I'm not saving for any particular reason at the moment but right now I kind of just want to have a decent amount of money for the sake of it so I've got a few hundred dollars right now.
a flat! i have a viewing on one this week! decided to save for a mortgage rather than rent which has been a long process but i think it'll save me money in the really long term
I already have a house and a car and I can afford most things I want if I feel the purchase is justified, so mainly I'm just saving money for emergencies. The down-side of owning a house is that you are responsible for everything that needs to be repaired/replaced and those costs can be quite large. I've replaced the roof, gutters, air conditioner, a set of stairs, and a fair amount of the plumbing in my house so far. So whenever I can, I set money aside for things of that nature that I know will come up in the future.
Also, medical bills. I'm dipping into my savings right now to pay for my chiropractor visits so I'm glad I had that money available.
I'm still living with my parents (i'm pretty young) so im not particularly saving for anything, but i do have a job. so in the long term i guess im saving for college and an apartement i guess.
I haven't thought extensively about buying a house, but a portion of my savings are set aside with that in mind for the future.
Currently saving to comfortably build a new PC without focusing on freaking out about how expensive the newest cards are. My build is from 2014 and it's starting to show its age with some releases.
Nothing at the moment. I have money sitting in my account doing nothing right now. I would have loved to invest it but with how this year has been, I think it's better if I keep it as is right now.
I might save up for a new fitbit since I have the Charge 2 and it's really old now.
I'm saving up for a new phone, unless my parents get me one soon.
Also, I'm saving up for a bearded dragon (my mom doesn't like reptiles much but I think I'm close to convincing her)
a few things, but most importantly:
- student loans / car payment
- a place of my own eventually
- the future
i don't have much in terms of savings, but my biggest goal is to pay my student loans off from undergrad before i apply for grad schools. i've taken a year off so far, but that will likely turn to 2 or 3 years between when i got my bachelors and when i go for my masters/phd. i don't like the idea of having no savings when i'm a full time student, so i'd like to beef my bank account up for when that time comes again.
At the start of the year I was saving up for a holiday to Greece, but that got cancelled by the virus.
Mostly now I'm saving up for stuff I might wanna buy in the near future, like clothes, furniture, video games, makeup + skincare, etc. I do really want my own house in the future, but I'm not realistically going to start saving up for that rn since I haven't even been to uni yet lol. I do have enough saved up for me by my parents to help with a deposit on a house one day or to buy a car.
Luckily in my country you don't actually have to pay off student loans so long as you aren't making over 26k, and they get cancelled after 30 years, so I don't need to worry quite as much about them
I’ve been trying to save a lot to pay off my student loans as fast as possible. I try to put at least one extra payment on them per month. It’s been such a struggle but I think it will be worth it in the end. So for the foreseeable future that’s what I’ll be saving for. Ideally I’d like to be saving for a house but it is what it is!!
uhh i guess for a laptop, but i have the money, i just don't know what to get and i think everything is super expensive so i have put it off for a long time.
at the moment i save the money i make from working and studying for when i move out of my parents' house, hopefully i will have enough to put a down payment for an apartment at some point in the future. so basically i'm saving money for Life in general....... yeah
I save money all the time. I separate it into 3 main catagories, 1 is spending money, 2 is for bills and 3 is to have a backup in cause of a medical emergency (I have no insurance) or if I make a biiig purchase (like my car).
Currently I'm 'saving' for a Switch so I can have a second island. I don't NEED to have a second island rn, but damn do I want one. So I'm waiting for a good deal to happen. So far none of the deals are appealing, and I don't want to buy it hastily when I could have saved money doing somethin else, esp since it is such a costly purchase.
To be honest at this point I am saving money to buy a house. It's going to be a long time before I can buy one but I am trying to tuck away all my extra money so that when the day comes I will maybe be able to buy one. Though, I have my doubts because real estate prices are so crazy.