• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Are You Happy About Today?

The bed stuff I ordered off Amazon all came today, and I neatly remade my bed. The colors on my bed are all matching now, which is something I haven't done in a long, long time. In the next few days, I'll be rearranging furniture in the hang out space that's directly connected to my bedroom, and soon enough it'll be considered my own personal living space until I'm financially able to move out. Looking forward to doing it with the remaining time I have left of holiday break from work.
I discovered this Total Drama flash game with the reboot characters. I had to use a VPN since it's only available in the UK (rip). I didn't end up winning since I can't seem to figure out the final challenge, but it's fun either way. I've always wanted a game like this, so I'm glad it exists even if it's only a flash game with CPU players.
My favorite person visited me at work on Sunday and brought me some food. I was happy and surprised to see her!
I'm happy that I work tomorrow morning. Weekday morning shifts are my favorite.
Keagan was being a good puppy today. I saw him just before going to the mall and checking out some cool anime stores, I didn't end up buying anything, though.
☃︎ I accomplished my first and most important New Year’s resolution: called my doctor’s office and made an appointment to get my antidepressant/anti-anxiety meds refilled!!! I’ve been putting this off for the longest time because I didn’t have health insurance for a few months, and my regular doctor is on maternity leave, so my appointment will be with the doctor covering for her and that makes me anxious (ironic), but I’m so, so proud of myself for finally calling and getting myself an appointment! I wasn’t able to get an over-the-phone appointment like I was hoping for, so I’ll be going to the clinic on Thursday! I’m anxious, but I’m also very much so looking forward to getting my meds refilled and being able to take them again! Hoping to get 3 months worth of refills, so that I won’t have to get them refilled again until my doctor is back in April. 🤞🏻❤️‍🩹

☃︎ I received my participation Gumdrops from The Sweetest Christmas and Naughty or Nice, as well as my Lump of Coal from the latter! 🍬 I’ve already sent my Lump of Coal off to a better home, but I’ll always carry my memories from Naughty or Nice with me! I had so much fun throwing snowballs at and stealing presents from my friends, and having them retaliate, hehe. Getting to occasionally recover presents and hand out hot cocoa was very fun, too! It astounds me how all in some people went in regards to being naughty or nice, but it was so amusing to see! All of the banter was so fun as well. I’ll miss it, but it was awesome while it lasted! ❤️

☃︎ In light of me coming up with several new lineup ideas lately and getting to add new beautiful collectibles to my collection, I went through my lineups Google Doc again and reviewed all of the lineups I’ve come up with these past several months, to see which ones I still like and which ones I don’t! I ended up not liking a few of my ideas anymore, which in turn increased my list of collectibles that I’m not using. It’s gonna be hard deciding what to do with some of them, but I’m glad I did it!

