What kind of time traveler are you?

What kind of time traveler are you?

  • I don’t time travel

    Votes: 46 27.9%
  • I time travel one day at a time

    Votes: 53 32.1%
  • I time travel weeks at a time

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • I time travel months at a time

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I time travel however it suits me

    Votes: 76 46.1%

  • Total voters
I only time travel a couple days ahead at a time and only for pushing out villagers for my shop. What I don't really like about it is that I am CONSTANTLY cleaning up spawned flowers and weeds after time traveling. For a while, I actually wasn't really getting to enjoy playing because all was doing was pushing out villager, traveling, and cleaning up. I still haven't really gotten to play for enjoyment in a while, but that's another topic. I'm still trying to decide if I'll travel back to New Years day to see if there was an event. I was moving, so I'm not sure and haven't played since Toy Day! 😱🥺
I time travel rampantly, I like hopping around looking for NPCs, and sometimes it's nice to change the weather from snow to sunny island time or vice versa, also sometimes I just want to play at night because my island looks better lit up.
I do what I want lol
I restarted my island last month and I set the clock back to March 20th, when I got the game. I've been TTing one day at a time, doing everything I can in that day and then moving on. I want to catch up to present day eventually but farming for DIYs and event items is very time consuming. In my previous file, I used to TT forward and backwards but one thing I hated was that if you did an event like a birthday on a future date, the game would remember you already did it so if you were just TTing to collect something and not really playing through the day, you lost out on that experience. For example I was TTing forward to order items and it came upon my bday. I got my items and I TTed back, thinking eventually I could do the event later but when I went forward to play my bday some time later, it had already been celebrated so I didn't get to in the end.
I only time travel a couple days ahead at a time and only for pushing out villagers for my shop. What I don't really like about it is that I am CONSTANTLY cleaning up spawned flowers and weeds after time traveling. For a while, I actually wasn't really getting to enjoy playing because all was doing was pushing out villager, traveling, and cleaning up. I still haven't really gotten to play for enjoyment in a while, but that's another topic. I'm still trying to decide if I'll travel back to New Years day to see if there was an event. I was moving, so I'm not sure and haven't played since Toy Day! 😱🥺
Yeah the flowers multiplying was annoying me too, so I had to surround them with fencing to avoid constant clean up.
There's a small count down event on new year's, if you do tt to it, you really only have to go like 10 minutes before midnight and talk to your villagers to experience everything.
Yeah the flowers multiplying was annoying me too, so I had to surround them with fencing to avoid constant clean up.
There's a small count down event on new year's, if you do tt to it, you really only have to go like 10 minutes before midnight and talk to your villagers to experience everything.
Awesome, thanks! I'll definitely check it out then when I get a chance to get back to playing!
I don't really have a set time I stick to in jumping...but I'll say I usually jump larger times on my second town vs my main (just bc I don't have things set there permanently so I don't mind the mess of weeds/villager missing you dialogue/bugs in houses/etc).

My one main thing is I never stay on the wrong time. I always have to TT back to the current date.
I time travel one day at a time and try to stay as close to the actual date as possible. It's basically just pragmatic for me. I can't always play every day, so on certain days I'll play a few days in a row to catch up. In previous AC games it was more important to not miss days due to villagers moving out unexpectedly. But in NH, that is no longer an issue. But I do like to buy turnips every week and playing each day allows me to check the prices.
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I only time travel back to missed events, as sometimes I can’t complete them on the very day due to work. But I don’t time travel to farm art or catch seasonal fish/bugs. If it takes me a few years to complete the museum, so be it.
I don’t like to time travel to the future, and only time travel to events and such in the past that I missed due to life conflicting.

I really like the anticipation of waiting for certain days and events and time traveling to the future would spoil that for me.
In New Leaf, I sometimes time travel to the next day. In NH, I haven't time traveled a lot. The only time I did it was in May to keep playing the nature day event. But even then, it's only a day at a time. Haven't done it since though.
The worst part of this topic is when someone judges someone for what they choose to do.

I've never time traveled in any AC game. I think anticipation and patience have the potential to produce the most enjoyable parts of anything in life, not just this game. When you get what you want, when you want it, it's just not the same and for me and it will rapidly bring on boredom and less appreciation.

It makes it nearly impossible to 100% the game, but I have more fun.
I'm currently in April as the snow annoyed me. However, I usually only play one day at a time unless I'm super eager to move someone out or get a project like moving a building done.
I only TT when I‘m landscaping and I don’t go past the real date so I stay within the season. So generally if I’m doing a landscaping project I’ll TT back a few weeks and move forward one day at a time until I’m done and back on the real date. After I’ve completed my landscaping project I don’t TT anymore and I play as normal. I’ll also TT back to certain dated with nice weather conditions if I want to update my DA if I make changes in the future. I don’t TT for NPCs because it bores me to grind them like that so I just wait or visit other islands for NPCs like Redd and Celeste.
I time travel to what suits my mood. If I want to hunt for materials I will skip months at a time. Lately I have been taking it day by day to find flick so he can make models. I have also been playing the "same day" over again to wish on stars.
I don't really time travel in this game, only because I find it to be more of a hassle, lol. If Isabelle popped up to ask what the date was before I start my game like she did in NL I'd probably be more prone to time travelling. Given that I have to go into the systems settings to alter the date I don't do it tons.

When I do time travel, I typically only do it one day at a time. Sometimes I'll hop forward a day if I've ordered things for a trade, or I'll go back one day if I've missed something like a birthday - but once I've finished whatever I needed to do I'll go back to the actual date. I think another reason why I don't time travel tons in advance is because holidays are still locked behind updates (I think?) so if I want to play them I'd have to go back in time to the real date at some point anyways. I find it easier to just play the game one day at a time with the true date this time around.
I time traveled backwards by a few hours one time because I heard from a random person that it will not count as going forward a day as long as the date stays the same. I did it because I got Sherb in boxes like 3 am, and I fell asleep till the next day. I wanted to give him to someone so I tried going back. I either did it wrong or the person was wrong, because it did not work. Then I time travelled back to the normal time and it counted as ANOTHER day.
I vowed to never time travel, but now my copy is forever tainted with a 2 day offset. I haven't done that since, but knowing that I permanently have an offset from tting once, I may start doing it more.....
Though at first I didn't do it, at some point, I saw villagers wearing the cute Birthday Hat, and I began to worry more and more about it, wanting to wear one myself. Sometime after that, I felt I had to time travel backward just to collect them all from birthdays so I wouldn't feel like I was going to go insane over a cute hat.

After that experience, I changed a bit, now being kinda okay with time-travelling in reverse, but still feeling a bit guilty of it. Now, since I have all three of the hat colors, I only time-travel in reverse if I missed something, like the New Year's Silk Hat (though I'd like the pointy version and can't get that on my island) and light stick. So, yeah, it's time-travelling in reverse for me, seemingly never ahead of the current date.
Back when I was still getting my dreamies, I time traveled for weeks at a time trying to get certain villagers to leave. I didn't spoil any seasons for myself, but I did go back to cherry blossom season during the summer because I missed a few DIYs. Nowadays, if I need to time travel I only go a day or so ahead to see what's new in the shops. I would say I time travel however suits me overall.
When i played previous animal crossing games i time traveled A LOT but i really dont want to now because I kinda like the slow pacing of the game. That and its harder to time travel now that u have to change the time of the whole system in order to change the time in animal crossing lol