Just realized I forgot to post yesterday, my bad
• Recieved a Pirate eyepatch in the mail from Gullivarrr.
• Poor Kitty had fleas!

• Kitty also lost a novel and asked for my help in finding it; for some reason, it was in my yard. I didn't notice it earlier because it was tucked almost underneath my lawn mower.
• Chatted with Pekoe (chilling at home), Mathilda (crafting an ironwood dresser), Pashmina (also at home, and wearing Petal Punk Princess), Patty (out gathering sticks), and Kitty (after finding her novel)
• Removed some excess flower growth from yesterday's rain.
• Label was back, this time with a sporty-themed fashion challenge. I wasn't sure if she'd like my choices, but my doubts were removed when she saw my outfit and proceeded to heap praise upon it. I recieved a Labelle Dress as a reward.
• Checked out some more custom designs.
• Recieved two tailor's tickets in the mail from Label.
• Found a recipe for a cool hyacinth wreath in a bottle that had washed up on shore! (It was from Kid Cat! )
• Chatted with Kitty (who warned me that Harry was sick), Pekoe (singing with Rex in the plaza, they're so cute; she also decided I needed a pair of triangle shades), Mathilda (crafting a modern wood wall), and Pashmina (heading out to do some fishing), but I couldn't find Patty anywhere...
• Gayle was thinking about moving away, but I was thankfully able to change her mind (phew!)
• Kicks was here today, so I made sure to "pay" him a visit. Bought a few things I didn't have yet so that I could catalogue them.
• Bought some medicine and brought it to Harry.
• Realized I'd forgotten to visit the Able Sisters before closing time today

• Crafted the cool hyacinth wreath!