for my cats 🙂.

Today, again mostly Genshin things that made me happy; some of the stuff was from last night.

I’m doing a quest that has a talking cat; seeing the cats in the game make me happy. I know that’s kinda silly. Just such a nice touch to have cats and dogs in the game 🙂.

Yesterday I caught two ornamental fish I wanted for my pond plus one more that I may keep in it. I wanted the Golden Koi and the blue ray; I ended up getting the yellow ray too 🙂.


Today, I caught a weasel that I wanted after i unlocked the area 🙂. My teapot traveling salesman had a tuxedo cat for sale yesterday and a coral butterfly :D.

Still having a lot of fun decorating my teapot; I love how we can growing plants in it and harvest them 🙂. I think I have a good idea how I want it for the time being, at least until I have more furniture to work with and a different realm to pick (might switch to the Inazuma themed one when I meet the requirements). I wish we could recolor the furniture and customize our mansion more since my mansion’s roof color doesn’t go well with the furniture I want to try out.

I’m happy about the free statue we got from the event 🙂. I’d love them to give us more Archon statues and just statues in general (like maybe a a dragon version of Rex Lapis 👀).
- I got to sleep in a lot today, which was much appreciated. 💤

- Played TBT Smash friendlies as soon as I got up and it was a lot of fun! 🎮

- The Dallas STARS beat the Nashville Predators 3-2 today to stay in 1st place in the NHL Central Division! The Stars were down 2-0 after two periods, but scored three goals in the third period to win it. The second goal came with around 13 seconds left in the game and the third goal to win it was a searing shot with only a couple seconds left in the game!! 🤩 🏒 🔥

- My kitty came to my room today and cuddled with me a lot. I gave her fresh food as well. 🐱

Watched an episode of Hunter x Hunter (which was so intense oml) and Fairy Tail with my parents this morning! Later on we also finished watching part one of GeminiTay's Phase 6 runs of Decked Out!
I finished my entry for White Elephant Creations today! ^^ Now all I've got left to do is my entry for All A Board!
Made besties with some more bunnies and continued working on my island in Usagi Shima!
I got to play SSBU for a good couple hours with some of my fellow TBTers!! It was a lot of fun and I'm glad I was able to make it this time after missing the past two sessions. Also I think I'm getting better at fall recovery/not self-destructing as Isabelle!! ;v;
Obtained a better hammer in Dragon Quest Builders, which allowed me to obtain some stronger blocks, and so now I'm confident in the city's defenses once again. (y)
There's a fair amount for me to list today!
  • I'm happy I got to celebrate Christmas with my family! We enjoyed our delicious traditional meal and opened up all our gifts! I'm definitely thankful for what I received today, and have more to look forward to next month with my birthday ahead! 🎄
  • I'm continuing to enjoy our Stole-iday Season event! I'm enjoying the entries I'm seeing for all the events, and I'm loving getting to interact with the community as part of the Naughty or Nice event! Being buried under an avalanche of snow and having all my presents get stolen daily is a small price to pay for the entertainment it's brought me! ❄️ 🎁
  • I'm happy the Bolts won their game 2-1 in a shootout today! They're now on a 3 game winning streak, hopefully they can keep building on it after the Christmas break! 🥳 ⚡
  • As always, I enjoyed talking with my best friend today! I'm forever lucky and grateful that they're in my life. I don't know where I'd be without them. 😇
- It's been so nice to have a day off and get some well-needed rest. Basically all I did today was sleep, work on an essay for a couple of hours, eat, and watch YouTube 🥰

- Made a delicious hashbrown and cheese burger for dinner 🍔

- Washed my hair and changed my bedsheets too, so feeling pretty refreshed

- Also found out I could reserve seats for free on my flight back from Singapore next year. I guess I assumed it'd cost money? But I chose some decent seats. Happy I decided to test out a trick I've been told about, you reserve the window and aisle seat on a plane, and the idea is that nobody will want to sit in the middle of two pre-booked seats. We'll see how that goes,, 😅
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I've had such a relaxing day. And eaten so much crap! 😂

● This morning I wasn't able to even finish making a cup of tea before my FIL hounded me for the recipe for my gingerbread. Turns out he had eaten some for breakfast and got mad because he has been trying to perfect gingerbread for years. I'm glad I was able to impress! If you're curious, the difference in our seasoning (beyond me using far greater quantities) was that I use cloves.
● I was supposed to join my partner and her dad for a walk with the dog today, but I'm still sick, so I was bullied into staying home. I played Pokémon and got bombarded with cats instead.
● My partner and I baked a coffee & walnut cake together. Her parents loved it! It is the second time we have made this cake together and the first attempt was magnificent but this still beat it!
● I am currently enjoying a cosy evening in front of the fireplace with a movie, my partner and her parents, and furry friends. On that note here is the lovely Harvey under the tree.