What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

  • opened the mail
  • visited the shops
  • chopped wood, hit rocks and had daily fossils assessed and sold
  • spoke to my villagers - agreed to buy a Knit Hat from Wolfgang
  • gave gifts to Whitney and Julian - received Whitney's Photo :giggle:
  • returned a lost item to Raymond and received a Tiger Jacket
  • watered the flowers and moved a few more around
  • popped a balloon and received a Cute Floor Lamp
  • caught and sold some bugs
  • went diving and received another pearl from Pascal
  • did a little bit of redecorating inside my home
  • checked the recycling bin but didn't find anything interesting today
  • completed some Nook Miles tasks and redeemed some of the miles
Quick play session today!

-Checked the mail, got a letter from Flo
-Talked to my villagers
-Tipper was sick so I went and got some medicine for her. She gave me a toga as a thank you.
-Checked out both shops, sold some stuff at Nooks but didn't buy anything
-Found Gullivarr on the beach so I woke him up and helped him out with his communicator
-Put away some extra furniture that way laying around
-Completed some Nook Miles tasks
  • Invited Étoile to my campsite
  • Helped Gulliver
  • Donated the Motherly Statue
  • Gave Étoile a hedge standee
  • Hung out with Vesta (who I'm kicking out soon to invite Étoile)
  • Got changed for my birthday tomorrow
fell a bit behind again. 😅

september 5th
checked the mail; received letters from audie and the HHA
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected my daily weeds, tree branches and rock materials
checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach and found 2 giant clams
got a gold-screen wall diy from my daily diy bottle
talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from - got a purple desert-princess outfit from fauna, a pink zap suit from carmen and random-square-tile flooring from ketchup
caught a guppy for fauna and got a red zap suit in return
caught an orchid mantis for ketchup and got a pink dreamy dress in return
did some fishing, bug catching and diving
crafted a fishing rod and a shovel
harvested my pear trees
got a pearl from pascal
received a random gift (a cream terry-cloth nightcap) from margie
checked the recycling bin; found a used fountain firework
collected my daily bonus nook miles and checked nook shopping
checked daisy mae’s turnip price and decided not to buy any again this week
checked the shops
completed some nook mile achievements
  • opened the mail
  • spoke to my villagers - stopped Molly from moving
  • gave Julian a gift and received a Fan Palm
  • Sherb was sick so I gave him some medicine and received a Tweed Cap
  • chopped wood, hit rocks and had daily fossils assessed
  • visited the shops and purchased a Black Botanical-Tile Wall and a Yellow Intricate Wall from Nook's Cranny
  • watered the flowers
  • caught and sold some fish
  • crafted and customised a few items
  • did a bit more decorating around my island
  • visited Redd but didn't buy anything today as he had nothing that I needed
  • checked the recycling bin but did not pick anything up
  • completed some Nook Miles tasks and redeem some more miles
1. Opened all my mail and exchanged all villager gifts for Bells
2. Because it rained yesterday I had fun gardening. Digging out all the unneeded or improperly placed flowers and either exchanging them for Bells or placing them in the right spot.
3. Cyd thought bubbled! Goodbye Cyd! I'll be island hopping tomorrow!
4. One of my PCs found a DIY bottle and learned iron doorplate, made the DIY item, sold it for Bells, this DIY will never be made again lol
5. Bought more pansies from Leif for my extra PCs to plant.
Finally got caught up to today’s date and did everything I needed to do for my first three days. I transferred all my bells and NMTs to my new island and got settled in. For today I did the three new villager homes and set them up and they are ready to move in. I got my first reactions and bought the new reactions and the rest of the Nook Miles rewards that you start with, hairstyles, tool ring, etc. Gonna finish up today with some more bug catching, fishing, and diving to find more critters for this month. 🙂
Just realized I forgot to post yesterday, my bad 😓

