I'm gonna spend them on entry to that super secret rave Rebel Gnome was talking about last night. Disgruntled astronauts are invited. Meet back here later for the coordinates. Don't tell anyone though.
I’ve loved all of the events I’ve participated in. My top 3 would be:
1. Witches Quest - I love these scavenger events so much, love looking all over for the items requested
2. Forest of the Lustrous - The coloring events are also my favorite, the talent of the staff members that create these pages is incredible. I always have a great time bringing out my markers/coloring pencils for these.
3. Gaming Grove - I don’t really have many friends irl and definitely not enough friends that like to play the games I play. I always have a blast playing with everyone from the Bell Tree I wish I would have had the time to participate more with this one!
All are very fun, but my two favorires must be the Wishing Well and Witch's Quest, for some reason I just love the comunity effort to gather dust and seeing the photos of interesting stuff from other users (the third event I'm unsure which to say, I like many equally)
Haniwa homes is my favorite Animal Crossing design challenge so far. It really challenges people creativity since you can only fit so much in a small space.
Witch's Quest was fun and seeing some interesting objects other people owned.
The second round of the Forest of the Lustrous was my favorite. It's a fun coloring page and really unique. As a whole I wouldn't say it's one of my top 3 favorite event. I just don't have one for this fair.
I loved the Witch’s quest. It was fun and easy. It was the only event I could count on for tickets. My house is full of things.
The next favorite was the Enchanted Elixers. I really liked this event. It reminded me of the last event where we had to create a bottle specimen. I have fun with these.
Haniwa home. I had more fund dressing up myself than the actual space I was designing
Monolith will always be number one for me despite actively deleting my braincells. When you spend ages solving something it's really satisfying to get it right. Even with the last two mirrors that I can't figure out it's fun to try anyway. Endless enrichment to rotate an image throughout several days and try to see something in there.
Witches Quest was surprisingly fun too. I normally hate scav hunts but this one was very accessible. I'm also nosey so it's fun to see people share their weird knick-knacks.
Third place goes to either Haniwa Homes or Ethereal Ensembles. Fun decorating challenge vs. first time I drew my own signature and avatar. Maybe I should've focused my art efforts on Hidden Hideaways instead but oh well. I make weird decisions sometimes.
I liked any event with drawing or colouring cause I'm bad at writing and solving puzzles. Behind the Bookcase, Hidden Hideaways and Forest of the Lustrous were my top picks. I didn't even participate in the Gaming Grove oops
Poor Out of the Woods, nowhere to be found on the poll.
My top 3 favorite events are:
The Gaming Grove - It was really fun being able to play some of the Switch games I own with other people online, especially Mario Party Superstars! Being able to spectate the other Mario Party Superstars sessions and a couple of Splatoon 2 sessions was also fun!
Mysteries of the Monolith - I enjoyed most of the puzzles that were given to us (notwithstanding rounds 7 and 8)! It also helps that I managed to get an Enchanted Bloom collectible from this event, lol. just please give us math next time instead of mirrors
Leif's Labyrinth - It was a cute little game! Mistreil continues to come up with fun games for TBT events, and this was no exception. I haven't gotten a chance to play through Farley's Labyrinth from the Well yet, but I'm eager to give that a go when I'm able to.
i chose the wishing well, forest of the lustrous, and count inside the bottle.
i love team based parts of events because seeing the community work together and spread motivation to work towards our goals makes me really happy. forest of the lustrous was also a must choice for me since i love colouring and very much enjoy seeing the creativity in the way everyone else goes about colouring the lineart, everyone always does such a beautiful job and i love looking at every piece. count inside the bottle was my last choice because its a part of the fair that i always look forward to, i love seeing the little trinkets oblivia has, the difficulty in determining how many could actually fit in the jar(s), and the long contemplation period it takes me to actually make a guess.
the gaming grove wouldve been my third choice but because of how busy i have been irl i havent had any time to play, which is unfortunate since i was very much looking forward to it, but there's always next fair!
Ahh I've had an absolute blast this Fair so it's hard to narrow it down, but if I had to, I'd pick...
1. Haniwa Homes - I always really like the ACNH design events, but I think this one is easily one of my all-time favorites. I loved the premise, and how much room it gave people with their designs, with so many gyroids and colors to choose from. I also liked that fitting everything into a 3x3 space gave it a slight element of challenge as well.
2. Forest of the Lustrous - I love coloring, so I felt really spoiled with *three* coloring pages, the varied styles, and the connecting narrative! It's always fun seeing everyone's different interpretations of the lineart, and all the different coloring styles too.
3. Witch's Quest - I'm really glad we got a scavenger hunt event, because I'd actually been thinking back on last year's one just before the Fair started up! I find these a lot of fun, and there's always so many cool things that get shown off during these events.
I couldn't quite narrow it down to just three, so the Wishing Well is also getting an honorable mention from me. I really like this style of group activity! It's fun to work together towards a shared goal, and I think that getting rewarded for site activity was a fun concept—the extra encouragement for posting actually helped me with my shyness a bit as well. I also liked that it got us a bonus round of Leif's (Farley's?) Labyrinth! Even if I made it to the end just a little too late. ^^;
All of the events were amazing, imo, but my top 3 would have to be:
Mysteries of the Monolith. I really, really like having the variety of puzzles, and the alternating code redemption (unlimited!) With the submitting (1 chance only).
Forest of the lustrous: I'm fairly new to all things art/digital, and don't get much time to practice. I love seeing all the line art, the talented artists' different techniques and trying to learn new stuff and improve myself.
Wishing well: working together is great, and tbt is awesome with all of the encouragement people give.
I do love the other events also, and narrowing down to just top 3 is tough!
I'll have to vote later (fairy dust u kno how it be) but I enjoyed almost every event! But my top 3 would have to be Witch's quest, Leif's labyrinth and the wishing well with an honorable mention for ethereal ensembles
For those mentioning Out of the Woods, I decided not to include it in the poll because I ran out of options to add plus we haven't even done that event yet!
I voted for like 6 of them before I realized could only pick 3. I love the in game events -- Haniwa Homes was a fun change of pace. Count Inside the Bottle, the coloring events, and Hidden Hideaways were fun.
1) Whimsical Wardrobes - super fun because I did matching entries with my sister
2) Haniwa Homes - such a fun little challenge, who knew you could fit an entire home in a 3x3 square space
3) Wishing well - obviously the best prizes, and love seeing the community coming together in collaboration