What kind of time traveler are you?

What kind of time traveler are you?

  • I don’t time travel

    Votes: 46 27.9%
  • I time travel one day at a time

    Votes: 53 32.1%
  • I time travel weeks at a time

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • I time travel months at a time

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I time travel however it suits me

    Votes: 76 46.1%

  • Total voters
I started time travelling in new leaf after a while, but i am trying not to do that in new horizons. I didnt really have any rules for tt in new leaf and i just did it whenever i felt like it.
Usually no more than a few days forward or back and always returning to the current day. Most of the time I stay in the same day just changing the time(I prefer to play in daylight hours). last month I realized I missed the last bug off so I went back to get the achievement. But that type of thing is rare for me.
Sometimes I go weeks without TTing, but occasionally when I want a bridge to be built faster or I’m moving buildings around I’ll TT to the next day. Other than than that I don’t do it since I have a dumb anxiety about ruining the game for myself even tho TTing is just another way to play
I guess Im a semi-time traveller? I usually play in the evening or late at night. Since night is boring, I tt to the next day in the daytime. When Im done, I quit the game, and before I turn off Switch set the time back to normal. The effect is that the next time I play, real life time catches up to my last play time, and the day will start on the same day I left off, so Isabelle wont redo her announcements. Its like Im tting without tting at all.
However it suits me.

I time travel backwards to experience events I missed due to IRL commitments. Sometimes I won't be able to play a day, so I'll TT back to do the daily stuff for that day and then get back to real time.

Other than that, I don't time travel. There's no need for me to. I have enough fun and enjoyment playing the actual day.
I tend to time travel only one day at a time, and then go back to current time once I'm finished. Though if there's a specific event/limited time item from a while back that I want to get, I'll just skip all the way to said event. Though I try not to TT too far back or ahead, because I don't want to have to deal with weeds and cockroaches 💀
Definitely however it suits me. I’m currently in April 2020 because I was tired of seeing snow and love the cherry blossoms everywhere. :)
I travelled only to get my dreamies, but now dates from 2023 are showing on my Nook Miles stamps, it bugs me. 😅
I don’t TT often but when I do I don’t pay much attention to have far I’m traveling. Seeings as no villagers can just up and leave anymore I’m not scared to travel months as a time if I want to.