• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

  • Checked the mail (received a letter from my bestie Merry)
  • Watered my roses (still no blue rose in sight)
  • Checked to see who was crafting (Lyman was crafting the spooky standing lamp)
  • Kicks is visiting today (bought impish wings in red and pink)
  • Visited Nook’s (purchased imperial low table in black and spooky lantern)
  • Gifted all my villagers presents (Ribbot gifted me his photo today!!)
  • Dived for scallop (Pascal gifted me a pearl, as usual)
  • Worked on my bell tree manor submission (should have all finishing touches done by tomorrow)
Since I've been too lazy to post in this thread every day, here are some note-worthy things I accomplished these past few days:

:devilish: Had Cherry move in from the campsite
:devilish: Sold my turnips at another player's island for 496 Bells
:devilish: Added smaller paths to branch out from the main paths and connect all the buildings
:devilish: Planted a ton of flowers to decorate my paths and fill empty spaces
:devilish: Went up to a 4 star rating
:devilish: Found my first golden tool DIY (slingshot)
:devilish: Figured out how to play the song I wanted for my island tune
:devilish: Finally got Scorpion Island after using around 5 or so NMT's in a row; Arranged all the scorpions I caught in the 'Spoopy Spot/Creepy Corner' of my island until I can sell them to Flick; Donated one scorpion to the museum
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Spent way too long yesterday messing with clothing and screenshots. Got enough materials today to craft my 3000th piece of furniture, got the crafting achievement with that, and I can now tear down my bamboo farm and hopefully that will please Isabelle enough that rare mushrooms will feel more welcome once November is here. 🥳
🌷 checked the mail
🌷 did my daily grind of fossil hunting, material collecting, etc
🌷 talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from
🌷 helped out gullivarrr
🌷 put my new spooky standing lamp in my yard!
🌷 crafted a shell speaker and a net
🌷 checked the recycling bin
🌷 collected my daily bonus nook miles
🌷 got a helmet with goggles (green) from able’s!
🌷 bought candy and a spooky standing lamp from nook’s c’:
🌷 completed some nook mile achievements
I decided to move my house to the left inside my fence. I'll have it completely moved by Halloween. After that I just want to move Muffy's house a square back and all the houses will be in their proper spots!

Rearranged my little hybrid gardens and got them set up for new hybrids. I'm working to fill up my orange space in my rainbow garden. I'm still waiting on black Rose's. Normally those are easy for me to grow, but not this time.

Today was the first day I didn't harvest my big pumpkin patch. Instead. I picked the "wild" ones to sell. I think I'm finally done decorating with pumpkins.

I worked on getting my red zen bridge paid off. I have 200k to go, but I'll get there. It gives me time to decide on what I want my next bridge to look like. I'm a bit sad I can't fit more bridges on my island, but I love the layout so I am not changing it.
yesterday i started building an incline and it was finished today! yay, finally don't have to use my ladder to get to some places anymore.
i planted some trees, bought candy and gave gifts to villagers. not much else yet, i might do some terraforming later tonight because i have a new ish area i'm trying to make look less awkward...
  • Cleaned up the yard in front of my house. I kept most of my halloween contest entry set-up but I got rid of enough clutter that I can walk in and out of my house without having to move stuff.
  • New DIY: Pine Bonsai Tree, Pile of Leaves
  • Flick was visiting and I got him to make me a giant waterbug model and I hopped on my second character to get a walking leaf model.
  • Leopold wanted to play a game of treasure hunt, which I failed spectacularly. I went in to it with a full inventory and I hadn't dug up my fossils so I just wasted way too much time on full inventory dialog. The embarrassing part is I later found the treasure and it was hidden one space away from my plaza...
  • My flowers had gotten out of control so I spent about 30 minutes clearing them up while I watched a youtube video.
  • Set up a custom greeting with both Avery and Elmer.
I haven't had the chance to play until now due to work. I am really hoping to finish my outside theme restaurant. Also start decorating the path to the entrance and I might have to do some tt to get some inclines and bridges.
💀 Finally unlocked the last upgrade for Nook's Cranny! I'll get to see the store's decorations just in time for Halloween, since construction starts tomorrow (the 30th)
💀 Finally put Samson in boxes after Timbra showed up on the campsite
💀 Gave gifts to all my villagers except the ones I want to move out
💀 Dug up all 4 fossils; Caught all 5 wasps; Mined all 6 rocks; Collected all ten 100 Bells; Found two furniture pieces
💀 Crafted and customized a bunch of stalls to put all my free/giveaway items on
💀 Achieved the 5 star rating and got the golden watering can DIY
💀 Wished upon dozens of stars and got a Scorpio lamp DIY from Celeste
Told Apollo to move!
Gave gifts to all of my villagers. Finally got Static's photo.
Only had to go into the able sisters twice today
Went to a friend's island to buy the pink hanging scroll to complete the set
Collected seashells from the beach
Cleaned out my mailbox of letters. I still have a ton left still.
Bought the nook shopping limited shirts. I think I'm missing one or two still.
October 29, 2020
  1. Finished decorating around my lazy, peppy and normal villager(s) houses!
  2. Timmy and Tommy opened up shop!
  3. My museum should be finished tomorrow!
  4. Farmed my island for resources!
  5. Deli should be moving in tomorrow! :>
  6. Caught some new sea creatures, fish, and bugs.
I did a Lot of terraforming today and I think I finally got my rivers where I want them to be, started laying down paths and figuring out the layout I want for my villagers, put together a bit of a market area near nook's, and I made a sun lake to go with my moon one!!

  • I moved my house to it's proper place. Yay!
  • My Able Sisters finally has the striped stockings! Yay!
  • I found a place to put my Statue of Liberty. Double yay!
  • Did some decorating in Marina's area and Muffy's area.
  • Found another red rose in my hybrid black breeding area. I'm going to need to make sure I have the correct flowers down for black.
  • Planted that red rose in Merengue's garden.

I'm really excited tomorrow is Halloween. I'm going to be hosting a party, but I'm going to make time to do the event. I've been looking forward to it all month.
  • Finally had imp horns at Able's! The game definitely made me wait for these. Super relieved I got them. I think the only halloween outfit I don't have is the dress, but I don't mind if I don't get it.
  • New DIY: Acoustic Guitar
  • Spent about an hour and a half shaking trees for pine-cones and acorns since I've been slacking off on doing this. I now have about one stack of each. Not sure what I'll craft with them yet.
  • Did a catch-phrase purge. I was starting to have too many animals say the same thing.
i did some cleaning up after terraforming and landscaping yesterday. i gave half of my villagers wrapped gifts instead of my usual one cherry a day because i’m trying to get their pictures and i heard that might help? idk. i gave 2 wrapped pumpkins or 2 wrapped cherries (non native fruit) so i hope that’s good enough.

it is also halloween in my town so tonight i will most likely play the event