☃︎ Took a silly photo of Bonk earlier! 🖤

☃︎ I sold a couple of my unused collectibles!
  • This is for yesterday, but I'll share it anyway. We went to a party NYE, so I suggested that we put out a spread and watch a movie for New Years Day so it didn't just feel like another ordinary Monday. My partner loved the idea. Below is a photo of our feast (and yes we ate the lot!). 🍾
  • Today was the final day of our Christmas break and it was so relaxed. We went out for a walk in the afternoon and my partner bought herself some Lego and also treated me to a set. Naturally, we spent the evening making them! I made the Japan postcard, and she made the daffodils & cherry blossoms (and the jug they are displayed in!).
  • I managed to get almost 50% off a bottle of non-alcoholic gin with my Tesco club card. I only had ~50ml left in my current bottle so the timing was great. I'm typing this with a (non-alc) G&T beside me. Y'know those supermarket reward cards can be great sometimes.
Finally finished Knife of Dreams, book #11 of the Wheel of Time series. It was the last book the author wrote before he died. Brandon Sanderson took over on book #12, The Gathering Storm, which I am about to start up. From what I heard he did the series real justice in finishing up the previous author's work. I'm excited for it!
Some of you may have already seen it in their art thread, but this art I commissioned from Mistreil of Etsuya Tokiwa from Dairoku: Agents of Sakuratani cleared my skin watered my crops and cured my nearsightedness!! I have been actually elated for like half the day y'all have no idea
I got a lot done today! Feels like there's suddenly a lot of catching up to do right after New Year's ahaha ;v;
My family and I watched some more of Grian's Hermitcraft Season 9 finale! Loved the base tours and his reaction to GeminiTay's dungeon full of player heads. We'll probably finish it up tomorrow. c:
I played a little further in Rune Factory 3 Special! I learned the hard way that seasonal crops in this game function like Stardew crops and not RF4S/RF5 crops, but I'm partway through the second main quest now, and I feel like I'm starting to get to know the townsfolk! Also played Pokémon White 2 for a bit, and am almost ready to take on the Castelia City Gym!
Today was a bit rough, but there were still some happies!
  • I just saw that my White Elephant entry made it to voting!! I'm kind of proud of how my reindeer turned out, so I'm so excited and grateful to see it even get this far. 😊 There were so many beautiful entries, I do not envy the staff having to choose 😭
  • Got to sleep in and catch up on a bit of sleep.
  • Had some nice fish for dinner and icecream with milo for dessert.
  • Played a couple video games this evening with my family and partner 💚
- I had a nice lie in and my partner brought me coffee and breakfast in bed 🥹 he’s an 😇
- I started working on my dissertation today after being motivated by @Aquilla ❤️ and found some really good resources to use.
- I decorated my kindle with stickers from my secret Santa present! (Bonus points for you if you recognise the characters 👀)
- I re-painted my nails last night. My New Year’s resolution was to stop biting them so I’m hoping to keep on top of it. I use gel so it’s a lot harder to pick at them than normal polish! I’ve also been using hand cream and jojoba oil everyday ^^
- Got a little uni work done last night, and hopefully will get some more done tonight

- Enjoyed another relaxing day off today! ☺️

- I'm happy I don't have to go to work until 12pm tomorrow, so I can sleep in and get some breakfast + coffee

- Made some ramen with the kit i got for christmas and it turned out quite good

- Lastly, I'm really happy because I used the Amazon gift card I got for christmas to buy a 50l backpack! The price was just about £50, the price of my voucher, so I didn't have to pay anything extra, and the bag has really good reviews as a travel backpack specifically for SE Asia, which is where I'll eventually be going (in 2026 lol). 🎒✈️
☃︎ My All A Board entry made it to community voting!!? I genuinely was not expecting any of my other entries to make it to polls, especially my All A Board art with how many creative, detailed and intricate entries there were, but I’m so astonished and grateful! Making it to two of the polls truly means the world to me, even if seeing my entries up there is like seeing a scribbled kindergarten drawing surrounded by Picasso and Da Vinci art, LOL 😅💗

☃︎ I was inspired by a convo I had with a friend the other day and created a PayPal! Or rather, I rediscovered the PayPal account I created back in 2019 and forgot about, and linked my debit card to it. 😅 I don’t see me using it much, but it’ll be nice to have it as a payment option for when I commission art!

☃︎ It’s been a while since I’ve looked through my camera roll thoroughly, so I decided to do so this morning! I sorted through all of my pics and vids, got rid of the ones that I no longer want/need, and added all of the ones that I kept to albums so that I can find them easier! I feel much more organized now, which I‘m pleased with. ☺️

☃︎ I’ve been wanting more cozy games to look into and potentially buy, so I watched the 2020 - 2022 Wholesome Snack Game Awards videos to see what games were featured! Mail Time (which I already knew about from the 2023 video) is the game that caught my eye the most, but there were a lot of new to me games that look absolutely precious as well! I’m heavily thinking about Loddlenaut just because of the axolotl-like aliens that you can meet and befriend (they look so cute! 🥹). Way to the Woods is also very tempting since you play as a deer trying to get itself and its fawn back home! I adore deers so, so much, plus the graphics are so beautiful! Aka (you play as a red panda!!!!), Little Kitty, Big City, Bunny Park, Lonesome Village, Land of Screens and Kind Words are considerations as well. 👀 I have a lot to think about, but I’m very excited!

