What kind of time traveler are you?

What kind of time traveler are you?

  • I don’t time travel

    Votes: 46 27.9%
  • I time travel one day at a time

    Votes: 53 32.1%
  • I time travel weeks at a time

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • I time travel months at a time

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I time travel however it suits me

    Votes: 76 46.1%

  • Total voters


Resident Representative of Asgard🌻
Jul 12, 2020
I’m curious what kind of time traveling everyone does, if any at all. Personally, I kind of jump around depending on what I’m trying to achieve on my island but I try not to travel further than a week or two at a time.
If I miss a day or event and want to go back I set the time back. Other then that, I don't really time travel. If the game already had this years events uploaded or whatever, I might be more inclined to.
I do one day at a time.
Best was November 17, 18, and 19.

Tuesday the 17.
Redd is on my island. I buy his wares. Place NM orders and get my daily miles
TT to the 18th.
I pick up his wares, and any orders I may have placed. Flick is now on my island. I request a bug model from him and sell bugs to him as much as I like. I place NM orders and get my consecutive miles.
TT to the 19th.
I get my bug model, and CJ is on my island.
I request a fish model from him and sell fish to hill as much as I like, place NM orders and get my consecutive miles.
TT back to the 17th.
I do time travel but not often. Usually it’s to move in a villager or island hop if I know I won’t have time the next day. The other reason I time travel is for redd. I will go back to a few minutes before 5am and see if I can get more real art to try and complete the art section.
The only time travelling I do is an hour or two at a time in cases where a shop is closed! Haha. I am terrified of negative consequences ever since my favourite villagers moved away on my Wild World game! Even though I have heard that is no longer a possibility in New Horizons.
i time travel however i like to. i usually tt weeks or months at a time lol, its a bad habit but its how i enjoy playing the most !! i usually tt to see the different types of weather, or to buy whatever's in shops on those specific days. im in may right now :p
I time travel to keep from being bored. Sometimes it's one day and sometimes, it's weeks. It's fun for the most part. There's just not enough to do each day that I enjoy doing to keep to the real time calendar.
I do one day at a time.
Best was November 17, 18, and 19.

Tuesday the 17.
Redd is on my island. I buy his wares. Place NM orders and get my daily miles
TT to the 18th.
I pick up his wares, and any orders I may have placed. Flick is now on my island. I request a bug model from him and sell bugs to him as much as I like. I place NM orders and get my consecutive miles.
TT to the 19th.
I get my bug model, and CJ is on my island.
I request a fish model from him and sell fish to hill as much as I like, place NM orders and get my consecutive miles.
TT back to the 17th.
Ugh I love when that happens
I do one day at a time.
Best was November 17, 18, and 19.

Tuesday the 17.
Redd is on my island. I buy his wares. Place NM orders and get my daily miles
TT to the 18th.
I pick up his wares, and any orders I may have placed. Flick is now on my island. I request a bug model from him and sell bugs to him as much as I like. I place NM orders and get my consecutive miles.
TT to the 19th.
I get my bug model, and CJ is on my island.
I request a fish model from him and sell fish to hill as much as I like, place NM orders and get my consecutive miles.
TT back to the 17th.

I had Celeste and Flick back to back once. That was the best.
i time travel however i like to. i usually tt weeks or months at a time lol, its a bad habit but its how i enjoy playing the most !! i usually tt to see the different types of weather, or to buy whatever's in shops on those specific days. im in may right now :p
I get really bad when I’m looking for seasonal DIYs😂 also I hate being in winter so I usually stay there for like a week and TT outta there LMAO
I get really bad when I’m looking for seasonal DIYs😂 also I hate being in winter so I usually stay there for like a week and TT outta there LMAO
i hate winter as well i havent seen winter since i tted to real time for new years HAHA
I time travel all the time, any time.
I thought I was a mild time traveler. At the beginning when the game first came out, I used to only time travel one or two days ahead but always keep on the same month. That all pretty much changed once snow came in. I’ve missed all the events, I’ve travelled back to June. I’m all over the place. I plan to go back to the events and complete them eventually. Another day. Right now I’m traveling forward and backwards and staying June-Aug while I decorate.
I only TT within a week or two, usually for a NPC or to find clothing I want to buy. I get real tired of TTing multiple times within a day though.

I did TT a month ahead to find a specific aquatic creature but that was one time plus I felt a little guilty, lol.
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