What kind of time traveler are you?

What kind of time traveler are you?

  • I don’t time travel

    Votes: 46 27.9%
  • I time travel one day at a time

    Votes: 53 32.1%
  • I time travel weeks at a time

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • I time travel months at a time

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I time travel however it suits me

    Votes: 76 46.1%

  • Total voters
I don't TT. I prefer just playing the game in real time, since it makes me want to actually play the game daily.
i don’t time travel very often unless i go on hiatus and then want to catch up to regular time when i resume playing but i always do one day at a time since longer time jumps honestly make me a bit anxious and overwhelmed. 😬
I try not to time travel as much, but I will time travel if I’m too impatient for a bridge to be done or if I happen to miss an important event.

I used to not like time traveling at all, but now I’m more lenient with it. :3
I used to TT back then for the campsite method. Then later on to farm DIYs from Pascal and Gullivarrr. Now I don't TT, unless I missed a DIY or a special event.
I'm not time travelling at all at the moment, but when I did tt it was because I was trying to redecorate my entire neighbourhood area so had to move pretty much all the houses onto the beach and then back to where I wanted them to, and I'm not patient enough to wait weeks for that to happen haha. since then I haven't done it much, but if I did I'd probably only do a day at a time, again just for convenience. or I'd just go all out and travel to March or something lol
The only time I would do it is when I really need some ordered things from the catalog. If I had to wait a day for each 5 items to be sent over, my island would be ready somewhere mid 2025 :/
I don't timetravel on my main island at all. I do have a second switch however and did try some basic timetravel to get villagers for a brief while I was completely useless at it. I reset and now use the second island to spend time to develop so don't time travel once again.
I time travel day by day/6 days to get campsite villagers or if I need more time to fill a plot before a random moves in.
I only really time travel if I want to speed up the process of moving a house or building/demolishing a bridge/incline.
Also if I need to get a villager moved out or moved in.

Other than that, I try to stay in the same month that we are in irl at least, even if the date is way off 😂
Sometimes I move backwards a bit as well if I want to stay in a certain season for a bit longer. Cherry blossom season being the main one.
In general I only TT forward one day at a time either to get a villager to move out or for the movement/building/demolition of houses/bridges/inclines as there are a lot to move or get rid off which would take many days to do without TT so I move forward one day and then back again to move the next house. Usually though when my island is at a stage I'm happy with I don't usually TT and just focus on playing the game.
At the beginning of December I TT'd backwards about a month as I'd missed all of November and then did the whole month in a few days, TT forward one day each time to get back to the right date. This gave me a chance to find some shop items I'd missed, complete some more Nook Miles tasks, build up villager friendship again and partake in the Thanksgiving event, though it did get tedious constantly having to change the date.
i didn't time travel until i got 3 stars
now i just time travel so much, sometimes i'll go forward 1 day and other times i'll go forward/backwards a whole year

it depends on what i need in the game (like wedding items, seasonal items etc)
I travel a day at a time if I miss a stretch of days because of work or other real life things. I reset in the beginning of the year and I’m starting to itch to travel to work on my critterpedia, but for now I’m focusing on getting 3 stars so I can start to terraform and work on island design instead of changing seasons early.
I generally don't time travel. I enjoy syncing with the real life day and taking care of the island one day at a time.

Right now:
- On my main island, I don't TT.
- On my second island, I have used TT to kick out a few villagers, and will probably do it some more to kick out Phoebe and Lucha. Since I don't have 10 villagers, I'm not able to do via Amiibo. I already have terraforming, so I'm going to finish designing my island before I complete the 3-star quest and add more villagers.

I use to TT back a few hours during the summer because all music I'd hear after 5pm is too depressing.
I only time travel when I get tired of waiting for rocks to spawn in a rock garden. I never travel past the present date, so I set a date for sometime in the past and travel day by day that way.
Usually I TT one day at a time, mostly if I didn't play for a day so I can still check the shops and find the money rock/fossils. I also TT during the day so I can find bugs and fishes that only appear at certain times.
But I just reset my island so I've been TTing a lot, since there's nothing to do 😅 . I reset my island and set the time to Christmas, now I'm slowly catching up to real time. The resident services just got upgraded, now I'm just waiting for the clothes shop and I'll go back to playing IRL. TTing is useful if I really want to kick out a villager, but it does dampen the fun of playing the game.
I typically only time travel days if I'm building bridges or something that requires days to be built or if I'm scanning in amiibo villagers. Otherwise I'll switch to whatever the time is but in AM, if it's night time to avoid closed shops.

Otherwise I play on the proper day.
I don't time travel. I enjoy the game much more when I play in real time.

Especially now that villagers won't move out without your permission so I don't have to worry about that when I come back to the game after a break. I took a week long break last week for example and it was refreshing to not have to worry about anything.
It varies a fair bit. I'll occasionally time travel to move out villagers/cycle the thought bubble if I'm trying to free up a plot for a trade but now my villagers are pretty much consistent I don't need to do this as often 😊 I'll also TT back if I miss an event by a small amount of time, and sometimes I'll TT to farm NPCs for items or DIYs but that always makes me feel awful and burn out when I do it :')) As a whole I tend to enjoy the game most when I don't TT - I actually prefer having a limited amount I can do because anything too grindy makes me burn out really quickly :')
I personally TT only for a range of hours and its normally cause i was to busy to go to the shops or im trying to catch a bug\fish which spawn range for example 13:00-17:00 and then from 5 am - 8 am ( 🤣 ) so i might TT to those time to particularly catch them otherwise i dont TT