• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Are You Happy About Today?

- Got some Chick-fil-A for lunch 😋
- Applied for three more potential roles
- Set up Donut's new playpen in the living room, and loving all of the Donut time
- Video call with my mom and dad



- I got a haircut today. Really needed it as I'll be going back to work on Tuesday and I want to make sure I look good. 😁

- The Dallas Stars beat the Chicago Blackhawks 5-4 in overtime yesterday!! I admittedly wasn't even paying attention to it, but I'm glad. I'll have to go back and watch the highlights now, lmao. 🏒 💚 🔥

- I've been making good progress on my Pokemon White 2 Nuzlocke. 🎮

- Pippi is on my bed right now napping. 🐱

I got a 90-minute massage this morning from the most amazing therapist of all time. Maaan I needed that.

I'm cooking a NYE dinner tomorrow for myself + friends. The plan is to make more of my cheesy potatoes with sour cream, and I'm also going to try a new type of casserole that I thought up the other night featuring herbed lemon tofu. If I'm feeling ambitious I may also try my hand at homemade gingerbread cookies.

I saw a really interesting movie last night!
● I saw my Dad today for the first time in months. I won't have the opportunity to see him again until February so it was nice to catch-up.

● Spent the M&S gift card my partner's parents gave us on food for our New Year's spread. It is taking all my willpower not to attack it now!

● When we got home my partner and I made champagne cupcakes with hazelnut frosting followed by a loaf of bread. It was our first time using our new breadmaker and it came out fantastic. 🍞
+ I got Jack in the Box for breakfast and got two breakfast croissant sandwiches, so I have a sandwich for tomorrow as well. I really love the croissant sandwiches from there.

+ I have leftovers from dinner last night, yeah it seems like food is making me quite happy today but.. that's alright.

+ I beat this one dumb bug boss on Honkai Star Rail, I really hate getting stuck on bosses because sometimes it makes me drop the game for awhile because I don't have the same amount of patience I used to have.
Additional happies from today! 😄

- The Dallas Mavericks beat the Golden State Warriors in California 132-122. I'm really glad because they needed that after dropping a couple. 🏀 🔥

- The Dallas Cowboys ended up winning against the Detroit Loins 20-19!! I was really pulling for the Lions because of someone I know who's a huge Detroit Lions fan, and because I'm not a huge American football fan. The Lions were about to win it on a 2-point try and it would have been 21-20 Lions in the end, but after the completion a flag was thrown for AN INELLIGIBLE MAN DOWNFIELD. :ROFLMAO:

So the Lions threw it again and the guy butterfingered and dropped it, and the Cowboys ended up holding on and winning 20-19. I'm not sure whether to feel disappointed or happy, but I mean, I'll take a Cowboys victory, even though like I said, I'm not really a huge American football fan. 🏈 🔥
My parents and I watched another episode of Hunter x Hunter and Fairy Tail this morning, and saw GeminiTay's Hermitcraft Season 9 finale later on this evening!
I beat the Virbank Gym in Pokémon White 2!
Rune Factory 3 Special arrived safely today!! I couldn't resist so I've already started playing it too ehehe ;w; I mean, you know, where QoL is concerned, it makes more sense to go forward than backwards! is my excuse for starting another Rune Factory game when I haven't finished a full playthrough of 4S or 5
My tuxedo kitty climbed up on my chest/shoulders and started purring, I think to try to comfort me... because I was too happy/excited while telling a story for his liking LOL. It was adorable though! 😅
-My boyfriend and I are doing better and I’m starting to feel less worried about how our future will play out. I really do believe he loves me and wants to be with me like he says. Today we had a drawing date where we FaceTimed and drew funny goofy cats we found on Pinterest. It was a really fun thing to do and it made my day so much better. ☺️
-I think I’m slowly starting to return to the forum after being gone for a while. I know I’ve said this so many times but I actually mean it this time 😅
-This is from yesterday but my best friend had a birthday party and it was nice to be with her and our other friends. We celebrated and had really good food 🥰
-I had a good snack today; a strawberry Mountain Dew kickstart and a Bueno 😁 it was an odd combo but it was really good and helped me get through my day.
-I found out that McDonalds has mini Squishmallows in their happy meals so I bought two; one for me and one for my little brother. I got Sunny the Bee which is who I wanted 😁
-My brother is proposing to his girlfriend tomorrow and I’m so excited for the both of them. They’ve been together for a long time and literally already act married, but I’m happy they’re getting engaged 🥰
-I got a new car for a really good price. It looks almost brand new and I’m forcing myself to take super good care of it 😭 it’s a black 2013 Mitsubishi Outlander and I’m really excited to drive it
- My new schedule has officially started, meaning i will not be working any consecutive days anymore (y)

- I had the day off today and enjoyed just lazing around in bed watching YouTube

- Ate my last homemade brownie today, then had a BBQ chicken pizza for dinner.

