what do you think of pokemon as it is today?

Bacon Boy said:
DarthGohan1 said:
Bacon Boy said:
DarthGohan1 said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep
Mom: "Alfred, you need to go outside and get some sun."
Me: "Okay!" *grabs Gameboy and runs outside*
Mom: Darthgohan1, stop playing Gameboy!!!
Me: Ok, Mom, anything you say! *saves game. gets gbc. takes red out of gb and into gbc. feels mischievous.*
What I'd do:

Mom: "Take a break from that, okay?"
Me: *Waits five minutes then turns it back on*
Me too.

I've actually done that before...
Aw man, Season one of Pokemon was the best! Now it seems terribly cheesy, but I'm not sure if it's gone downhill or it's because I watched the first season when I was six. XD

I actually love all the generations of Pokemon. The each have something cool about them. ^w^ I mean they all have their drawbacks, but nothing's perfect.
Ron Ronaldo said:
Aw man, Season one of Pokemon was the best! Now it seems terribly cheesy, but I'm not sure if it's gone downhill or it's because I watched the first season when I was six. XD

I actually love all the generations of Pokemon. The each have something cool about them. ^w^ I mean they all have their drawbacks, but nothing's perfect.
To me, the only drawback of pre-Gen. IV games were the lack of Wi-Fi (Japanese Crystal had Wi-Fi, but you had to pay for it) and maybe in FRLG that you couldn't evolve pokemon into Hoenn/Johto pokmon without the national dex (Blissey and Crobat = AGH WTF)
Me and my friends would play pokemon all the time....I feel bad for first buying that game now. There are a handful of people who still play it. The last game I got was pearl in 5th grade...my DS is old and I'm debating if I should get the knew one but don't think I'm going to.
dear sweet jesus, people. ze goggles.

red/blue were good for their age, yes, but the game has been improved much more than what you said, gohan. in addition to those pointless side-quests, the game as a whole has evolved so much, if you pardon the pun.

g/s/c didn't directly give us berries, but apricorns or acorns or whatever the *censored.3.0* they are. the night/day/clock thing was great, especially for it's time. too bad the battery save was backed up on the same thing. :(
also, egg moves/breeding pokemon. also, HOLD ITEMS.

r/s/e gave us natures, if I'm not mistaken (could've been g/s/c/, but I don't remember), and the biggest thing that happened to competitive play this side of natures, limited EV's.
honorable mentions: double battles, for being an option (though not used enough) and ribbons I guess. the pokemon cool/beauty/smart/tough/cute stats were added too, if that counts.

d/p/p gave us first and foremost the physical/special split, which has GREATLY diversified the competitive scene, with mixed sweepers, and plenty of other little surprises, such as making sneasel worthwhile. wifi is nice for those who are actually playing the game, too. :3

I can only hope/imagine what gen 5 / b/w will bring.

O WAIT! triple battles and video chat. my bad, guys.

why pokemon is a dead horse being beaten mercilessly isn't due to the game not having anything added to it, it's that the game/generation gets so many games for one update/gen. five per update, if you count all the versions. if you don't, that's still 3. yellow/crystal/emerald/platinum versions are what people complain about most, I assume.

tl;dr, the game has come a long way since r/b/y. r/b were great, and groundbreaking, but the game has been added to so much that you can't say that r/b are still the best pokemon games.

case and point > try running/moving fast without your bike in r/b. :3

I have red on my phone, play it when I'm bored, btw.
Gen 1: Great
Gen 2: Cool
Gen 3: Good
Gen 4: BAWWW
Gen 5: Only flaws are Pigeon Pokemon and Nun antagonists, but the generation after that better come out 10 years later, and during that time, release sub-franchises such as playing as a Team Rocket/Aqua/Magma/Galactic/NunPlasma Grunts or a cooking game where you make food for Pokemon (Torchic Nuggets, anybody?) or a Pokemon themed Kirby Airride-esque game where Pokemon trainers ride on their Pokemon (yay, Slugma riding!).

Nintendo has to try something new.
Psychonaut said:
d/p/p gave us first and foremost the physical/special split, which has GREATLY diversified the competitive scene, with mixed sweepers, and plenty of other little surprises, such as making sneasel worthwhile.
Didn't that happen in G/S with ATK/DEF/SP ATK/SP DEF? Or maybe I have no clue what you're talking about :p
DarthGohan1 said:
Psychonaut said:
d/p/p gave us first and foremost the physical/special split, which has GREATLY diversified the competitive scene, with mixed sweepers, and plenty of other little surprises, such as making sneasel worthwhile.
Didn't that happen in G/S with ATK/DEF/SP ATK/SP DEF? Or maybe I have no clue what you're talking about :p
that was huge, too, forgot to add that :p

I meant how fire/water/grass/elec, etc were always special moves, while fighting, ghost (lolwut), rock, ground, etc were always physical.

now/in gen IV, there are physical moves of every type, and special moves of every type. a lot of them are just copies of their alternate stat move (ex: earth power/earthquake, zen headbutt/psycho cut and psychic), but some of them are drastically different. for instance, draco meteor and outrage, or flare blitz and fire blast.

