What kind of time traveler are you?

What kind of time traveler are you?

  • I don’t time travel

    Votes: 46 27.9%
  • I time travel one day at a time

    Votes: 53 32.1%
  • I time travel weeks at a time

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • I time travel months at a time

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I time travel however it suits me

    Votes: 76 46.1%

  • Total voters
I used to be dead set against time travel but now I love it. My rule is I now never do it more than a day or two at a time. Usually that is when I'm working on a terraforming project and want to make or get rid of bridges and move houses or something. I try not to go out more than a week surrounding real time. In the past I have travelled far into the past to get more wedding items and cherry blossom petals but once I gathered those I never time traveled that far again. Occasionally when I have time and things align I'll tt back and forth to farm art from Redd too. Still, that is only a day at a time if you think about it. I didn't start time traveling until about October when I got my new island. I felt I already experienced gameplay at the slow pace and just wanted a livable island on my second one. To this day I still only TT on my new switch!
I time travel when I reset. I go for a significant date and then I replay everything did or missed when I didn't play. Once I'm at "today" I stop.

I don't really like the pace of Animal Crossing at this point in my life, but I also don't want to cheat in the sense that I play ahead or get something I shouldn't get by repeating days. Sometimes I just want to play the first couple of months of New Horizons in a couple of weeks.
I time TT for my own reasons and whenever. Normally I TT to get more Redd or Gulliver items. My biggest TT jump was when I went back to summer before Christmas because I needed more wedding items in June. I also made my 5th and final PC during that time. However, I told myself that I wouldn't do it again. Villager dialogue when you TT too far gets really annoying for me.
i like tt to kick out stubborn villagers who just wont. move. like you gave me your photo MONTHS ago buddy, come on lol

but thats all i tt for, i like to wait to do events on their proper day and if i would stay in another month it would mess me up
I love the freedom of tt in NH! I'm currently playing in July/August, 2020, trying to get 3 giraffe stags, 3 blue weevil beetles and 3 golden stags for models. Also on days when Redd shows up, I go back and forth for art until I tire of it, then move on. Opening my game to bright summer days as opposed to snow is WOW! Completely skipped Toy Day this way, too. Yay! All DIYs that I missed the first time around are extra bonus's, too.
I do tt almost everyday but only because I am decorating and moving store and villagers from place to place. Once I finish I will stop doing tt I like to enjoy everyday in the game like it was in real life.
I go back and forth on the same day. I can only play at night so if I stuck to “real” time everything is closed all the time.

I also “stop” time when I do something like villager hunting. I won’t move forward until there’s a move in I like.
I don't get to sit on my booty all day and play ACNH so I time travel when need be. Like if I need more items to decorate inside/outside but haven't played in a week I'll let myself TT a couple times
I've done a little bit of everything, but generally it's time traveling from one day to the next. That's been my preferred style of play since the GameCube game starting back in 2002. Sometimes I'll stick with one in-game day per real day, but other times I'll move onto a second or even third day. It depends on a few different factors, like whether the shops (more specifically, the Able Sisters) have any items I need to purchase and catalogue, who the daily special NPC visitor to the island is, how interested and invested I am in playing, and time allowances in real life.

I've also skipped weeks or months to catch up on things when necessary. For example, I spent basically the majority of July with my game still in June so I could farm the wedding items, then jumped ahead. I also took a break from the game for the entirety of November and then jumped through the month as rapidly as possible so as to collect all of the Autumn DIYS, including the Turkey Day DIYs, before jumping to December to participate in the Christmas events here on the forums.

I keep a log of the date and time at the point of saving and quitting whenever I finish playing New Leaf and New Horizons so that, if I feel like taking an extended break from the game, I can just return to the same day without having to worry about weeds or anything since the game considers it the same exact day when you travel back to it. This is especially useful in New Leaf so none of the villagers leave unexpectedly and without permission. Being able to stop playing for weeks or months and then return as if I never left, because for all intents and purposes I didn't, is very liberating.

While some people enjoy engaging with these games as a life simulator, I don't enjoy the restrictions of abiding by the in-game clock and never really have. I also don't want to look at the game as some chore that I'm beholden to attend to everyday even if I don't feel like playing it.

As far as the poll is concerned, I selected both the "I time travel one day at a time" and "I time travel however it suits me" options.
I usually TT one day at a time, but there have been a few instances where I did a week at a time to get the last few KK Slider songs I needed to complete my music collection. There were also a few times I TT'd a month ahead to catch fish and bugs when I was close to completing the museum and just wanted it done.
I don't time travel at all in this installment of Animal Crossing.. I used to do it a bit in City Folk, Wild World, and the GameCube Animal Crossing, but I stopped doing it completely in New Leaf.
I time travel backwards to play events, because I usually don't have time to play on the day. Often an in-game event will clash with TBT's events so my free time that day will go into the forum rather than playing the game.
My kind of time travel isn't really in this poll! I only time travel hours, for example if I haven't been able to play all day until it's already night and everything is closed, I'll time travel to some hours before when the shops were open, and then I go back to the actual real time; I don't really wanna time travel anymore than that because I like just playing the game a little bit every day
I tt all the time :'] I try not to, and I've tried to stop but my sleep schedule is almost non-existant so it's impossible to play at 4am without tting. I usually tt to get redd or celeste.
I actually had time traveled before getting ac (to get a specific date/weather combo in pokemon) and I didn't realize I was a couple of months behind until I was a few days into the game. Since then I've been time traveling one day at a time trying to catch up to the current date. With the exception of kicking off some villagers, that's the extent of it.
The only times I really time travel are:

1 - If I've missed a special occurrence (villager birthday, holiday event, meteor shower, etc) because of something IRL, I'll time travel back to the event to catch it. Usually this just means traveling backward one day.

2 - To save and update my Dream Address. I like my dream being during azalea season, and I have a meteor shower then as well, so as my island changes over time, I'll TT back to the date I want my DA to be on to save it, then TT back to the present.
I tted a lot in New Leaf, but I find the game a lot more enjoyable when I play it at the pace it was intended to be played at. I'm also just too busy nowadays to be able to play a lot, never mind enough to need to tt lol