What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

I finally got this villager to move out that I’ve been wanting to leave for a while now! I also have been recreating my town to have blue hydrangeas lined along the river in town, and I can’t wait for them to bloom! I’m trying to figure out what color flowers to plant alongside the blue hyndrangeas.

I think orange lilies would look really nice!
Orange and yellow work well, both of them compliment blue. Since the hydrangeas are a lighter blue, probably the lighter yellow flowers like cosmos and lillies.

So far I've transferred alot of stuff to Treehut and Luminosa, now Luminosa has more blue flowers and I can start my dungeon house in Treehut.

Good idea! I?m thinking orange and yellow lillies since I really like the way the lillies look :)
- Talked to all of my villagers.
- Participated in the Fishing Tourney and got 1st place.
- Received the octopus chair and jellyfish lamp from Chip.
- Added the jellyfish lamp to my underwater room in the museum.
- Let my husband visit my town to buy flower seeds.
- Visited my husband's town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Send letters and gifts to Deirdre, Hans, and Bruce.

- Checked his mail.
- Stopped Sterling from moving.
- Sold an item at Re-Tail.
- Bought 5000 turnips from Joan.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Sent letters and gifts to Lily and Mint.
- Visited a dream town to work on the dreamer badge.

- Checked his mail.
Got the gold turnip trader badge in my 5th town!


Drago just moved in in one of my towns without me knowing
Im so excited to see him!
Main Town
Stopped a mover and dug up Paula time capsule. Got a surprise when it wasn't the usually shirt. It was a science table that a boy gave her and she didn't want to cling to the past.
It was raining today and for once was actually raining late enough to look for a coelacanth. And I caught one! :D

I also completed my fossils in the museum finally thanks to someone here on the forums. The game just didn't want to give me that last piece.
I talked to all my villagers and did some tasks for them, did some minor landscaping, talked to Nook about the next house expansion, and caught some bugs on the island to sell.
Well, I took a very long hiatus from tbt and from acnl because of a very intense school year that over took all my free time and hobbies. I left my shop in a state of re-stocking which really sucked. I am considering re-opening the shop and all today I spent fixing up my "greenhouse" town and growing a ton of flowers, re-laying better paths, finding better flower storing areas, etc. Its hard to decide if i want to re-open the shop mostly because it really turned the game into a job rather than just fun, however, I did really love doing it. I will probably spend quite a bit of time "finishing" my other town and making it look a lot nicer before I decide. I do still want to re-stock more than I have stored up since I changed the status to re-stocking.

Something else I was thinking about today while playing is about map signatures. Back a while ago, someone was making signatures of peoples town maps, listing paths, villagers etc. I don't remember who that was, but I would love to commission a custom one with my "greenhouse" village that included the pickup points for easy reference when people enter the town to pick up their orders. If anyone is reading this and has a clue who still makes these I would greatly appreciate it!!

I feel as though I got a fair bit done with my village today and I am happy with the progress. It was fun and helps with the wait for animal crossing switch for sure.
I uploaded a dream of my second town! I'll be trying to update again with a more complete version. Right now I'm working on my beaches. Now that I've bred enough black flowers, I have to rearrange them in a nice order on my beach. Interior decorating is one of my favourite parts of the game but I'm kind of in a creative brain fart for my rooms, so I'm still holding off on it, even though that's probably the only thing I have left to do. Since it's been a while since I played, I spent a good hour going around talking to my villagers and doing chores for them.
I sent in the order to demolish my cobblestone bridge so I can rebuild it into a wooden bridge, and I planted some trees in an attempt to landscape my park area :p
I talked to villagers, started paying off the next house expansion loan, and played some campsite games with Katt, who was visiting.
In Callisto, Kicks opened on mainstreet. When I came out of my house, Shrunk was waiting outside and wanted to know if I would let him open up a live venue in the shopping district so I agreed to allow him to open it but since he was going to open a live venue and it could be noisy, he needed to get some signatures from the residents so I agreed to get the signatures for him. Yuka pinged saying she was moving but I asked her to stay. I donated a carp and loach to the museum. I sold Hopper a bee for 3000 bells. I chopped down more trees and planted some trees.

In Redwood, Marshal pinged saying he was moving but I asked him to stay. Ruby asked if I would deliver a package to Fang so I agreed to take it to him. I found Fang and gave him the package and, in return, he gave me a dapper tee. Sprinkle wanted to add something new to her house so I gave her a nintendo bench and, in return, she gave me a saddle fence.
Kid Cat just requested the fire pit, one of my most important projects! Thanks to him, Fireleaf is about to get a lot warmer.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Let my husband visit to buy flower seeds.
- Visited my husband's town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Sent letters and gifts to Hugh and Anabelle.
- Worked a shift at the cafe to complete a daily Meow task.
- Received the superb coffee beans from Brewster and put them up for sale at Re-Tail.
- Went diving to complete a weekly Meow task.

- Checked his mail.
- Sold a few items at Re-Tail.
- Convinced Lily to buy the superb coffee beans that my mayor had just put up for sale.
Kid Cat just requested the fire pit, one of my most important projects! Thanks to him, Fireleaf is about to get a lot warmer.

I always get excited when a villager does a PWP ping. Even if they give me a stupid PWP that I probably will never use, it's kinda nice to have the option unlocked just in case I ever do.
In Callisto, I donated 3 fossils, zebra turkeyfish,squid,red snapper, olive flounder, barred knifejaw, and surgeonfish to the museum. I got my fortune told by Katrina. I got the store upgraded to Super T&T. Shari is going to move out of town. Caroline wanted some new furniture for her house so I gave her a trash bin and, in return, she gave me an exotic end table. Bella wanted an olive flounder so I agreed to catch one for her. I went to the island to catch some bugs to sell.

In Redwood, Marshal wanted any kind of fruit so I gave him a perfect apple and, in return, he gave me a green counter. Erik wanted me to deliver a package to Fang so I agreed to deliver it. I found fang and gave him the package and, in return, he gave me a coconut. Stitches wanted a butterfly so I agreed to catch one for him. I gave him a peacock butterfly and, in return, he gave me a bread box.