I completely forgot that special was all one stat, before g/s/c. lol @ that. just another update from the original.
Psychonaut said:
DarthGohan1 said:
Psychonaut said:
d/p/p gave us first and foremost the physical/special split, which has GREATLY diversified the competitive scene, with mixed sweepers, and plenty of other little surprises, such as making sneasel worthwhile.
Didn't that happen in G/S with ATK/DEF/SP ATK/SP DEF? Or maybe I have no clue what you're talking about :p
that was huge, too, forgot to add that :p

I meant how fire/water/grass/elec, etc were always special moves, while fighting, ghost (lolwut), rock, ground, etc were always physical.

now/in gen IV, there are physical moves of every type, and special moves of every type. a lot of them are just copies of their alternate stat move (ex: earth power/earthquake, zen headbutt/psycho cut and psychic), but some of them are drastically different. for instance, draco meteor and outrage, or flare blitz and fire blast.

I completely forgot that special was all one stat, before g/s/c. lol @ that. just another update from the original.
So a move could be a special type but a physical attack?
I just think the only problem now is the design. Gen IV didn't look that much like pok
Gen 3 was my favourite cos I liked Hoenn. (especially all the water)

Gen 4 was an inbred monster.

Gen 5 looks like it will be good... when we get it on 3DS.

I don't know why people bother to develop for DS anymore, more than half of people who aquire the game will do so through piracy...
DarthGohan1 said:
Psychonaut said:
DarthGohan1 said:
Psychonaut said:
d/p/p gave us first and foremost the physical/special split, which has GREATLY diversified the competitive scene, with mixed sweepers, and plenty of other little surprises, such as making sneasel worthwhile.
Didn't that happen in G/S with ATK/DEF/SP ATK/SP DEF? Or maybe I have no clue what you're talking about :p
that was huge, too, forgot to add that :p

I meant how fire/water/grass/elec, etc were always special moves, while fighting, ghost (lolwut), rock, ground, etc were always physical.

now/in gen IV, there are physical moves of every type, and special moves of every type. a lot of them are just copies of their alternate stat move (ex: earth power/earthquake, zen headbutt/psycho cut and psychic), but some of them are drastically different. for instance, draco meteor and outrage, or flare blitz and fire blast.

I completely forgot that special was all one stat, before g/s/c. lol @ that. just another update from the original.
So a move could be a special type but a physical attack?
example: fighting type moves.

there is close combat, which is physical
and focus blast, which is special.

both are fighting-typed, but each deal with their respective stat.

which means that against a blissey, close combat would be the better choice, while when against a skarmory, focus blast would do more damage. (unless there is a large gap in the attacking pokemon's stats)

does that answer/clear everything up?

@ bacon boy, as I've said multiple times, ZE NOSTALGIA GOGGLES, ZEY DO SOMETHING.

i just takes a little bit of time to get accustomed to the new pokes. granted some of them are just begging for mercy killings, some of them have nice designs.
yeah i think i understand. so you could have a pokemon with a high special defense knowing you're going against, say, water type pokemon... but if you dont know what moves the pokemon have you could be in big trouble if you have a low normal defense. o.0

i miss the good old days of pokemon.
DarthGohan1 said:
yeah i think i understand. so you could have a pokemon with a high special defense knowing you're going against, say, water type pokemon... but if you dont know what moves the pokemon have you could be in big trouble if you have a low normal defense. o.0

i miss the good old days of pokemon.

it basically means that psychic types with monster special defense can be beaten with super effective hits, now.

which means there's an element/layer of surprise and strategy that comes with creating your team, and also many new threats/surprises that come with one pokemon.

case and point: choice specs salamence (specsmence) vs choice band salamence.

completely different beasts, both huge threats, and until you know which one your opponent is using, you best be prepared.

of course, the pokemon's been srsfagged up so much it isn't even funny. I direct your attention to Smogon.
I completely love everything about the first three generations. The fourth was disappointing, though I eventually got used to it (after a long, LONG time). The fifth won't be any better.
Psychonaut said:
DarthGohan1 said:
Psychonaut said:
DarthGohan1 said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep
that was huge, too, forgot to add that :p

I meant how fire/water/grass/elec, etc were always special moves, while fighting, ghost (lolwut), rock, ground, etc were always physical.

now/in gen IV, there are physical moves of every type, and special moves of every type. a lot of them are just copies of their alternate stat move (ex: earth power/earthquake, zen headbutt/psycho cut and psychic), but some of them are drastically different. for instance, draco meteor and outrage, or flare blitz and fire blast.

I completely forgot that special was all one stat, before g/s/c. lol @ that. just another update from the original.
So a move could be a special type but a physical attack?
example: fighting type moves.

there is close combat, which is physical
and focus blast, which is special.

both are fighting-typed, but each deal with their respective stat.

which means that against a blissey, close combat would be the better choice, while when against a skarmory, focus blast would do more damage. (unless there is a large gap in the attacking pokemon's stats)

does that answer/clear everything up?

@ bacon boy, as I've said multiple times, ZE NOSTALGIA GOGGLES, ZEY DO SOMETHING.

i just takes a little bit of time to get accustomed to the new pokes. granted some of them are just begging for mercy killings, some of them have nice designs.
Not really nostalgia goggles. I really don't like most of the Gen IV pok
I know that many hate the fourth generation, but it's awesome for me. I like Diamond, but my favorite fourth generation game is HeartGold. However, my favorite game is FireRed, which is in the third generation. People probably like the first two generations better because they grew up with it, but I like the third generation and newer ones after that because my first game was FireRed. :)
It's nothing new to this forum of my hatred for Pokemon and I never have/never will like it, but that's not why I am here...I actually have some genuine questions I am curious to have answered for me, thanks.

I don't see how it is still popular in today's day and age, this game is OLD! It was around when I was like 11-12, and I find it crazy it is still as popular today. What is it with this game that makes it so appealing? And if people liked it better way back when, why is it still as big today?