☃︎ Mail Time is actually on sale right now for 20% off, so I decided to take the plunge and buy it! I spent a good part of my afternoon playing it, and will probably play it a bit more later today; it’s such a cute and cozy game! I’ve already met 12/20 of Grumblewood’s residents; Shelby, Snowdrop, Donna, Kiki, Haley, Egbert, Irene, Swomp, Daisy, Annie, Toph and Cedar! 🥹 Out of the characters I’ve met, I think Haley is my favourite, but I’m excited to meet Soks eventually! I’m very curious to find out who Greg is eventually as well, though I already have an idea as to who it might be. I’ve completed quests, delivered some notes and letters, and earned 5 Mail Scout Patches! Mail Time is such a charming game; the characters are all so unique and likeable (except maybe Kiki, he’s kinda mean and dramatic LOL), I love the dialogue, the art style is so cute etc! I’m looking forward to playing more of it and meeting the rest of the characters!
my character! She’s very cute, I love her ❤️

Found Bellflowers!! 💜


☃︎ My doctor’s office called me to confirm my appointment for tomorrow! I was feeling a little anxious since they normally send me an email to confirm within 24-48 hours before my appointment and they hadn’t yet, so I’m really glad that they called! I’m of course still anxious about my appointment itself tomorrow, but I’m hoping it’ll go well and that I’ll be able to get my meds refilled without too much trouble. 🤞🏻

I had a small surgical procedure today and it went well ☺️ (it was a minor thing but I am a scaredy cat for that stuff x///x)
I’m always a nervous wreck about just going to my doctor for a checkup or anything, so I definitely get being scared about your surgical procedure! I’m so glad that it went well, though!

Today was a bit rough, but there were still some happies!
  • I just saw that my White Elephant entry made it to voting!! I'm kind of proud of how my reindeer turned out, so I'm so excited and grateful to see it even get this far. 😊 There were so many beautiful entries, I do not envy the staff having to choose 😭
  • Got to sleep in and catch up on a bit of sleep.
  • Had some nice fish for dinner and icecream with milo for dessert.
  • Played a couple video games this evening with my family and partner 💚
I hope you have a better day tomorrow lovely, I’m always here if you need to talk 🫶 I was so happy to see your White Elephant Creations art made it to poll, you did such a gorgeous job with it! I would highkey frame it and hang it on my wall 🤍
- Finished rereading my favourite book (again). I'm a little sad it's over but I'll just reread it again soon hahahaha

- Got a copy of The Lord of the Rings from the library after reserving it before the holidays. Despite enjoying The Hobbit and the LOTR movies and loving fantasy in general, I've never actually read the book. Since I've been in the mood for reading I decided to finally give it a try! It also happens to be Tolkien's birthday today so it feels like the perfect time to start.

- I've been drawing a lot lately and really having fun with it! I've been trying to get fully back into art for a long time with varying levels of success, but right now I'm feeling more motivated than I have in years which is definitely a good sign.

- Started using a new shampoo and conditioner and my hair is really soft now.
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I was finally able to clean and reorganize some things in the bonus space that's directly connected to my bedroom. There's still lots of work left to do, but at least some of the furniture was able to be positioned for how I wanted it laid out.

I mentioned this in another thread, but I also happened to stumble across a long lost copy of Wild World, case and everything, that I never even knew I had. I never recalled playing it ever, and of course, was proven right when I looked at the tiny cartridge and it was flawless. Now I can finally play the one mainstream Animal Crossing game I haven't played yet.
  • I started drawing again!! I'm so excited to be getting back into art and am looking forward to this journey :D
  • One of the yugioh structure decks I bought came today (Dark World) it's really cool, I also have the new Fire Kings deck coming on Friday!
  • I slept really good last night!
  • I was having a panic attack yesterday evening so I put some music on with my noise cancelling headphones on and drew for awhile and that helped :)
  • Played with my cat Mustachio today, she drags this one toy she has all around the house and drags it up wherever I am when she wants me to play with her, it's adorable I can't deal with how adorable she is ❤️ 🐈‍⬛
  • I'm gonna draw some more later tonight
  • Going grocery shopping tomorrow, will be glad to get some fresh food in my apartment :)
  • I bought a 2 pack of pencil pouches which I needed
  • Got some household essentials
  • Feeling really good :)
I hope you have a better day tomorrow lovely, I’m always here if you need to talk 🫶 I was so happy to see your White Elephant Creations art made it to poll, you did such a gorgeous job with it! I would highkey frame it and hang it on my wall 🤍
Thank you Xara 💚🤍 It means a lot

And thank you so much! That’s a really big compliment 😊😊 I was happy with how the wood shading came out!

Really happy for you getting two entries in as well!! Your room for Ètoile is so creative and cool 😊 One of my favourite entries