• Recieved a Pirate eyepatch in the mail from Gullivarrr.
• Poor Kitty had fleas! :(
• Kitty also lost a novel and asked for my help in finding it; for some reason, it was in my yard. I didn't notice it earlier because it was tucked almost underneath my lawn mower.
• Chatted with Pekoe (chilling at home), Mathilda (crafting an ironwood dresser), Pashmina (also at home, and wearing Petal Punk Princess), Patty (out gathering sticks), and Kitty (after finding her novel)
• Removed some excess flower growth from yesterday's rain.
• Label was back, this time with a sporty-themed fashion challenge. I wasn't sure if she'd like my choices, but my doubts were removed when she saw my outfit and proceeded to heap praise upon it. I recieved a Labelle Dress as a reward.
• Checked out some more custom designs.

• Recieved two tailor's tickets in the mail from Label.
• Found a recipe for a cool hyacinth wreath in a bottle that had washed up on shore! (It was from Kid Cat! )
• Chatted with Kitty (who warned me that Harry was sick), Pekoe (singing with Rex in the plaza, they're so cute; she also decided I needed a pair of triangle shades), Mathilda (crafting a modern wood wall), and Pashmina (heading out to do some fishing), but I couldn't find Patty anywhere...
• Gayle was thinking about moving away, but I was thankfully able to change her mind (phew!)
• Kicks was here today, so I made sure to "pay" him a visit. Bought a few things I didn't have yet so that I could catalogue them.
• Bought some medicine and brought it to Harry.
• Realized I'd forgotten to visit the Able Sisters before closing time today 😣
• Crafted the cool hyacinth wreath!
  • Opened the mail
  • Spoke to my villagers and learnt the Lily Record Player DIY from Wolfgang
  • Gave gifts to Julian and Vivian - received a Gray Shanty Wall and a Printed Layered Shirt
  • Chopped wood, hit rocks and had daily fossils assessed and sold
  • Collected some seashells from the beach
  • Visited the shops - purchased a Red Heart-Pattern Wall from Nook’s Cranny
  • Spoke to C.J. and completed his sea sports challenge to catch 3 small fry fish
  • Caught and sold some more fish to C.J.
  • Watered my flowers
  • Went diving and collected another pearl from Pascal
  • Did some redecorating inside the home of my second player
  • Checked the recycling bin - picked up a Reindeer Sweater and a Rattan End Table
  • Completed some daily Nook Miles tasks and redeemed some more miles
Did a lot of fishing today and I believe I only got a few more fish to catch this month. Also completed the diving section for this month too, so I’m good there. Also learned how to do customization, so happy for that. That’s about it for today.
9/9 (unusually short day)
• Saharah was visiting; as usual, I completely bought her out.
• Chatted with Kitty (crafting a wooden chair) and Pashmina (who decided I needed a samurai helmet), but I couldn't find Patty, Pekoe, OR Mathilda, which was extremely unusual...
• Found a recipe for the bamboo wall decoration in a bottle that had washed up on shore!
as per usual, i’m taking my sweet time with getting caught up lol.

september 6th
checked the mail; received a black espresso maker from beau
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected my daily weeds, tree branches and rock materials (found a gold nugget!)
checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach and found 2 giant clams
got a wooden chest diy from my daily diy bottle
talked to my villagers + gave wrapped fruit/giant clams to the ones i need pics from - got a mic stand from carmen, a grey box-skirt uniform from fauna and a two-toned colourful wheel from ketchup
caught a barred knifejaw for fauna and got a wisteria simple visiting kimono in return
delivered a package to fuchsia for whitney
did some fishing, bug catching and diving
crafted a log bench
sold stuff at nook’s
received a random gift (a green studio spotlight) from sprinkle
put stuff into storage
checked the recycling bin
collected my daily bonus nook miles and checked nook shopping
checked to see what kicks was selling; he unfortunately didn’t have anything that i need today :’)
checked the shops
completed some nook mile achievements
My island got wiped last week- so I've had to work from scratch on a new switch! But! I had my first thunder storm today and it was kinda cool 😊