- I'm excited for the new year i think, I hope 2024 is a good year for me 😅
Happy New Year’s Eve (or New Year, if you’re in a different timezone!), my beautiful friends! 🎉 I can’t believe 2024 is nearly here already; it feels like last New Year’s Eve was just yesterday. :’o 2023 has gone by so quickly, but I’m so grateful to have spent another year on TBT with you incredible people! Checking in here truly brings me so much joy; it’s been wonderful reading about what’s made all of you happy each day!

I’m so thankful for the support, love, and beautiful memories you’ve all given me this year. 2023 wasn’t always easy for me, but you all made the bad times more bearable. 🥹 I hope 2024 brings nothing but happiness, love, peace, good health and fortune, and many blessings to you all! Thank you for putting up with me and making this year so special 💜

☃︎ My Classified Celebrations entry made it to community voting!!! I wasn’t expecting to see it up there with how incredible everyone’s entries were, but I’m so honoured and thankful! 🥹🎉 I’m definitely not expecting to make it to top 5 at all with how beautiful the other 13 entries are, but it’s an honour to just be up there with them at all! I’m also loving all the entries that made it to the North Pole Ornament Workshop community poll! Voting for just one entry was so hard! 😫

☃︎ I’m looking forward to my plans tonight! I never do anything too crazy or exciting for New Year’s, but I’ve developed a tradition of staying in, enjoying a few alcoholic beverages (NYE is the only day of the year where I drink 😅) and tasty food, watching a couple movies, and overall just taking it easy and having a nice time with friends and loved ones! I’m very excited! 🥂🎉

☃︎ I’m so, so blessed to have the friends that I do! I truly have some of the best friends in the world. 🥹

☃︎ I took a refreshing shower this morning! It feels good to be going into the new year fresh and clean!

☃︎ Bonk wishes you all a Happy New Year’s as well! My parents went out this morning, so we got to enjoy some quality time together. 🖤 And by quality time, I mean she slept while I got some stuff done, and then she got up and demanded pets and playtime for a bit before going back to sleep. 😂🖤
”i have eeped, please get up and play with me now. i am going to sit here and blinky blink at you until you do :3”

don’t ask about the straw, she likes to play with it for some reason 😂 you give a cat a million good cat toys, and they’ll want to play with straws and cardboard boxes instead 😭

scritches 🖤

“thx for the scritches, please have my foot as thanks :3”

“i have been played with and scritched enough now, time to go back to eep”

”but first i gotta take care of the Xara germs on my foot 😒

☃︎ My mom bought me a Jack Skellington plush while she was out! 🥹 It’s not really a plush meant for cuddling since he has rods in his legs so that he can stand up, but I’m really excited to display him in my room! My mom has been spoiling me so much lately, I‘m so awed and grateful! 🥹💜

☃︎ I got some stuff done today that I’ve been needing to! I haven’t felt up to doing any of it, and putting it off has been stressing me out, so I’m happy I finally got everything done and out of the way!

I feel ok for the first time in awhile. I thought about it and realized I haven’t been mentally rehashing things that can’t be changed for the past couple days. Feels pretty good.
I’m so happy to hear this! I hope you continue to feel okay, Zane, and that you eventually feel more than okay again one day. You deserve to live a happy, peaceful life 💜

This may be weird to put into the happy thread, but it's not bothering me today. ive talked about my relationship woes a lot on here and some folks know about it.

I finally gave my boyfriend the ultimatum of getting a job within a month or im kicking him out and we're done. I'm not putting up with prioritizing his feelings over my mental health. I'm struggling and I'm upset and I'm ready to be happy again, with or without him.

I cried. He cried. I softened and told him even that. My original plan was just to say we're done period but he was sobbing so much I just wanted it to stop. But I'm gonna be real real strict about it.

2024 is going to be the year of change. Whether it's with him or whether it's alone. It's going to happen.