I now have my first 3 move ins sorted- all bears so I'll probably move them out at some point and the museum and shop are up and running
september 7th
checked the mail; received a letter from whitney
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected my daily weeds, tree branches and rock materials
checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach and found a giant clam
got a peach hat diy from my daily diy bottle
talked to my villagers + gave wrapped fruit/giant clams to the ones i need pics from - got a yellow frilly dress from fauna, a grey viking top from carmen and a grey detective hat from ketchup
returned a lost pouch to ketchup and got a green/red jester costume in return which i lowkey deserve for thinking that she’d maybe give me her photo LOL
did some fishing and bug catching
shot down 2 balloons and got a natural sand castle and a red diner counter chair
received a random gift (a white sushi chef’s outfit) from margie
checked the recycling bin; found 3 pieces of clay
collected my daily bonus nook miles and checked nook shopping
checked the shops
completed some nook mile achievements
Turned a fountain park area into a soccer field! I also cleared a lot of overgrown flowers and planned out a few more spots to change around.
1. Collected my mail. Received a heart doorplate from Rolf (sold) and a Tower of Pisa from Gulliver

2. Knocked down Balloons: tulip hat (sold), frilly pants (sold)

3. Welcomed Drago at his house

4. Collected 20 various shells from my beaches and sold all of them. I also collected the daily message bottle: dark cosmos crown

5. Did some Halloween decorating. Made a pumpkin carving section near the villager housing: black cutting board with an orange napkin, regular spooky lantern set, spooky lantern and orange pumpkins on the ground

6 Bought more customization kits for customizing

7. Caught and sold a Queen Alexandra's birdwing for Bells and collected Nook Miles for selling a worth of 5,000

8. Changed all outside music speakers to KK Dirge
today, i just checked the nooks & ables & then i got the materials & bells from the rocks, & talked to ketchup, marshal, sally & lobo

then later on, i did a trade with firesquids for 3 elabrate kimono stands, 5 purple windflowers, 35 bamboo shoots & 3 blossom lanterns for my 2nd island when i get it :3 , & that was it :>
september 8th
checked the mail; received a blue flashy cardigan from carmen
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected my daily weeds, tree branches and rock materials
checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach and found a giant clam
got a backyard lawn diy from my daily diy bottle
talked to my villagers + gave wrapped fruit/giant clams to the ones i need pics from - got a black full-length dress with pearls from carmen, a white noble zap suit from fauna and a brown foosball table from ketchup
caught a banded dragonfly for fauna and got a pink simple visiting kimono in return
crafted and customized a bunch of items
did a few trades
did some fishing, bug catching and diving
harvested my pear trees
received random gifts from fauna (a vertical striped jockey uniform) and whitney (dinnerware)
convinced margie that our current secret greeting is fine as is
shot down a balloon and got 10,000 bells
deposited some bells into the ABD
put some stuff into storage
checked the recycling bin
collected my daily bonus nook miles and checked nook shopping
checked to see what redd was selling and bought a genuine famous painting from him
checked the shops; bought 10 pieces of light blue wrapping paper from nook’s
completed some nook mile achievements
  • opened the mail
  • visited the shops - purchased a Blue Delicate-Blooms Wall from Nooks Cranny and some Cropped Pants from Able Sisters
  • chopped wood, hit rocks and had daily fossils assessed and sold
  • spoke to my villagers - learnt the Cosmos Crown DIY from Diana
  • gave gifts to Julian and Vivian - received a Green Honeycomb Tile and a Magazine
  • visited the campsite to say hello to Leonardo who was visiting the island today
  • watered the flowers
  • popped a couple of balloons - received a Nail-Art Set and some House Slippers
  • crafted and customised a few items
  • found Gulliver on the beach and returned his communicator parts to him
  • collected a few seashells
  • caught and sold some bugs
  • checked the recycling bin but didn’t pick anything up today
  • completed a couple of daily Nook Miles tasks and redeemed some miles