And im happy that I finally got the courage to do it. I've struggled for half a year. And I feel good about my decision.
Proud of you 🫂
Work closed early today but even in that time I got ✨️dog encounters✨

First one was with a lady who had three small dogs. I got to pet them (with permission asked) and they were so freaking cute! The little black one wanted to play, the little brown one wanted belly rubs and the slightly bigger brown one was shy but still wanted attention. Thou her little black brother kept stealing it, wanting both hands on him. He was super cute and was so gentle with play biting and kept putting his butt torwards me to play. The little black one gave me a kiss too!

The second encounter was with a mix. It was probably some oodle and I remember the guy saying spaniel as well. I got to pet her (with permission asked) and she was so happy her little stub tail was wagging so much and she jumped up to give me a kiss🥰
Sunday, December 31, 2023

  • I can’t believe it’s the end of the year already! It has flown past! I don’t really want 2023 to end, but I suppose it does have to at some point!
  • Got Disney Dreamlight Valley, iPad case with backlit keyboard and my Wii HDMI cable delivered today. Not played Dreamlight Valley yet, I started playing Let’s Go Pikachu this evening. Really enjoying it, the last game I completed was Mario and Sonic’s Olympic Games. I named my friend/villain Alphonso! I wanted an unusual name. I was between Alphonso, Atlas or Arlo. So far, Rattata is my favourite I’ve caught. However, I need my little adorable Charmander!
  • Had a lovely chat with the sweetheart Xara! Xara, you always brighten my day!
  • Had great fun stealing presents and throwing snowballs during the last day of Naughty or Nice. I do consider myself a nice person in real life, but I really want a Lump of Coal! I really hope the staff bring this event back next December!
  • Thank you to sweet Roxxy who donated some TBT to the runners up in their Gumdrop giveaway raffle!
  • Discovered that Blossom loves shortbread! She even licked the crumbs from the plate!
  • Finally, Happy New Year everyone! There are so many members here who are very special to me. I can't name them all, but I'm sure you know who you are who have helped me immensely. I also can’t wait to see what the staff have in store for 2024!
Donut is just perfect. 🥲 That first picture looks as if she's smiling! I've fallen in love. 🥰
I cooked an amazing NYE meal for myself and friends. My from-scratch gingerbread people turned out so amazing and I had a ton of fun decorating them despite some of them looking a little less than stellar.


I also made my cheesy potatoes with sour cream + sharp cheddar, and an herbed lemon tofu noodle casserole which was an entirely new recipe for me, shown below:


Everyone raved about the food and I'm so happy and thankful to have people in my life to spend holidays with and cook for, especially when family isn't really a thing for me and hasn't been for quite some time. 10/10 Christmas and New Year's Eve this year!
It's rewind time!
(ok, bad joke but I'm using that to list what I'm happy for 2023 since the New Year is on the horizon.)

What I'm happy in the entirety of 2023 is:
  • I won 3rd place in 'Best Writing' for New Year, New Horizons journal contest.
  • the TBT Space Camp (especially the Gaming Station sessions)
  • The TBT Neighborly Games and the fact that Team Ghost won the Splatoween splatfest! (Especially the SSBU, Mario Kart 8, and Splatoon 3 sessions.)
  • I won 2 staff favorites in TBT Haunted Carnival!
  • I won an animated collectible in this Christmas' 12 Days of Collectibles: Impostor Invasion!
  • The Moon Bunny Fragment looks super gorgeous and it's in my favorite color! 😊
  • The Secret Santa art that I received is super amazing especially when the Secret Santa is @/jadetine!
Here's to more happy moments and events in 2024! 🎊
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it’s been a busy few days overall good. Yesterday didn’t stay out very good but so happy and thankful for my mom and amazing friends that helped me.
Unfortunately had car trouble yesterday and couldn’t drive it to work. Thankfully my mom let me use her car so I wasn’t late. Thankful my bestie was at work yesterday to talk to. She asked her husband to look at my car . They only live around the block from me and I’m so happy that he was able to go over and fixed it while I was at work.

I was a little sad and mad at myself for for losing Blaire when I tried to transfer her from my second switch island to my main. I was able to find her Amiibo card on eBay for a good price so I bought hers and a few more . Now waiting for them to ship sometime next week. I was happy I successfully moved Olive over to my main island. Excited to restart my second island for the new year .

Work was pretty good . Busy enough to go quickly but not so busy that it was overwhelming. So happy to be off the next two days .

Happy to be spending a nice quiet night at home . I ordered me and my mom Chinese food and it was really good. Hope everyone has a great night and Happy New Year.